how are the drink prices this year? (2007)

heh! that happened to me at Space last sunday!

we are in the main room for Sasha or Zabiela (forgot who was on).

i get a water and am walking up to the area behind the stage. some guy asks for a sip...being nice i say sure. then a girl reaches out for the bottle and i'm like okay, go ahead. then without asking, she hands it to some other guy she's with and i'm like wait a second! you guys drink 1/4 of my water and then start handing it around to others without asking? :evil::evil::evil::evil: it wasn't a $ thing - just have some respect and ask if you can take a drink. the guy i took it back from gave me the evil eye and i'm like GFY!

yea, thats what happens when you give out your drink.. :rolleyes: You are right, its not just a money thing, but times before when I DID give my bottle to someone, I never even got a thank you!
one thing that annoys me EVERY year is the random people coming up to me and asking for a sip of my drink. When I say 'no' I get the evil eye! :rolleyes:

I paid 10 euro for my water... why can't you??

Very, very annoying. Same with ciggaretes. I get asked for a smoke problably 20 times a night when out in Ibiza. If you smoke, buy freakin' ciggaretes!!!
One bud, two vodka lime and lemonades and one vodka and lemonade = 57euro. Last thurs , amnesia terrace - gave in 60 euro and she never even gave any change! I made sure I was polite as well as speaking in spanish. Its moments like this that it sometimes make you think , after 8 visits - is it worth it anymore.
I live in Miami, so i'm used to the high drink prices, as a matter of fact i didnt think it was all that expensive (in some cases its worse here). You have to take into account that a regular drink in Ibiza is at least twice as big as one in the States, and here its served in a plastic cup full of ice and you don't get your mixer separetly and here you get charged tips and most of the times they expect you to give them more.
Come to think of it had i known, the bottle prices were like that i would have bought bottles instead of single drinks, they are very reasonably priced.
I want to know more about these blagging guestlist via myspace!

Sorry only just seen this!

It was the Ibiza Dance party on our fist day, week after Space opening. Not WLS.

It was becoming difficult to find out what the score was with tickets/prices etc before hand & being a man who likes to plan I sent a myspace message to the DJ who was running it (David Moreno) - he replied back & just said 'give me the names for the guestlist' - simple as that. Walked in no danger!8):)
I live in Miami, so i'm used to the high drink prices, as a matter of fact i didnt think it was all that expensive (in some cases its worse here). You have to take into account that a regular drink in Ibiza is at least twice as big as one in the States, and here its served in a plastic cup full of ice and you don't get your mixer separetly and here you get charged tips and most of the times they expect you to give them more.
Come to think of it had i known, the bottle prices were like that i would have bought bottles instead of single drinks, they are very reasonably priced.
I live in Miami, so i'm used to the high drink prices, as a matter of fact i didnt think it was all that expensive (in some cases its worse here). You have to take into account that a regular drink in Ibiza is at least twice as big as one in the States, and here its served in a plastic cup full of ice and you don't get your mixer separetly and here you get charged tips and most of the times they expect you to give them more.
Come to think of it had i known, the bottle prices were like that i would have bought bottles instead of single drinks, they are very reasonably priced.

we never got any drinks that were larger than I see at US clubs....i totally don't agree with your assesment.

vodka redbulls with off-brand vodka were $24 at Pacha and a vodka + OJ was like $20 i think. getting the whole can of redbull was nice but you get a grey goose vodka + redbull in the same size glass here in the states for $12-$14. a bit of extra redbull or oj or sprite doesn't make up the difference. drink prices were def higher in Ibiza versus the US.

the girl i was with and I rang up bar tabs hitting $250+ easy every night we went out and that didn't include pre-clubbing drinks earlier at dinner/our hotel room/Pacha hotel bar/etc. never done that in Miami or Vegas where you can drink all night. (excluding bottle service)

its really the bad exchange rate - prices are up 40% compared to the last time i was there due to that.

out table at Cocoon somehow was 900+ euros ($1,350??) for 1 bottle of grey goose + mixers (including a couple of red bulls) + about 4 beers and 4 waters!!! :eek::eek::eek: still haven't figured that one out yet but our friend took care of it for us which was nice. managed to do that damage in only 3 hours as we left for Pacha around 430am to catch the end of Roger Sanchez's set.
out table at Cocoon somehow was 900+ euros ($1,350??) for 1 bottle of grey goose + mixers (including a couple of red bulls) + about 4 beers and 4 waters!!! :eek::eek::eek: .

that would have been approximately 3 weeks salary for me as a teacher in ibiza. it's also roughly the same as i'm paying for my travel - ferry for 2 people, 1 dog and a car - and my accommodation for a week in a cottage in mallorca next month.

still, that's the great thing about earning money, you can spend/waste it on whatever you want.
that would have been approximately 3 weeks salary for me as a teacher in ibiza. it's also roughly the same as i'm paying for my travel - ferry for 2 people, 1 dog and a car - and my accommodation for a week in a cottage in mallorca next month.

still, that's the great thing about earning money, you can spend/waste it on whatever you want.

lets just say that for the guy who took care of that tab at Cocoon, 900+ euros is like 50 euros to you or me...he didn't care. i tried to pay for our share but he wouldn't have it. we thought the tab should have been more like ~500 euros but our friend wasn't digging the music and was so ready to leave he didn't bother questioning the tab - he just put it on his card and we left. if it was my bill i would have wanted to see the itemization of it that's for sure. unless Red Bull and beers are 75 euros each at Manumission the tab there didn't make any sense to us.

Worst place for prices i went to this year was Amnesia! 10E for a 33Cl bottle of water, 15E for alcool+mixer! It seemed to be 13E for alc+mix and 7-8E for water anywhere else. Except for DC10, 10E for alcool + mixer (but not as strong as i ve heard and seen on this forum!).

Little tip for you guys though: If you order a Vodka-coke, tell the barman/maid Smirnoff and Coke or Absolut and Coke otherwise they serve you the crappy local vodka! Branded alcool are the same price as the crappy local ones. 1 of the barman was trying to convince me that his local sh!te was better than Absolut. :rolleyes:
Think it was 10 euros for water in Amnesia, and 14 for a beer? We expected it to be about that anyway but we still savoured every last drop :lol:

The bars weren't too expensive though (I liked Bar M, Itaca, Bay Bar etc...) so by the time you got to a club, you didn't really feel the need to drink anyway, I just had water or lemonade!

Aqua la Loo!!

The Clubs in Ibiza are taking partiers for a ride with their drinks prices. I've been with my girlfriend to the Closing Parties in Sept '06 and '07 and 10euro for bottled water and 20euro for spirits is a rip-off!!

Our tip is to buy a bottle of water when you go to the club and thereafter refill the bottle from the taps everytime you visit the loo. The loo staff are wise to this and (in the interests of their employers) usually try to stop you so tip them 1 to 2euro each time and they will usually turn a blind eye.

Loo water quality varies club to club however. Our survey results are ;

Amnesia - my GF rated it OK - I thought the Gents was Ruff
Pascha - my GF rates Ok - I rate Gents OK
El Divino - my GF rates Ruff and warm - I rated good

Going again for Opening Parties in June '08 - can't wait:) if we visit any other clubs will post here ok.