How's Your Year Been?

Generally an ok year for me, but i cant moan seeing im alive and in good health and so are my friends and family and i still have a job, which is more than we can say for most people these days.

The last few years for me though have been generally about having fun and enjoying holidays now whilst i can 8) and i have been very fortunate for the things i have done and places i have been.


2 years of dating and being fussy as fook has finally landed me my perfect match (thank you POF :lol:) and theres quite an exciting future in it for us...

Im gona have 4 bad months tho, end of August he heads off to Afghan for 4 months :evil: - thats gona be hell for me but gotta be strong for him and the rest of the troops that are going out there...

Lots of exciting things to look forward to when hes back tho :D and my brother comes out of prison end of July aswell...time for him to make up for the time hes missed bringing up my gorgeous niece :D

Good test for you. 1 of my best mates met her boyfriend 3 months before she was embarking on a 6 month travelling tour with friends - she didnt have much hopes for it, him being stuck here, her being away meeting new people - it worked perfectly and they are still together now after 4 years and live together, sometimes a test is good ;)
Good test for you. 1 of my best mates met her boyfriend 3 months before she was embarking on a 6 month travelling tour with friends - she didnt have much hopes for it, him being stuck here, her being away meeting new people - it worked perfectly and they are still together now after 4 years and live together, sometimes a test is good ;)

TBH i know i am not gona get any one more suited for me whos gona treat me the way he does, only met him a month ago but seems like 6, im taking that as a good thing tho as its ace :D
This years been an odd one.
Suffered depression at the start of the year, as I was struggling to settle in to Leeds, and had started talking to an ex again.

But now,
Summer is here, Ibiza is 3 weeks, 6 days away and my ex girlfriend realised she'd be an idiot and wants me and her to have another chance. :) so things are on the up.
All I need now is a pay raise :lol:
This years been an odd one.
Suffered depression at the start of the year, as I was struggling to settle in to Leeds, and had started talking to an ex again.

But now,
Summer is here, Ibiza is 3 weeks, 6 days away and my ex girlfriend realised she'd be an idiot and wants me and her to have another chance. :) so things are on the up.
All I need now is a pay raise :lol:

Time can be a great healer at times like these
So youre gona take her back then :?:

Yes. :) .
Alot of the issues we have when we were together (money, and distance) aren't an issue for us anymore. We both want to make this work. So hopefully, if it will.
If not, then I gave it my best shot.
Yes. :) .
Alot of the issues we have when we were together (money, and distance) aren't an issue for us anymore. We both want to make this work. So hopefully, if it will.
If not, then I gave it my best shot.

Good luck!
Jesus wept, have i stumbled upon Clare!

Good year. Bought ace house, got missus pregnant, pay rise in work, new radiohead album.
My year was off to a great start but has slowed down abit now. Freelance work is very few and far between and havnt worked now for nearly 7 weeks. The good thing was that i booked all my festivals/ibiza etc when i did have money so most of it is paid for but currently living out of savings. Still at my parents house which is lucky otherwise i would have been screwed financially. Plans for travelling next year are on hold untill work picks up again.
On the plus side my ankle is holding up ok and i can run on it now which i couldnt really do before and im also in the best shape ive been for a while :)
On the plus side my ankle is holding up ok and i can run on it now which i couldnt really do before and im also in the best shape ive been for a while :)

That is good news! I know only too well from Bernadette's badminton injury trauma just how devastating these injuries can be. Did the power of prayer heal you too?
6 months since last comment on this thread and now a whole 12 months since launch of product (where did that go?) still working hard trying to get the (fantastic) beach towel clips infront of all the retailers.
Managed to sort stockists from Toronto to Sydney and all points inbetween with Agents/distributors in Germany/Italy/Spain/Switzerland and fingers crossed S.Africa/USA.
Still pretty mental considering it was a daft idea on Talamanca!
Could do with getting some sales in now from all my dear friends on here so dig deep!
End of last year I left my boyfriend who I loved A LOT and thought I was going to get married and have children with, prob in 2011-2013 so the beginning of 2011 was a huge period of change. I moved into a new flat, went out partying with all my lush friends met loads of new people and generally had a great time (having a great time) I also started going to the gym and generally being good to myself, I lost 2 ½ stone. Sadly I also lost my focus at work a bit as all my motivations were tied into my long term goals marriage, babies etc so haven't had as much money as I would like, also got mega complaints from neighbours which meant I had to move (I am responsible honestly) The last 2 months I have refocused at work and am back on target with news goals and motivations, I have moved into “the bungalow” with my best friend so all in all have a great living, financial and work situation with loads of fun stuff to look forward to, the only thing missing is a special someone but right now I haven't really got time for that. 2011 has been a good year and I know it is only gonna get better. I have has to deal with a major court case a major break up and finding a new home twice it would have been easy for me to break down when it all got too much but I truly believe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and there will always be people out there in far worse situations, concentrate on what is good in your life, keep smiling and always look forward rather than back. Life is what you make it!!

Ibiza in less than 2 months, can't wait
doesn't kill you makes you stronger and there will always be people out there in far worse situations, concentrate on what is good in your life, keep smiling and always look forward rather than back. Life is what you make it!!

Praise be! I bet you pray hard Sister! And saved you!
End of last year I left my boyfriend who I loved A LOT and thought I was going to get married and have children with, prob in 2011-2013 so the beginning of 2011 was a huge period of change. I moved into a new flat, went out partying with all my lush friends met loads of new people and generally had a great time (having a great time) I also started going to the gym and generally being good to myself, I lost 2 ½ stone. Sadly I also lost my focus at work a bit as all my motivations were tied into my long term goals marriage, babies etc so haven't had as much money as I would like, also got mega complaints from neighbours which meant I had to move (I am responsible honestly) The last 2 months I have refocused at work and am back on target with news goals and motivations, I have moved into “the bungalow” with my best friend so all in all have a great living, financial and work situation with loads of fun stuff to look forward to, the only thing missing is a special someone but right now I haven't really got time for that. 2011 has been a good year and I know it is only gonna get better. I have has to deal with a major court case a major break up and finding a new home twice it would have been easy for me to break down when it all got too much but I truly believe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and there will always be people out there in far worse situations, concentrate on what is good in your life, keep smiling and always look forward rather than back. Life is what you make it!!

Ibiza in less than 2 months, can't wait

Can I ask why the big change or is that personal?

Understand if you dont want to reply x
Can I ask why the big change or is that personal?

Understand if you dont want to reply x

i'm not shy emma, we didn't have a physical relationship, became just good friends who cuddled an awful lot. It doesn't matter how well you get on with someone in my eyes you need more than friendship.

best thing I ever did.
i'm not shy emma, we didn't have a physical relationship, became just good friends who cuddled an awful lot. It doesn't matter how well you get on with someone in my eyes you need more than friendship.

best thing I ever did.

Sounds like the right thing for everyone concerned. People do it, don't they, stick with what they know and end up in a sexless LTR or marriage, but christ knows how. They're must be serious some self abuse or cheating going on by a couple of years in!
Personally if the physical attraction to my partner dies somewhat i cant be with them. The physical part of a relationship is a massive thing to me.

Twice now i have chucked guys for the 'physical side' of a relationship, two very diff reasons but a good enough reason for me to not want to be with them.

Totally understand where your coming from Blondie 8)