How's Your Year Been?

Feel like everything is getting generally shi tter - politics, sport, media, music, entertainment, people's attitudes. Or am i more critical??

Feel myself becoming more cynical, less patient.

Thats just an age thing, most people become more cynical as they get older. Im even starting to turn down the radio because its just "noise" not music any more
the country's going down the toilet faster than a heavyweight turd

and the weather can do one n all :arrow: people celebrating the snow need psychiatric help

god knows why I'm still here - some vague loyalty to my roots and friends. Beyond that there's nothing to keep me here, I would miss the full pasteurised milk, sainsburys sausages and one or two pubs and that's it. Everything is just drowning in mediocrity. The party's over. Why are we all still clinging on to the wreckage?

but where do you go next? I could go back to spain but the job situation is toxic - I would be unemployable as anything other than a teacher.

the rest of Europe requires learning new languages and I'm too brain dead to start now.

dismal isn't the half of it. So I'm effectively marooned. and facing the most expensive, turbulent year of my life.

it's a shyte state of affairs, Spud
the country's going down the toilet faster than a heavyweight turd

and the weather can do one n all :arrow: people celebrating the snow need psychiatric help

god knows why I'm still here - some vague loyalty to my roots and friends. Beyond that there's nothing to keep me here, I would miss the full pasteurised milk, sainsburys sausages and one or two pubs and that's it. Everything is just drowning in mediocrity. The party's over. Why are we all still clinging on to the wreckage?

but where do you go next? I could go back to spain but the job situation is toxic - I would be unemployable as anything other than a teacher.

the rest of Europe requires learning new languages and I'm too brain dead to start now.

dismal isn't the half of it. So I'm effectively marooned. and facing the most expensive, turbulent year of my life.

it's a shyte state of affairs, Spud

Why is there only a party when everyone is drowning in wealth?

We've been spoilt by capitalism - that's what really sucks.

No money? Diddums. We're still a very privileged nation (just by the way).
I hope if it's what you want that you get the chance - I'm sure you'd love being a Dad mate.

Yeah I'm sure I would too. :eek:

(NEVER did I think I'd hear myself saying that.)

I think it's more likely that I'll tick that box through some other means like voluntary work with kids abroad or something.

But still - everyone who is consciously rising to all the challenges of parenthood => respect.
the country's going down the toilet faster than a heavyweight turd

and the weather can do one n all :arrow: people celebrating the snow need psychiatric help

god knows why I'm still here - some vague loyalty to my roots and friends. Beyond that there's nothing to keep me here, I would miss the full pasteurised milk, sainsburys sausages and one or two pubs and that's it. Everything is just drowning in mediocrity. The party's over. Why are we all still clinging on to the wreckage?

but where do you go next? I could go back to spain but the job situation is toxic - I would be unemployable as anything other than a teacher.

the rest of Europe requires learning new languages and I'm too brain dead to start now.

dismal isn't the half of it. So I'm effectively marooned. and facing the most expensive, turbulent year of my life.

it's a shyte state of affairs, Spud

:eek: You need to start taking some Berocca! :rolleyes:
Personally vvv happy and lucky to be with the Burd 8)
Back running again - Completed 2 x 10k's, 1 Half Marathon 8)

Job still ****e, getting ****ter by the hour... 12months job hunting, over 150 applications, 2 interviews, and still stuck in the arse end of nowhere on 20% less hours and pay. :evil:
Why is there only a party when everyone is drowning in wealth?

We've been spoilt by capitalism - that's what really sucks.

No money? Diddums. We're still a very privileged nation (just by the way).

my main issue isn't so much money (although not having it is going to sting) it's a general lack of inspiration and sense of boredom. That's a not a lot of new thinking in politics, not a lot of new music or film that's grabbing me and the tv is just cliches. + constant stream of virals, people trying to out-freak each other "hey here's a picture of a dog in a nightie". In fact everything is regurgitated cliches. Feels like my brain is under constant assault every time I open any kind of media - constant crap, so much so I start writing it myself = one way path to depression. escape? but when you work in the media in London you cannot escape from any of it. The obvious solution is to fall in love with someone and forget all about it but it's a vicious circle - you can't really fall in love when you're so mentally scarred.

I don't have the solutions

or maybe I should just copy everyone else

yeah, I had a great year, mate. Ok I'll shut up and stop wallowing.
Career wise ****test year on record, just dont feel I achieved anything, moves are afoot to change in the new year, have been in same job for 6 years, time for a move

On a personal level I have another daughter, so it cant be all bad!!
I don't have the solutions

or maybe I should just copy everyone else

yeah, I had a great year, mate. Ok I'll shut up and stop wallowing.

No-one's expecting that Olly. Most people have cited some negatives.

