Has this place got more lively recently?

it's only a message board punters, doesn't need that much analysis. come on, leave a few messages, and shoot off again.
it's only a message board punters, doesn't need that much analysis. come on, leave a few messages, and shoot off again.

What he said^^^^^. Some people clearly take their percieved "status" on here waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too seriously.
Fair enough.

I just really don't want us to scare off all the new people. It's great to have a critical mass of regulars again as it had gotten quiet for a while.

Everyone's appreciated. With time, the banter shall certainly improve!

It is a much kinder gentler(From an idiot President) board now days. People don't get blown back like they use to be.
Fair enough.

I just really don't want us to scare off all the new people. It's great to have a critical mass of regulars again as it had gotten quiet for a while.

Everyone's appreciated. With time, the banter shall certainly improve!

The main reason I don't come here is I don't like Ibiza. :lol:

No I just don't get as much chance during the week due to work load being too excessive but not complaining as work is work and grateful to have it! Evening and weekend's no one is really on here as they are off enjoying themselves with gay abandon.

I do have a quick nose ocasasionally, usually Fridays to see if anything is happening or if Tottingham lose. Mind you I shouldn't laugh as I thought they wouldn't qualify for champions league last season, then thought they would lose in the qualifiers, then thought they would get smashed in the group stages, then in the knockouts so I will keep my mouth shut and wish them all the very best in the future and see if that works.
they are off enjoying themselves with gay abandon.
You talking about MiniMarc?

I do have a quick nose ocasasionally, usually Fridays to see if anything is happening or if Tottingham lose. Mind you I shouldn't laugh as I thought they wouldn't qualify for champions league last season, then thought they would lose in the qualifiers, then thought they would get smashed in the group stages, then in the knockouts so I will keep my mouth shut and wish them all the very best in the future and see if that works.
Good strategy. I already wished PhillyCent good luck on his trip to Madrid :twisted:
howdy all.

there are a few actual facts of why it's more lively. spotlight has a lot more traffic than it's ever had, 50% more visitors to the site than 2 years ago for example, so you'd expect some trickle down to the forums.

it's also the busiest time of the year for people looking for info and connecting with people about ibiza. the forums are unique for this.

let's be honest tho, some of the conversations back in the day were hardly high-brow, it wasn't even just seventeen.....it was more like a nursery!!

despite all the banter, you've prob got more in common with people on here than 90% of the population, so especially if you're a newbie, join in and get stuck in.

i think we've had at least a couple of marriages as a result of spotlight, the members of the spanish forum (altho they don't post so much in there anymore) are all best mates and i think anyone who's stuck around long enough on here has made at least a few people they consider a mate. i've even made myself a career out of it!!

so basically, in the words of jocelyn brown. "s'all good, s'all good" 8)
howdy all.

there are a few actual facts of why it's more lively. spotlight has a lot more traffic than it's ever had, 50% more visitors to the site than 2 years ago for example, so you'd expect some trickle down to the forums.

it's also the busiest time of the year for people looking for info and connecting with people about ibiza. the forums are unique for this.

let's be honest tho, some of the conversations back in the day were hardly high-brow, it wasn't even just seventeen.....it was more like a nursery!!

despite all the banter, you've prob got more in common with people on here than 90% of the population, so especially if you're a newbie, join in and get stuck in.

i think we've had at least a couple of marriages as a result of spotlight, the members of the spanish forum (altho they don't post so much in there anymore) are all best mates and i think anyone who's stuck around long enough on here has made at least a few people they consider a mate. i've even made myself a career out of it!!

so basically, in the words of jocelyn brown. "s'all good, s'all good" 8)

*High Five* my friend 8)
New people are always needed to keep a forum going. :)

Even if they do have different music tastes, or what not ;)
every forum goes through periodical existential angst

and this one is no different

Thing with this forum, i doubt it will ever die as Ibiza will always be alive and kicking, whereas a forum i was on a few years ago has actually DIED a death...

dam modified car scene :lol:
Modified cars became a luxury few could afford ;)

I'd rather spend £10,000 on one hell of a nice holiday than a car. Cars don't offer the same break of reality that a holiday does.

I think, personally, Ibiza is past its hay day. It's become all about the branding, it's far more commercialized now than what I perceive it to have been 10 years ago.
And all these laws they bring in to force (roofs on clubs, opening hours, etc) confirms that, in my opinion.
It seemed pretty commercialized 12 years ago when you had to line up for an hour and a half hour to get into Manumission. There seemed to be plenty of branding back then to.

I do think the laws have had a real impact with the roofs, opening hours etc. Everything feels a lot more sanitised now and a little less crazy.
Modified cars became a luxury few could afford ;)

I'd rather spend £10,000 on one hell of a nice holiday than a car. Cars don't offer the same break of reality that a holiday does.

I think, personally, Ibiza is past its hay day. It's become all about the branding, it's far more commercialized now than what I perceive it to have been 10 years ago.
And all these laws they bring in to force (roofs on clubs, opening hours, etc) confirms that, in my opinion.

what has local government policy on sound restrictions and licencing/opening hours, got to do with how commercialised the dance scene is in ibiza?
I think, personally, Ibiza is past its hay day.


did you get this one straight out of mixmag? or maybe or the daily mail?

it's actually quite boring having to repeat myself but i'm not sure there is another way.

you know everything you just mentioned there.....ibiza past it, etc, etc, well i think the first year people started saying that was 1991.

So maybe 2011 can be the 20th Anniversary of "Ibiza Being Sh!t and Over But Simulatenously The Centre of Dance Music and Best Place to Party in The World"

hang on, you weren't one of those who said ayia napa was the new ibiza!??!! :lol: