How easy is it to hook up in Ibiza?


Dude, you need to chill for a bit.

I have met PG79 on a few occasions, and Anjali on one occasion. However, I talked to them enough to realize that they are probably the most versatile and interesting women one could come across. There are not many folks that you could be around with whom you can have a very thought provoking manner for an hour, and then turn around and hit the dance floor and have a blast for the next 3 hours, and then talk about mere trifles and share great laughs for the rest of the night. PG79 and Anjali are that type. Absolutely fabulous, and a joy to be with.

On another note, Bripmon you sick mofo. What the heck are you doing pointing a Beretta at a little kitty :lol: :lol: ? Just kidding :lol: .
LagunaBeachCA said:

Dude, you need to chill for a bit.

I have met PG79 on a few occasions, and Anjali on one occasion. However, I talked to them enough to realize that they are probably the most versatile and interesting women one could come across. There are not many folks that you could be around with whom you can have a very thought provoking manner for an hour, and then turn around and hit the dance floor and have a blast for the next 3 hours, and then talk about mere trifles and share great laughs for the rest of the night. PG79 and Anjali are that type. Absolutely fabulous, and a joy to be with.

WOW, I don't know what to say... coming from you Laguna those are high compliments, and thank you :P :P
Wait a second people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It appears that a lot of people here are misguided. The person responsible for all the cynicism in this thread is the person(s) who cast the first insult. After that, it turned into a matter of defensiveness. After all, if someone is attacking you verbally, you are going to respond accordingly. Rossi was asking a legitimately appropriate question and this forum exist for that exclusive purpose- for discussion. We as participants should respond with a sincere answer. I have never been to ibiza; but, if I was going to go, I too would want to how the women are as well. This is not a "trashy" or "worthless" question. The people who are making comments about how unsuitable it is to make generalizations or blanket comments are the same people who are making them. Some of you are even justifying rude comments by a fancy context- by using "big" words, and then condescendingly mocking others' intelligence. Some people on this board apparently think they are above others linguistically. Just answer the question because others are curious too.
Diggler, what a great post there, You really schooled them on that one. You and coffetime are the biggest pimps on here. And thats for real

pimps up, ho's down
just a littel more love...
just a little more peace...
its all it takes.. to live a dream..
walk hand in hand.. got to understand..
that one day or two..
we'll live in harmonyyyyyyyyyyyy..

u guys need a CHILL PILL 8) u got the attention u were looking for ;)

PG79 & Anjali, ur way above his class (obviosaly) ;) ignorance sometimes is the best thing to deal with ppl ;) (am i considered a shopping buddy now :lol: :lol: ) so no need to open a can of whoooop ass.. save it for a rainy day lOl
by the way PG79, hows the party seen pickin up in Diego?

Mr. 619, looks like u made lots of friends in here! does this increases the chances of u getting laid on the island?! MMMMmmmmmm yeah! West End @ 3am here u go :lol:
by the way Mr.W, hows the party seen pickin up in Diego?

wana garantee a shag?? come this friday to dubai for Erick Morillo - Subliminal Sessions 9 CD Release Party :lol: trust me ull get what u want, without any bitching about "can i get some plllllllllllllllllllllls"

IMO, this is a great thread since it made me laugh like i haven't laughed in ages :lol: ...

love N peace 2 all,
I'm totally with MrSt0NeD here... I thought Ibiza was about accepting all kinds of people no matter what.

So the guy likes sex and is looking for it - so what?

Some might find that offensive, some might find it disgusting. But that's his thing.

You know some of my friends thinks that using drugs is highly immoral and me going to Ibiza to club @ 28 is completely ridiculous and pathetic.
They're still my friends cause they accept my interests and whatever makes me happy.
It has nothing to do with acceptance. Yes, Ibiza is accepting. Yes, people have sex on the island. It's cool, it's natural, it's fun.

The problem is the insipid way Rossi's gone about asking this question and his juvenile response to the fact that some people took offense at it.

Look at what he's written! "Pimps up, ho's down"? What is that? A high school football game chant? And he called me an "ass kissing fruit", which I find quite pathetic.

In response to Rossi, no, I'm not Pacha Girl's shopping partner, but I do show respect for other people which you've failed to do on this message board. People are here to help newbies like you, but we're also a community and you don't come into someone's house as a guest and start throwing stones. In short, grow up.
I think Rossi first post wasn't offensive and he got quite funny answers, so I understand he got more agressive in the next comments (I'm not justifying). Comments like go to Falakiri if you want sex are this :? :? :?

I don't know why people on this forum usually go funny when people ask about sex on the island. Sex is one of better things in life and it's normal that people on holidays want to have a good time.

And after two years messing around this forums I still can't understand why people can't accept there's others ways to experience Ibiza, others musical tastes, other interests. Empathi is vital in life and some members on here have level zero on it
MrSt0NeD said:
silvia said:
Empathi is vital in life

Hats off to Miss Silvia...

wise words come from a wise mind...

total respect right there sexy mama ;)

have funnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Surely he only got "nasty" when ppl started making fun of him. His first post was very sincere and straight out.

Nothing overly immature asking about sex in a normal and natural way.