Great Films you've watched ....

Not a great movies-lover, but here is my list:

Escape to Victory (....)

Devil's Advocate (I had a crush on Connie Nielsen...So sexy....)

The Good the Bad And The Ugly (and all Sergio Leone's movies)

Jurassik Park (I,II,III, I'm really into prehistoric stuffs....)

There's Something About Mary (A Masterpiece !!!)

Hackers (With a very young Angelina Jolie)
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I watched a film called "The Last Mimsy" - from Love which Phil had stuck on the list, I thought sounded like it was some post apocolyptic porn film or something - :oops::lol::lol:

It was a great little kids film - I hate kids films too but loved this
The killing fields
North by northwest
Some like it hot
National Lampoons Vacation/European vacation
Mystery men
Malibu's most wanted
Alien 1 & 2
Caddyshack (and the boating one that's similar)
Man on fire
South Park
Team America
Indiana Jones 1 & 3
Perfect Blue
Smokin Aces
Most Jackie Chan stuff
Life of Brian
Any James Bond esp You only live twice
Happy Gilmore
Hotel Rwanda
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I feel COMPELLED to advertise this cracking little film .... :lol::lol::lol:

"Starter for 10"

Set in 1985 - a working class student leaves his home for his first term at Bristol Uni - absolutely brilliant!! James McAvoy is superb in it..

With a moment in the film where your just 8O8O8O you just dont see that moment coming.. (well I didnt)

One of the funniest and well written films I have ever watched - an absolute gem!!
I feel COMPELLED to advertise this cracking little film .... :lol::lol::lol:

"Starter for 10"

Set in 1985 - a working class student leaves his home for his first term at Bristol Uni - absolutely brilliant!! James McAvoy is superb in it..

With a moment in the film where your just 8O8O8O you just dont see that moment coming.. (well I didnt)

One of the funniest and well written films I have ever watched - an absolute gem!!

seen it, great little film.

have got Priceless & No Country For Old Men at home waiting to be watched. Anyone seen em??
seen it, great little film.

have got Priceless & No Country For Old Men at home waiting to be watched. Anyone seen em??

Watched No Country for Old Men few weeks back - sorely disappointed - promised more than it delivered for me personally ...... :x

Never heard of Priceless...
breakfast club
donnie darko
cape fear
what's eating gilbert grape
jaws (the 1st one!) 8)
drugstore cowboy
stand by me
charlie & the chocolate factory (original)
mall rats
the lost boys
bladerunner (the 1st one with STEFAN DORFF!!! *yummmmmmmm*)

Breakfast in Tiffany's!
Rebel Without A Cause
Some Like it Hot!
Blues Brothers
The Hustler
Scarface (watched it last night again)
Guns of Navarone
Death On The Nile
Dirty Harry

And most recent, Slumdog Millionaire, blew me away! 8)
Watched No Country for Old Men few weeks back - sorely disappointed - promised more than it delivered for me personally ...... :x

Never heard of Priceless...

rom com from last year, Audrey Tatu is a golddigger who goes with rich men to fleece them of their money, she meets a a waiter in a hotel and mistakes him for a rich man, they then team up to fleece other people....chaos ensues!!!
rom com from last year, Audrey Tatu is a golddigger who goes with rich men to fleece them of their money, she meets a a waiter in a hotel and mistakes him for a rich man, they then team up to fleece other people....chaos ensues!!!

Sounds slightly like Dirty Rotten Scroundless which Still to this day remains one of my fav films in the world.....

Steve Martin when he used to be amusing....:?
I watched "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" last night. Great film, but very heavy ending. Be warned...
surprised noones mentioned 'Super Troopers' - pure comedy.

@ Discoplayer - tell me you have seen 'Kenny' - Genius.

The Goonies
Ferris Buellers Day Off
The Big Lebowski
Punch Drunk Love
Pure Luck
Lords Of Dogtown
Once Were Warriors
Mr Jolly lives next door, classic comic strip presents, bonkers barmy and totally out there.
Sw that one with Will Smith, you know, about the aliens and sh*t. Thought it was rubbish not enough car chases!