How easy is it to hook up in Ibiza?

stephen said:
the reality of ibiza of course is that most people are not here for music, drugs, and sex.

I once took a paracaetamol and 'fed the ducks' with my headphones on, listening to "Je T'aime" on whilst in the bathroom...

Does this count?
rossi619 said:
Thanks Ferd, when you make you way here, you'll see what im saying.

Ferd was being sarcastic there when he called you a charmer above, Einstein. lol.

OK OK, yes I will admit that some of the chicks out here cop attitudes... but maybe they wouldn't be so defensive if they didn't have people like you all over them all the time, desperately searching for the quickest way into their pants??
I've been to San Diego twice. I thought everyone, women included, was quite nice.

Then again, I didn't go there trying to get laid :lol:
Morbyd said:
I've been to San Diego twice. I thought everyone, women included, was quite nice.

Then again, I didn't go there trying to get laid :lol:

Thank you Morbyd doll. We are not all beeyotches out here. I try to be as patient and sweet as I can when being blatantly hit on, but it usually ends up with the guy pushing it farther and farther and eventually they cross the line... then I have to put up my fisticuffs :twisted:

ps. what were you doing out here... I forget...
PachaGirl79 said:
ps. what were you doing out here... I forget...
That's because I've never said :lol:

I was there on vacation once in the 80s and on business once in the 90s. Loved the bars in the gas lamp district, but I'm sure every tourist does :lol:
well pachagirl i love how upset you have gotten over this post, its prudes like you that make life less enjoyable. Remember sex is natural, so dont fight the feeling. And to all the guys reading this, Get your game on
rossi619 said:
well pachagirl i love how upset you have gotten over this post, its prudes like you that make life less enjoyable. Remember sex is natural, so dont fight the feeling. And to all the guys reading this, Get your game on

First of all, I am way amused and not at all upset over your worthless post.

Secondly, you can say/think what you want or make any other ridiculous comments about people you have never even met fool, but DEFINITELY not a prude here :roll: :roll:
rossi619 said:
well pachagirl i love how upset you have gotten over this post, its prudes like you that make life less enjoyable. Remember sex is natural, so dont fight the feeling. And to all the guys reading this, Get your game on
Who said she was prude? You've missed the point, and stepped over the line.

No one here is against sex. Just because PachaGirl or others don't hop in the sack with everyone they meet doesn't mean she/he is prude. Some people have discerning taste... which might explain the problems you've been having in San Diego :roll:
Morbyd said:
rossi619 said:
well pachagirl i love how upset you have gotten over this post, its prudes like you that make life less enjoyable. Remember sex is natural, so dont fight the feeling. And to all the guys reading this, Get your game on
Who said she was prude? You've missed the point, and stepped over the line.

No one here is against sex. Just because PachaGirl or others don't hop in the sack with everyone they meet doesn't mean she/he is prude. Some people have discerning taste... which might explain the problems you've been having in San Diego :roll:

Love you for that, and its precisely my point.

If being a little selective about who I sleep with makes me a prude, then so be it.
"And to all the guys reading this, Get your game on- Rossi619"

Why is that only directed to the guys? Anyone who generalizes a gender, a city, etc. (as brilliantly executed by our San Diego pal...I am a San Diego native by the way...) is socially inept. It is no wonder women in SD are bitches to Rossi he automatically has placed them into a box. IF you read any of mine and Pachagirl's posts you'd see she isn't a prude and neither am I MERELY because we have standards for the men we decide to sleep with...namely that it isn't just about conquest but about enjoyment of sex itself. I can get my game on as good as the next "guy" I just choose to enjoy the natural and fabulous act of sex rather than see it as some sort of game that whoever c*ms the most wins. What is natural about that???
anjali/morbid you ass kissing fruits. You must be pachagirls shopping partners to come to her rescue, and obvioulsy she needs all the help she can get.You have no idea how I am with the girls, I am more then gentlemen to them,but when they cant even respond to a simple hello, then yea im gonna start to wonder . So you should now see where im comming from. You dont see what i see down here, in Diego. My friends and i see it all the time. And pachagirl If you arent a prude i have a blind friend that might touch you haha
Ok genius...NO ONE said every single girl is just being picky. There are always bitches...hence the word G-E-N-E-R-A-L-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N. We were saying you are making blanket (meaning throwing everyone in one group) comments about San Diego as a city and females in that city in general (see above for the proper meaning of the word so you understand)

It seems as though you protest too much...and those of us beyond the mental capacity of an 8 year old will understand that.

Enough with the low blows that you think will actually damage. Give it up. You are proving yourself to be a bigger fool that initially (that means at FIRST) thought...
"anjali/morbid you ass kissing fruits-Rossi619"

By the way Mr. Wonderful...I am a female...WAIT let me predict the next comment..."WELL my blind friend would touch you too" OR "you are a prude too."

Maybe I will be wrong...maybe you will surprise us all with your brilliant and succinct posts.

Will somebody please think of the kittens!!!!


In total agreement about this thread and that picture is SO hilarious. I hear you are making your way out to the "dreaded" San Diego bripmon? PG79 filled me in...(we are the bestest of friends, after all!)
rossi619 said:
Well people, thanks for the replies, and to start off with im not going to Ibiza strictly to get laid, mainly to dance my ass off in some of the best clubs in the world. To me and others this was a legit question and i cant apoligize to any of the girls that take offense to a question like that, sex is natural and i just wanted some feedback to how cool the girls are there. Im also not on here to represent all the guys in the U.S but im pretty sure they all think about sex just like everyone does. The girls here in san diego are mostly bitches so hopefully going to IBiza will be a breath of fresh air.

:evil: :evil: :evil: what horrible thing to say

In total agreement about this thread and that picture is SO hilarious. I hear you are making your way out to the "dreaded" San Diego bripmon? PG79 filled me in...(we are the bestest of friends, after all!)

All of which you say is true (obviously, except for the "dreaded" part).

Me and a buddy are flying out in a few weeks. We have a friend in LA who is supposed to meet us out, and another who is living in SD for the summer. It should be a blast!!!!