Hope things pick up for you.
No-one's expecting that Olly. Most people have cited some negatives.

Hope things pick up for you.
Ditto that.

If I were going to cite some negatives - the only thing that really comes to mind is that I haven't made substantial progress. Same job. Same crappy little apartment. Same wife... oops... suppose that last one's a good thing :lol: And a year older.

One wonders if there should be a drive to improve one's self, or if it's better to be happy being the drone you are if doing so affords you a decent level of comfort.
am ok, cheers, just had a weird hour where everything gushed out via my keyboard - quite cathartic as it happens. Am ranted out!

some positives in the year 2010

- FC Barcelona
- the ibiza experience - opened me up to all sorts of new things
- making new friends on the London balearic scene
- London's river at night
- lazy summer afternoons in Victoria Park
- colourful weekends in Brighton, Hastings, Devon
- Leftfield
- moving to N16 from SE4
- rediscovering the beatles and old disco records
- the mighty return of the wispa bar
my main issue isn't so much money (although not having it is going to sting) it's a general lack of inspiration and sense of boredom. That's a not a lot of new thinking in politics, not a lot of new music or film that's grabbing me and the tv is just cliches. + constant stream of virals, people trying to out-freak each other "hey here's a picture of a dog in a nightie". In fact everything is regurgitated cliches. Feels like my brain is under constant assault every time I open any kind of media - constant crap, so much so I start writing it myself = one way path to depression. escape? but when you work in the media in London you cannot escape from any of it. The obvious solution is to fall in love with someone and forget all about it but it's a vicious circle - you can't really fall in love when you're so mentally scarred.

I don't have the solutions

or maybe I should just copy everyone else

yeah, I had a great year, mate. Ok I'll shut up and stop wallowing.

I get you.

...and if this was 2007 I'd have agreed wholeheartedly but I think the second half of this year has seen some really interesting shifts in public consciousness. (UK-Uncut/Wikileaks etc)

You're never going to find the new politics you're searching for in the bloody house of commons. :rolleyes:

The sound of the underground is back for the first time since punk and acid house - and momentum has only just started to build.
Had a fantastic year....
Never thought back in January that some mad idea of an 'invention' would actually go live on its website, be featured in numerous magazines, newspapers and TV listed as one of the summers must have beach gadgets.
Didn't think i would have people from the department of trade and investment working on my behalf trying to sort out routes to market around the globe or retailers from overseas wanting to sell my product!
Sounds really corny but it has been way beyond my wildest dreams.

So all in all 2010 was a good one!
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I get you.

...and if this was 2007 I'd have agreed wholeheartedly but I think the second half of this year has seen some really interesting shifts in public consciousness. (UK-Uncut/Wikileaks etc)

You're never going to find the new politics you're searching for in the bloody house of commons. :rolleyes:

The sound of the underground is back for the first time since punk and acid house - and momentum has only just started to build.

I agree with you there are some interesting trends eg the nation state v the internet - and it isn't entirely clear how the 'old' can control the 'new' but my fear is the old are too entrenched, too powerful still to let go.

the return of the punk spirit - hmmm, we'll see. The cynic within thinks revolution seems to be more about filming violence on your camera phone than taking part in it these days
Had a fantastic year....
Never thought back in January that some mad idea of an 'invention' would actually go live on its website, be featured in numerous magazines, newspapers and TV listed as one of the summers must have beach gadgets.
Didn't think i would have people from the department of trade and investment working on my behalf trying to sort out routes to market around the globe or retailers from overseas wanting to sell my product!
Sounds really corny but it has been way beyond my wildest dreams.

Nice one - that's amazing.

I agree with you there are some interesting trends eg the nation state v the internet - and it isn't entirely clear how the 'old' can control the 'new' but my fear is the old are too entrenched, too powerful still to let go.

the return of the punk spirit - hmmm, we'll see. The cynic within thinks revolution seems to be more about filming violence on your camera phone than taking part in it these days

Yeah part of it...but the violent voyeurs you're referring to are all part of the daily mail take on protests being full of tearaway youths hellbent on poking Camilla.

The majority of people at these gigs are passionate peaceful individuals. Turn up and draw your own.

The old will never let go - till they fall. (and every empire since the Romans has fallen)

Greece and Ireland are both down - watch the rest go like dominoes and then the people that believe in this faux power will start quaking in their boots.

Just try to drop the adult stance for a moment and look at the reality of events and the fact is we're entering scary unknown territory. We have no choice but to let go of the outcome because there's no past event to base it on.

Optimism is therefore all we have left.

I completely honour the place you're coming from too - it's beautifully honest in a society where most people are burying their heads in the sand and 'acting normal'.

...and working in the media does nothing but heighten the sense of this - I've been there. ;)

Have a good weekend etc.