How's Your Year Been?

Year 2010 has been a good one, our little girl (two on Monday) started sleeping through the night, making life a zillion times easier to cope with. Watching our little girl and boy (five) develop into gorgeous rounded children has been exhilarating.

House now all renovated after fives years of blood sweat and tears.

Fantastic mini Ibiza trip without the children:twisted:.

Webuyanycar valued our old Volvo @ £75, two days laters some bloke ploughed into it outside our house, shortly after we had a cheque for £1,400:lol::lol:.

Leeds United flying high.

Not so good
Chronic back ache that makes one question if you are all washed up for good.

Loss of the sister (aged 13) of brother and sister cats a few weeks ago.

Looking older, much as I am at peace with myself, the ageing process is cruel!

Re: World and country economic status. I think the financial crash of a few years ago was the best possible thing to happen to the world. It has made people re-evaluate what is actually important. Personally I have had a massive shift in conciousness this past year or two and feel much happier and in total control of my own life. The days of the old guard are numbered, it's only a matter of time, as above, the internet has helped liberate the world.
good thread!

travelling to a lot of new places :)
spending a great summer in switzerland 8)
getting more and more into scuba diving (it's addictive really) :idea:
some tremendous parties :twisted:
two amazing weeks in ibiza :D8):twisted:

rollercoaster-like relationship...very intense and tiring at times :confused:
seeing me asking myself: "am i in the right place, work- and lifewise? do i really want it that way?" :?: :confused: :?: :confused:
Funny how you forget things that seemed significant at the time. I got jumped earlier in year. Four strangers followed me out of a kebab house after our annual footy club Xmas dinner and battered the bejesus out of me.

Fact I'd forgotten about shows what effect they had! :lol:Losers!
Funny how you forget things that seemed significant at the time. I got jumped earlier in year. Four strangers followed me out of a kebab house after our annual footy club Xmas dinner and battered the bejesus out of me.

Fact I'd forgotten about shows what effect they had! :lol:Losers!

**** that's horrible.

Which part of London and why? Was there an altercation of any sort?
**** that's horrible.

Which part of London and why? Was there an altercation of any sort?

None. Random attack from behind :)lol:).

I hit the ground like a sack of spuds, was far too drunk to defend myself. Luckily most of the bruising was to my torso, though I did scrape my face on the pavement a bit:

Ruined my favourite suit, p1ssed blood for a few days.

On the plus side, I was single at the time and women seemed to love the look. Flo' complex I guess:lol:

Edited to add: north suburbs Rob, Finchley
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If anyone had told me on Jan 1st 2010 that I would become a Dad, that there would be Lib Dems in the cabinet, that I would succesfully complete a road trip to Ibiza without a/crashing or b/getting arrested, that spurs would be in the champions league k/o round, that I would be living in N16 and that I would still be managing not to get sacked from this job, I would have had them sectioned

:lol: if anybody told me you would be a dad in 2010 i wouldnt have believed them!!
you really should save some dosh & come visit me.....
i havent bean on the internet for ages... almost a year,.,,,,??
2010 has bean the best year of my life....
found the man of my dreams, i love my job & i bought my 1st house....!
im sure somethings gotta give soon.....
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Hi everyone, long time no type, hope everyone is good . . .

This year has been quite mixed really, involved quite a few high's and quite a few lows, I'm hoping for a better start to 2011.

Celebrating my 1st year wedding anniversay (the man still wants me, got to be a bonus)
Going back to Ibiza (1st time in 5 years)
Seem to be doing well with Job, payrise and more reponsibility
Getting rid of drama-filled friend

Joey loosing his job and still to this day being out of employment
Being too nice and allowing drama-filled friend back in

Happy Xmas Mambs (and Joey).

The drama-filled friend isn't the holiday goosebeert from posts passim, is it?:p
Hi everyone, long time no type, hope everyone is good . . .

This year has been quite mixed really, involved quite a few high's and quite a few lows, I'm hoping for a better start to 2011.

Celebrating my 1st year wedding anniversay (the man still wants me, got to be a bonus)
Going back to Ibiza (1st time in 5 years)
Seem to be doing well with Job, payrise and more reponsibility
Getting rid of drama-filled friend

Joey loosing his job and still to this day being out of employment
Being too nice and allowing drama-filled friend back in


Know what you mean about drama filled friends! :lol:
Its been a weird one for us this year - positive for me and my career - pretty **** for Phil and his career down to being offered a great job in Jan this year - but its still to materialise through one thing and another, so juggling me being happy with a massively down husband - Its hard sometimes when you have had a crappy day and you want to moan but dont want your husband to feel bad because he's feeling he's let his wife down by not having any regular work coming in....

Parents are now fit and well again - thank God!! Being thousands of miles and a 5hr flight away lets just say its been difficult worrying about Dad's cancer treatment and Mum having to have another bionic knee fitted - so the decision has been made that they will move back to the UK in 2011 - to be honest and truthful - cacking it!!! I have been so used to them not being around me for the past 15 years I suspect its going to be a real shock to the system (for all of us) so I will just have to bite my tongue and not act like a spoilt child :lol::lol:

I have lost 3 good friends in the past 8 weeks due to sudden illness and that has really devastated me.... so young..

