Has this place got more lively recently?

Mad White Giant is a ledge though 8)

As are a few others in my eyes on here 8)

(well as far as being a legend on a forum can be :?:lol:)
Then participate in 2 quality threads and don't open the other 25. Problem solved! :D

Forums thrive on activity. And inclusiveness.

Mark said it well: "And i like it when new posters get a warm welcome and stick around."

in theory, that's a great mentality to have

but when a great thread is ruined by the hijackers, then that is where problems arise

essentially, what is needed is more quality control as hauskitten said

everybody assumes that their voice needs to be heard even when they have nothing to say and so if someone posts without first pausing and thinking 'does the world really need to read this?', then that shows a chronic lack of self-awareness and borderline sociopathy
in theory, that's a great mentality to have

but when a great thread is ruined by the hijackers, then that is where problems arise

essentially, what is needed is more quality control as hauskitten said

everybody assumes that their voice needs to be heard even when they have nothing to say and so if someone posts without first pausing and thinking 'does the world really need to read this?', then that shows a chronic lack of self-awareness and borderline sociopathy

I think you kind of have a point :oops::lol:
Then participate in 2 quality threads and don't open the other 25. Problem solved! :D

Forums thrive on activity. And inclusiveness.

Mark said it well: "And i like it when new posters get a warm welcome and stick around."

Well seeing as you mentioned it I f***ing did so the other day left a reply and was informed that the thread had changed to dating tips so really I can't win.

And new posters don't always get a warm welcome... it was only when people didn't agree with me that they actually spoke (bar 1 or 2 such as Emma)
There is something a bit disconcerting about describing people who use an internet forum (about Ibiza of all things) as nobodies, with the implication that there must also be somebodies on here. Who do we have to impress to manage to acquire this exhaulted status?

Whether or not what people post is interesting is obviously subjective and due to the level of responses must be interesting to somebody. As I said previously if every thread was getting over run I could understand how people could get annoyed (or even affronted) but it really isn't. I don't particularly want to read people's opinions on LCD Sound System or what ever so I don't. Surely it can't be that hard to avoid the threads where the discussion is a bit more puerile?.

hit'n'run nobody keyboard ninja out.
in theory, that's a great mentality to have

but when a great thread is ruined by the hijackers, then that is where problems arise

essentially, what is needed is more quality control as hauskitten said

everybody assumes that their voice needs to be heard even when they have nothing to say and so if someone posts without first pausing and thinking 'does the world really need to read this?', then that shows a chronic lack of self-awareness and borderline sociopathy

You do have a point but I think there is probably a better, and possibly more friendly way to put it across.

I agree some of the crap of recent regarding Top Shop, Miss Selfridge etc and the over use of the smiley faces has made me want to poke myself in the eye but surely if you are not interested then just don't read it.
You do have a point but I think there is probably a better, and possibly more friendly way to put it across.

I agree some of the crap of recent regarding Top Shop, Miss Selfridge etc and the over use of the smiley faces has made me want to poke myself in the eye but surely if you are not interested then just don't read it.

To be fair the ones about clothes shops were always titled "girlie threads" or something along those lines.....but they panned out a while ago once we lost Barbie and Spacemonkey and the likes
Ya, see.. this is all going a bit haywire.

Let's tone it down - esp. you, Olly

Your opinions, as always, appreciated but at the same time there's no need to scare off all our "fresh meat" (c) puppylover
To be fair the ones about clothes shops were always titled "girlie threads" or something along those lines.....but they panned out a while ago once we lost Barbie and Spacemonkey and the likes

Beat me to it!

Vics thread WAS titled FAO FEMALE spotlighters....if you still read it then you can hardly complain if it didn't interest you.
To be fair the ones about clothes shops were always titled "girlie threads" or something along those lines.....but they panned out a while ago once we lost Barbie and Spacemonkey and the likes
This is true. The girlie threads were clearly marked to avoid unnecessary confusion :lol:

And also, there were a good few months when the forum got way too testosterone-filled so glad there are some ladies around again.
To be fair the ones about clothes shops were always titled "girlie threads" or something along those lines.....but they panned out a while ago once we lost Barbie and Spacemonkey and the likes

I'm sure one was started last week, I could be wrong but there was something knocking around about spending money on skirts and new flip flops that were probably made by a 7 year old in a sweatshop for 4p an hour.
There is something a bit disconcerting about describing people who use an internet forum (about Ibiza of all things) as nobodies, with the implication that there must also be somebodies on here. Who do we have to impress to manage to acquire this exhaulted status?

Whether or not what people post is interesting is obviously subjective and due to the level of responses must be interesting to somebody. As I said previously if every thread was getting over run I could understand how people could get annoyed (or even affronted) but it really isn't. I don't particularly want to read people's opinions on LCD Sound System or what ever so I don't. Surely it can't be that hard to avoid the threads where the discussion is a bit more puerile?.

hit'n'run nobody keyboard ninja out.

it's a great myth that people are equals on messageboards. You have to earn your stripes. When I first came on, I managed to alienate quite a few people in one single post and it took time to win people over. In some cases, I never will. But you have to know your place. Every institution has its hierarchy and system of seniority. It's the height of arrogance to steam on to a forum and hijack threads. It's poor etiquette in the same way you wouldn't walk into a pub and just interrupt someone's pint. There's got to be some kind of respect for the community.
I'm sure one was started last week, I could be wrong but there was something knocking around about spending money on skirts and new flip flops that were probably made by a 7 year old in a sweatshop for 4p an hour.

Possibly but there used to be a LOT more. We got on the subjects of fake tans, wrinkle creams.....I could go on but wont :lol:
I remember my warm welcome and posting for the first time and they were talking about the naughty cupboard of something similarly funny/random....shouts to Barbie....I was intrigued and stayed...

Sigh " twas so much better back in the day" ;)
it's a great myth that people are equals on messageboards. You have to earn your stripes. When I first came on, I managed to alienate quite a few people in one single post and it took time to win people over. In some cases, I never will. But you have to know your place. Every institution has its hierarchy and system of seniority. It's the height of arrogance to steam on to a forum and hijack threads. It's poor etiquette in the same way you wouldn't walk into a pub and just interrupt someone's pint. There's got to be some kind of respect for the community.

I think thats happened with quite a few people on here. Wary at first but then they become part of the furniture so to speak.

I remember when I first joined I probably came across as chavvy when I said the places I wanted to go in Ibiza - I seemed to be going different places to others or not the "cool" places so to speak but it never bothered me and now I feel I know quite a few people on here quite well (think FB helps)
It's poor etiquette in the same way you wouldn't walk into a pub and just interrupt someone's pint. There's got to be some kind of respect for the community.
So then, your problem is not with mindless threads. It's with the highjacking of threads for unintended purposes.

I'm not going to go back through all your statements now but I think you could have made that point a bit more succinctly and with less name calling and talk of the lower classes :lol: