How's Your Year Been?

Am I the only one reading this with an ever increasing number of sarcy comments in my head, but so far demonstrating incredible restraint?

Yes I see what you are saying Blondie......I know a few friends who have done the same. Just became "best friends".

What about this though for a situation - colleague of mine says they have not slept with their partner since 2004 - they now have a kind of open relationship - well as in he does what he wants (I think)

I cant get my head round that?

Sorry should add they have children so that kind of keeps them together.

I cant understand any woman being happy to go without?

Thats shocking, they are blates getting it elsewhere just wont admit it :lol:
Im preety sure i can safely say that for the male anyway ;)
2011 better than 2010. Happy doing what I want to do right now. offered 3 jobs. upskilled and ready to start my own business in 2012. too many funerals and no weddings that was not good. Lost 2 stone. Did Ibiza in April which was different. Hope 2 get back in September for Madness gig at Ibiza Rocks. Offered a ticket from a National Political party still undecided whether I run. Learned a little more about life and how to take things as they are.
:)2011 so far been one of my best. have had a special birthday which ended in a zero which has taken some getting used to as really don't feel that old :confused:. Helps that my wife turned same age 6 weeks later so went to Vegas for a week to commiserate/celebrate!

Heading off to Ibiza for 17th time for 12 days on sunday.

Work is sometimes stressful and I wonder why I stick at the corporate thing but then I remember it pays for stuff like the above and general socialising so realise its not all bad and like some have said before, lots of people are a lot worse off.

Got a massive reunion of clubbing mates planned for a night out at end of July which really looking forward to so plenty to look forward to in the latter part of the year.:)
Sounds like the right thing for everyone concerned. People do it, don't they, stick with what they know and end up in a sexless LTR or marriage, but christ knows how. They're must be serious some self abuse or cheating going on by a couple of years in!

we lasted a long time without cheating (i'm pretty confident he didn't cheat anyway) but i was getting close so i left before i did something i regretted!

can't believe i stayed so long!!

Emma i dont get open relationships, cant see that relationship working! That being said i look at all the people i know in relationships and with the exception of people that have been together for 2 years or less they are all having problems some small, some def not small problems, so maybe looking at other ways to approach relationships isn't such a bad thing, not for me, no way but if it works for them?.............why not good luck to them
we lasted a long time without cheating (i'm pretty confident he didn't cheat anyway) but i was getting close so i left before i did something i regretted!

can't believe i stayed so long!!

Emma i dont get open relationships, cant see that relationship working! That being said i look at all the people i know in relationships and with the exception of people that have been together for 2 years or less they are all having problems some small, some def not small problems, so maybe looking at other ways to approach relationships isn't such a bad thing, not for me, no way but if it works for them?.............why not good luck to them

I tried different relationships it comes down to what works for you and your partner(s).
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2011 to date has been all round ace-ness :D

Started the year with return visit to Berghain/Panorama for my birthday - reinforced my belief that Panorama Bar is the best club in the world EVER. I don't even bother with Ibiza anymore as clubbing in Berlin wipes the floor with it :spank:

Went from an 18 hour clubbing sesh in Panorama to 10 weeks of absinence from alcohol and everything else while training for the marathon - I tend to do things to extremes :eek:

April I ran Brighton Marathon in 4 hours 29 mins, so proud of myself that this ex-fag-ash-Lil-wino can run a marathon and in a fairly decent time :lol:

Then went straight from running to 3 weeks in America - firstly for a friend's gorgeous wedding in South California and then a bit of roadtrip - absolutely LOVED it all with the exception of Vegas (awful), favourite bits were the National Parks - Yosemite, Grand Canyon and Death Valley are some of the most stunning places I've ever visited - oh and American beer is bloody fantastic. GodblessAmerica :lol:;)

And while all that was going on we put our house in London on the market at the end of January, sold it and bought a house in Brighton and as of the end of May we are now Brighton residents - absolutely love it here, I've got THE best vintage shops, vegetarian food until it's coming out my ears, (proper) pubs galore, people are just so friendly and it's all a bit less of a rat race than London.

Happy Days :lol:
2011 to date has been all round ace-ness :D

Started the year with return visit to Berghain/Panorama for my birthday - reinforced my belief that Panorama Bar is the best club in the world EVER. I don't even bother with Ibiza anymore as clubbing in Berlin wipes the floor with it :spank:

Went from an 18 hour clubbing sesh in Panorama to 10 weeks of absinence from alcohol and everything else while training for the marathon - I tend to do things to extremes :eek:

April I ran Brighton Marathon in 4 hours 29 mins, so proud of myself that this ex-fag-ash-Lil-wino can run a marathon and in a fairly decent time :lol:

Then went straight from running to 3 weeks in America - firstly for a friend's gorgeous wedding in South California and then a bit of roadtrip - absolutely LOVED it all with the exception of Vegas (awful), favourite bits were the National Parks - Yosemite, Grand Canyon and Death Valley are some of the most stunning places I've ever visited - oh and American beer is bloody fantastic. GodblessAmerica :lol:;)

And while all that was going on we put our house in London on the market at the end of January, sold it and bought a house in Brighton and as of the end of May we are now Brighton residents - absolutely love it here, I've got THE best vintage shops, vegetarian food until it's coming out my ears, (proper) pubs galore, people are just so friendly and it's all a bit less of a rat race than London.

Happy Days :lol:

The national parks are great, I'm glad you enjoyed them. Yosemite is my favorite.
The national parks are great, I'm glad you enjoyed them. Yosemite is my favorite.

Yosemite was our favourite too - absolutely breathtaking beautiful :D I'd been to the States a couple of times before (New York like everyone does and a month in California when I was younger) but this was the first time I felt I really explored (albeit a tiny bit of) your country and it totally blew me away.

And I am now addicted to Blue Moon :lol:
Yosemite was our favourite too - absolutely breathtaking beautiful :D I'd been to the States a couple of times before (New York like everyone does and a month in California when I was younger) but this was the first time I felt I really explored (albeit a tiny bit of) your country and it totally blew me away.

And I am now addicted to Blue Moon :lol:

Blue Moon on tap with a slice of orange is great in the summer. You have probably seen more of america than most Americans.