Anyway the country is going to hell in a handbasket so enough said on that - but plans are still afoot to get away from this country when I get to 50!!! 5 years time :lol::lol::lol:

On the plus side we got back out to Ibiza in June/July with Gingerfreak and Daz - finally met more excellent Spotlighters and really had one of the best trips there in a good while - most likely would say its in the top 3 8)

Kept the husband as positive as I can - and think I have managed it to some degree. (Only to have Everton ruin it every sodding weekend just about!!:spank:) :lol:

Have knocked 98% of the party lifestyle on the head now due to the music venue options in newcastle being sh**e these days and generally feeling far too old and jaded to hang around with hundreds of young people off their nut on Meow Meow and NRG-1 - its just not the same loved up clubbing experience it was even a couple of years ago.... (......also because I keep worrying about the headlines on the front of the local paper of things like "45 year old local woman found dead from minxy night out" oh the shame.....:oops::oops:

I have wonderful friends, an amazing husband and a great career and I love life and am annoyingly an eternal optimist ..... so I can say its been a 70/30 split on good bad in 2010 but hopeful that 2011 will be Phil's year....
Its been a weird one for us this year - positive for me and my career - pretty **** for Phil and his career down to being offered a great job in Jan this year - but its still to materialise through one thing and another, so juggling me being happy with a massively down husband - Its hard sometimes when you have had a crappy day and you want to moan but dont want your husband to feel bad because he's feeling he's let his wife down by not having any regular work coming in....

Parents are now fit and well again - thank God!! Being thousands of miles and a 5hr flight away lets just say its been difficult worrying about Dad's cancer treatment and Mum having to have another bionic knee fitted - so the decision has been made that they will move back to the UK in 2011 - to be honest and truthful - cacking it!!! I have been so used to them not being around me for the past 15 years I suspect its going to be a real shock to the system (for all of us) so I will just have to bite my tongue and not act like a spoilt child :lol::lol:

I have lost 3 good friends in the past 8 weeks due to sudden illness and that has really devastated me.... so young..

Anyway the country is going to hell in a handbasket so enough said on that - but plans are still afoot to get away from this country when I get to 50!!! 5 years time :lol::lol::lol:

On the plus side we got back out to Ibiza in June/July with Gingerfreak and Daz - finally met more excellent Spotlighters and really had one of the best trips there in a good while - most likely would say its in the top 3 8)

Kept the husband as positive as I can - and think I have managed it to some degree. (Only to have Everton ruin it every sodding weekend just about!!:spank:) :lol:

Have knocked 98% of the party lifestyle on the head now due to the music venue options in newcastle being sh**e these days and generally feeling far too old and jaded to hang around with hundreds of young people off their nut on Meow Meow and NRG-1 - its just not the same loved up clubbing experience it was even a couple of years ago.... (......also because I keep worrying about the headlines on the front of the local paper of things like "45 year old local woman found dead from minxy night out" oh the shame.....:oops::oops:

I have wonderful friends, an amazing husband and a great career and I love life and am annoyingly an eternal optimist ..... so I can say its been a 70/30 split on good bad in 2010 but hopeful that 2011 will be Phil's year....

Good Luck to you next year Pups, I'm sure it will be a good one for Phil - you can't keep a good man down!

(And i know what you mean about Newcastle, it's been shocking since they closed The End :lol::lol::lol: )
I have lost 3 good friends in the past 8 weeks due to sudden illness and that has really devastated me.... so young..

OMG that is horrid, sorry to hear that Steph :( It makes the little things we moan about seem so irrelevant when shi7 like that happens. Sad.

On the plus side we got back out to Ibiza in June/July with Gingerfreak and Daz - finally met more excellent Spotlighters and really had one of the best trips there in a good while - most likely would say its in the top 3 8)

Are we going to be seeing you again next summer ;)
Such is life guys, but bloody hell, brain tumour, septicaemia and suicide.....:eek: you just have to mourn and then try your best to get on - life's too short so embrace it and you have to try to remember the good times... I try to...

Definately another visit next year , but also likely to be over near Javea too next year as my boss has just bought a house and has offered it for use as and when if he isnt buying it (and yes Liam - I would have sent him your link if he hadnt already been and bought :lol::lol:) so you might see us over your neck of the woods ;-)

and yes Phil will bounce back (why he has me behind him :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:) he's too good to be on the heap :evil:

Anyway love and hugs to all of us for 2011 and lets not let the b******ds if the world get us down and remember - dont stress over things you have absolutely no control over!! 8)

:lol: if anybody told me you would be a dad in 2010 i wouldnt have believed them!!
you really should save some dosh & come visit me.....
i havent bean on the internet for ages... almost a year,.,,,,??
2010 has bean the best year of my life....
found the man of my dreams, i love my job & i bought my 1st house....!
im sure somethings gotta give soon.....

you 'sold out' and 'grew up', in other words

come back to europe on yr honeymoon - missed you this year x