how are the drink prices this year? (2007)

I ... don't really need to buy any drinks in the club 8)

The Clubs in Ibiza are taking partiers for a ride with their drinks prices. I've been with my girlfriend to the Closing Parties in Sept '06 and '07 and 10euro for bottled water and 20euro for spirits is a rip-off!!

Our tip is to buy a bottle of water when you go to the club and thereafter refill the bottle from the taps everytime you visit the loo. The loo staff are wise to this and (in the interests of their employers) usually try to stop you so tip them 1 to 2euro each time and they will usually turn a blind eye.

Loo water quality varies club to club however. Our survey results are ;

Amnesia - my GF rated it OK - I thought the Gents was Ruff
Pascha - my GF rates Ok - I rate Gents OK
El Divino - my GF rates Ruff and warm - I rated good

Going again for Opening Parties in June '08 - can't wait:) if we visit any other clubs will post here ok.

I remember the water in the taps being salt water. Guess the sodium content would help if you were dehydrated at the club, but drinking it is impressive; showering was fine but I couldn't brush my teeth with it.
isn´t there a law that the bars in the clubs must have a pricelist
of their drinks somewhere fixed ??

i am fed up with these bxxxhes who try to overcharge us and/or charge us
different prices at the same night for the same drink (usually the later the night
the more expensive the drinkprice) ...
isn´t there a law that the bars in the clubs must have a pricelist
of their drinks somewhere fixed ??
yes, and lots of places have it on display..... what happens is that the prices that appear on those official lists (approved by the town halls) are always even higher than what you end up paying so in case you complain they can tell you "see this? it's actually more expensive but i'm doing special price for you because you seem a nice guy" and you cant complain ! !

this is how it works.....
Chicago nightclub to pay for serving fake Red Bull energy drink
Bar ordered to cough up $500,000-plus over substitute

Red Bull, the energy drink, is seeing red over bars passing off
less-expensive competitors as its product, a popular mixer in cocktails.

A Chicago nightclub was ordered to pay more than $500,000 in damages
after people working undercover for Red Bull ordered drinks
that mixed Red Bull with vodka but were served another energy drink.

The judgment against the Wet nightclub, 209 W. Lake St., marked the fourth time
Red Bull has successfully sued bars over its trademark in the past 12 months.

The mystery-shopper tactics and lawsuits show the lengths
to which popular consumer brands will go to protect their trademarks.

"Red Bull is going after high-profile bars and trying to make examples out of them.
Their approach is to vigorously defend their brand," said Brian Morgan,
a senior research analyst at Euromonitor International.

Energy drinks have grown to more than $4.8 billion in U.S. store sales,
according to Euromonitor, with Red Bull owning one-third of the market.
It's not clear how much is sold through bars.
But energy drinks have become trendy mixers with alcohol,
and Red Bull is the dominant player in that niche.

Competition is gunning for it, and more than 150 brands have emerged,
with names like Rockstar, Monster, and Roaring Lion,
which was launched by former Red Bull employees.

Some competitors have begun selling their products to bars and restaurants
in a syrup that can be used with a beverage gun.
Red Bull comes only in more expensive cans, and bar owners complain
that they take up a lot of inventory space and produce a lot of waste.

Red Bull has found bartenders pouring energy drinks
from soda guns and passing them off as Red Bull.

"We only use legal action as a last resort, when it is clear a bar or restaurant
cannot effectively adhere to the law," Chad Peffer, vice president of sales
for Red Bull North America, said in a statement Wednesday.

Suits also were brought against Dicey Riley's in Ft. Lauderdale,
which was settled for $75,000;
the Roxy Night Club in Orlando, which settled for an undisclosed amount;
and the Tavern in Houston, which settled for $150,000.

The case involving Wet began in September 2004, when Angela Latino,
a Red Bull manager, went into the nightclub and ordered Absolut vodka with Red Bull.
Instead, she got a cocktail made with a different energy drink.

Latino asked the bartender if it was made with Red Bull from a can.
The bartender replied that it was made with "something like Red Bull from the gun,"
according to a filing in the U.S. District Court in Chicago.

Over the next several years about a dozen Red Bull "scouts" and private investigators
visited the nightclub and also were served a substitute energy drink.

One bartender told an undercover Red Bull investigator that Red Bull
was something of a generic term for energy drink:
"It's like if you ask me for Kleenex and I give you a tissue."

The investigator said the substitute didn't taste like Red Bull,
to which the bartender replied, "That's because it is actually made with Roaring Lion,
which is a little different."

The bar was warned several times not to misrepresent the Red Bull product
to customers, according to court filings.
Ultimately, Red Bull brought its suit in March 2007 against Simon Gordon and
Selective Publishing Inc. Gordon is the president of Selective Publishing,
the bar's owner, according to court records.

Gordon couldn't be reached for comment. He didn't respond to the suit,
and the judge in January issued a default judgment against him and Selective.
He was ordered to pay $576,000 to Red Bull,
including $35,250 in lost profit, and $97,000 in attorney's fees.

In July 2007 Wet's owners also were sued in federal court in Chicago
by four employees who claimed they were not paid.
A judge last month ordered that they be paid about $28,000.
Nice read.

It happenend to me a few times. It's really frustrating to get something that is not what it supposed to be, is way less tasty and 3 times cheaper (while you pay for much more quality).

Luckily, where I come from (real) Red Bull is almost always served and you get the can or bottle so you know it's the real thing.

In Ibiza the clubs do always serve Red Bull as far as I know. Besides DC10, but they have their own can so that's cool in a way. If they make that effort, I can accept it ;)
pacha prices 08'

i haven't been to pacha since 2005!!
where i paid 15 euros for a vodka red-bull
has it gone up??
what are the other club prices like?
In 2006 a beer in Pacha was 10 Euros

In 2007 a vodka redbull (Burn) in Privilidge (Manumission) was 14 Euros , beer 8 Euros

Ironically in 2007 we bought a bottle of Smirnoff and a 4 pack of proper redbull from a mini market for the same price as 1 vodka redbull from Privilidge.

A good tip i employed last year was become "friends" with one of the girls that work in the bars and see if they are going to your club night , if they are get them to buy the drinks with your money as they get discount (normally a wristband), you buy them some drinks into the deal and whilst you have to pay for their drinks it still saves you a few euros and they are VERY grateful :)
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i went out with friends on sat night had 5 vodka red bulls and 4 bottles of beer.
that'd be 115 euros going on pacha's 2005 prices!!!
Amnesia terrace sep 2007; Bud - 12euro

4 vodka and lemonades = 57euro - not even a round figure! And I never even got offered my change back!
12 Euros for a Bud...and bet it was a small bottle too...that is outrageous even by ibiza prices!

but it IS Ibiza I guess
yeah it was a small bottle. I was well cheesed off. it made me think twice bout going back. Guess what? I booked again:x