Has this place got more lively recently?

i always thought Ayia Napa was where all the 'urban' fans went, and is very commercial!

i don't think Ibiza is commercial at all, fair enough it has really commercial nights and dj's playing now and again, and the stuck up it's own arse press still give it a bad name, but i wouldn't of said it was really commercial, not most of the island anyway, i think some think it's commercial because of it's popularity and when they see the West End on the tv, which we all know isn't the real Ibiza
Never been to Aiya Napa, and don't intend to. I go for the music, not the cheap drinks and getting laid. Else I'd be in Magaluf this year ;)

Grego, it's what I think personally. I don't need a newspaper to tell me otherwise, nor am I a Daily Mail reader.
Like I said, I always got the impression that Ibiza was a party heaven. 24 hour parties in open air locations, absolute chaos and carnage, staying in clubs past 6am. Just going nuts out on terraces that actually were terraces. That was, to me, the spirit of ibiza. As Hally said, it feels far more sanitized. Ibiza is past its' hayday as the island of carnage, chaos, and non stop partying.

As for the branding, the big clubs these days tend to book the biggest names they can. Theres no room for the little guy, the underground DJ who only has a small following. If your not top of your game due your marketing, brand, etc, then you won't get a spot in the main room, and probably not in room 2 either.
Where as, 10 - 15 years ago, the people who were big now were just starting out. They were the unknowns, and they got the club spots.

The island itself, the rest of it, I completely agree, is not a commercial entity. And this is why I love it, and will be going to Ibiza for a large portion of my life.
I used to think 'yeah ibiza's over, turn the page' after reading thousands of articles, blogs, reviews etc from disillusioned clubbers and DJs but I realised you really need to see for yourself, and when I went back last year it was clear that there are a lot of interesting things happening below the radar. Certain things will inevitably be never be as good as the first time, when you've had some kind of life affirmation on some openair patio, it's gonna hurt to see that needless ayuntamiento bureaucracy intrude on your memories. That said, things do get stale if you just try and repeat the same old in a desperate bid to rescale those heights - the challenge is to make the most of the island in other ways which it is easy to forget in the main has nothing to do with the tiesto juggernaught. It is mainly an age thing. Generational arrogance which means you naturally assume nobody else ever had it as good as your generation and an element of territorialism 'we were here first' etc. I also think that it was always going to be emotionally hard for the old guard - the balearic true believers if you like - to accept that aspects of the mass tourism industry are simply incompatible with that freeflowing neo-hippy idyll. And there's nothing you can do about it. The impression I get now, however, is that the underground has stopped licking its wounds in ibiza and is starting to look at new ideas, new venues, new options, clubbing-not-clubbing - certainly I met up for a drink with a dj mate who lives out there in London the other week and he confirmed they will be putting on smallscale parties this summer (something about some caves somewhere?) This fills me with some hope. Ibiza for me was never supposed to be about vast monster clubs, processing people like cattle. There should be clubbing options for more mature people who still have an interest in the music and who don't want to spammed to death by the clubbing 'industry' and I find it reassuring that there are plenty of people around who share my ideas on this. I don't hate big clubs, they serve a purpose and bring in great DJs and a lot of people save up all year to go there, not for me to trash that experience. 10-15 years ago, I would've been well up for that (and lead a very similar lifestyle in London and Barcelona), but right now I'm into other things whilst still having an interest in the music and the lifestyle, I don't want to be a processed sardine anymore. Feel the proto-middle age :oops::lol:
I used to think 'yeah ibiza's over, turn the page' after reading thousands of articles, blogs, reviews etc from disillusioned clubbers and DJs but I realised you really need to see for yourself, and when I went back last year it was clear that there are a lot of interesting things happening below the radar. Certain things will inevitably be never be as good as the first time, when you've had some kind of life affirmation on some openair patio, it's gonna hurt to see that needless ayuntamiento bureaucracy intrude on your memories. That said, things do get stale if you just try and repeat the same old in a desperate bid to rescale those heights - the challenge is to make the most of the island in other ways which it is easy to forget in the main has nothing to do with the tiesto juggernaught. It is mainly an age thing. Generational arrogance which means you naturally assume nobody else ever had it as good as your generation and an element of territorialism 'we were here first' etc. I also think that it was always going to be emotionally hard for the old guard - the balearic true believers if you like - to accept that aspects of the mass tourism industry are simply incompatible with that freeflowing neo-hippy idyll. And there's nothing you can do about it. The impression I get now, however, is that the underground has stopped licking its wounds in ibiza and is starting to look at new ideas, new venues, new options, clubbing-not-clubbing - certainly I met up for a drink with a dj mate who lives out there in London the other week and he confirmed they will be putting on smallscale parties this summer (something about some caves somewhere?) This fills me with some hope. Ibiza for me was never supposed to be about vast monster clubs, processing people like cattle. There should be clubbing options for more mature people who still have an interest in the music and who don't want to spammed to death by the clubbing 'industry' and I find it reassuring that there are plenty of people around who share my ideas on this. I don't hate big clubs, they serve a purpose and bring in great DJs and a lot of people save up all year to go there, not for me to trash that experience. 10-15 years ago, I would've been well up for that (and lead a very similar lifestyle in London and Barcelona), but right now I'm into other things whilst still having an interest in the music and the lifestyle, I don't want to be a processed sardine anymore. Feel the proto-middle age :oops::lol:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Olly i usually love reading what you put as they are always well put and usually funny as f**k, but i looked at the above and was like :eek: maybe not :lol:
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Olly i usually love reading what you put as they are always well put and usually funny as f**k, but i looked at the above and was like :eek: maybe not :lol:

sorry, didn't realise I was a performing seal

You'll get a full refund if you feel let down
Olly - as a grammatical pendant I have one word for you....


Other than that, your post encapsulates the way I feel about Ibiza and it's fair to say, life in general at the moment 8)
There was a good guy who used to be a regular poster on here eight or nine years ago James75 (?). But for being not as articulate as Olly, their views were so so similar to the point they could be mistaken for the same person.

Nicely summed up by Olly. I imagine there are some absolutely off the dial small / private parties around the island throughout the season.