Has this place got more lively recently?

Haha, I've had this user-name for nearly a decade.
Be a shame to let it go now!

And to me, it's always sounded like a second hand car, found at the back of the car lot. :lol:
The good old days (first time 99-09). Ibiza vibe is as "same as it ever was" (song lyrics if you know). The daytime parties came to an end sadly but we are only guest on the island. The laws that apply in your home country apply in Ibiza. The local residents had their say and we must respect it. The vibe is the same, we need to respect the island and its people.
daytime parties came to an end??

stop the bull**** everyone pls!!!

yeah, there are a few hours in the morning/midday when you can't, but that's it.

there are elections in a few months, who knows what laws they might bring in? no sound restrictions, no opening hour restrictions, limit on price of drinks........no idea, but it doesn't matter, it's irrelevant to the fact that we'll all still be having this convo in 20 years.
...no idea, but it doesn't matter, it's irrelevant to the fact that we'll all still be having this convo in 20 years.

Every fiber in my body hopes we are still having conversations about how great Ibiza is 20 years down the line. :)
<copy> <paste>

...every blimmin' year.

(but I always get drawn in eventually.) :lol:

Ten years ago Ibiza was ridiculously commercial. Always has been - unless you go back to the days of Alfredo when the sound was eclectic and the cult of the superstar DJ never existed. You can tell from the vids because the dancing was more expressive and no one faced the DJ booth. ;)

However, I think the blatant commercialism is one of Ibiza's tacky charms - underneath there has always been an underbelly of smaller stuff fanning the flames of success that were most visible in places like Manumission.

If anything it was MORE commercial a decade ago because the dance scene was more unified and therefore much more marketable. Every dance mag had its own Ibiza freebie and MTV, Bacardi (Vivid) and loads of other brands were out there desperately aligning themselves with fashion trashbags (admittedly those VIVID parties at Space were amazing! :eek:)

Sorry to be a bore at this point but it's blatantly not what it used to be. Space was ridiculous in its hey day (literally amazing) as was DC-10 (sans roof) and Bora Bora was 24 hour with no stupid dividing fence.

...but that's not to say the island won't ever return to form.

It's a crime that the authorities banned daytime dancing (a basic human right in my view - see CJA 94) - but it was starting to get a bit ridiculous over there. :lol:
Just thought I'd through my 2cents worth in here.

I've been going to ibiza every year since 1998 and have seen many changes over the years. I've also seen this debate being discused back and forth many times, "ibiza is gone too commercial" ibiza is not what it used to be" "ibiza has had its day".

Fact of the matter is Ibiza evolves and will keep evolving with whatever is thrown at it and will always come out on top.

Yes, alot of people thought the end of the after hours would have a big impact, but numbers of visitors have actually increased over the last 2 years, rather than the massive decrese people expected.

Yes, the closure of DC10 and brief closure of Amnesia the start of the 07 season saw people think that would be the end of clubbing on the island as we know it, but the clubs came back and within a few months the closures where forgotton about.

Also, alot more visitors to the island are coming for more than clubbing, without doubt the clubs are still the main attraction to summer visitors, but clubbers, especially ones coming back for a 2nd or 3rd visit are now not just coming back to bosh it 7 days/nights a week, they're realsing that there's more to the island and are getting out there and exploring it a bit.

So people can say Ibiza isn't what it used to be, but what is? Ibiza evolves and is strong enough that it will always have core visitors and new visitors, as it always had and always will.
daytime parties came to an end??

stop the bull**** everyone pls!!!

yeah, there are a few hours in the morning/midday when you can't, but that's it.

there are elections in a few months, who knows what laws they might bring in? no sound restrictions, no opening hour restrictions, limit on price of drinks........no idea, but it doesn't matter, it's irrelevant to the fact that we'll all still be having this convo in 20 years.

I am talking about leaving Amnesia or Pacha and going straight to Space. Like Robder said it was getting out of hand, the pause in clubbing times is good for clubbers me thinks
Just thought I'd through my 2cents worth in here.

Also, alot more visitors to the island are coming for more than clubbing, without doubt the clubs are still the main attraction to summer visitors, but clubbers, especially ones coming back for a 2nd or 3rd visit are now not just coming back to bosh it 7 days/nights a week, they're realsing that there's more to the island and are getting out there and exploring it a bit.


I am deffinitly well over going to Ibiza with the thought of getting trashed every night ..... must be getting old :lol:
I am still going to bosh it for 7 nights and I am 35. I might take my 7 year old daughter though and try to see another side to the island, she makes boshing quite tricky.
I used to think 'yeah ibiza's over, turn the page' after reading thousands of articles, blogs, reviews etc from disillusioned clubbers and DJs but I realised you really need to see for yourself, and when I went back last year it was clear that there are a lot of interesting things happening below the radar. Certain things will inevitably be never be as good as the first time, when you've had some kind of life affirmation on some openair patio, it's gonna hurt to see that needless ayuntamiento bureaucracy intrude on your memories. That said, things do get stale if you just try and repeat the same old in a desperate bid to rescale those heights - the challenge is to make the most of the island in other ways which it is easy to forget in the main has nothing to do with the tiesto juggernaught. It is mainly an age thing. Generational arrogance which means you naturally assume nobody else ever had it as good as your generation and an element of territorialism 'we were here first' etc. I also think that it was always going to be emotionally hard for the old guard - the balearic true believers if you like - to accept that aspects of the mass tourism industry are simply incompatible with that freeflowing neo-hippy idyll. And there's nothing you can do about it. The impression I get now, however, is that the underground has stopped licking its wounds in ibiza and is starting to look at new ideas, new venues, new options, clubbing-not-clubbing - certainly I met up for a drink with a dj mate who lives out there in London the other week and he confirmed they will be putting on smallscale parties this summer (something about some caves somewhere?) This fills me with some hope. Ibiza for me was never supposed to be about vast monster clubs, processing people like cattle. There should be clubbing options for more mature people who still have an interest in the music and who don't want to spammed to death by the clubbing 'industry' and I find it reassuring that there are plenty of people around who share my ideas on this. I don't hate big clubs, they serve a purpose and bring in great DJs and a lot of people save up all year to go there, not for me to trash that experience. 10-15 years ago, I would've been well up for that (and lead a very similar lifestyle in London and Barcelona), but right now I'm into other things whilst still having an interest in the music and the lifestyle, I don't want to be a processed sardine anymore. Feel the proto-middle age :oops::lol:

Great post.
I am still going to bosh it for 7 nights and I am 35. I might take my 7 year old daughter though and try to see another side to the island, she makes boshing quite tricky.

Awww I always think its ace when i see kids down the sunset strip with the parents taking in the atmosphere :)
She is 7 and I am very keen to take her. I am not sure the ex is as keen, I think she associates Ibiza with me being spannered.

(I noticed I mentioned she was 7 again. I may be a bit to eager to talk about my little girl)
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I can see me being one of them embarassing mothers asking if i can go out on the piss with daughter / s and tag along on holidays and show them how its done 8):lol: