Great Films you've watched ....

I was only introduced to that film about 10 years ago and I loved it!!! :oops::oops::oops:
I saw it when it came out but me and my roommate in university used to have weekly film nights, which usually defaulted to Heathers or Godfather :lol:

But the lines... the lines!

"Oh, the humanity!"
"My teenage angst bullsh!t has a body count."
"It's got that 'what a cruel world so let's toss ourselves into the abyss' kind of ambience"
"F**k me gently with a chainsaw!"
"I say we go with big blue here..."
I could go on... :lol:
Star Wars 3, 4 and 5
Godfather 1 & 2
Full Metal Jacket (mainly the training part)
Anchorman (Ferrells last truly hilarious movie)
Mulholland Drive
South Park movie
The Dark Knight
Blue Velvet
Lost in Translation
Oceans 11 (so slick)

many more - my facebook has a list
2001: A Space Odyssey
Dead Mans Shoes
Dr Strangelove
King Of New York
Vanishing Point
Apocalypse Now

Are just some that spring to mind
talking more recent films - No Country for Old Men was superb .... also really enjoyed Apocalypto! and on that rain forrest note - really enjoyed The Emerald Forest
I just dont get Will Ferrell at all - I just want to punch him in the back of the head - a lot!!!!! :spank::spank:

I had to endure about three days of Jon and his friends repeating Will Ferrell jokes over and over again, then cracking themselves up laughing whilst at V :evil:

"1001, 1002, 1003 - incase you didn't notice, I just done a thousand"
"I'm getting out the guns!"

Not to mention the Arnie quotes :roll: It was quite funny though :lol:

I really really rate Shaun Meadows as a director, his films are amazing, so hard hitting and brilliant acting:

Dead Mans Shoes
This is England

and his new one which is in the cinema now:

Somers Town
Two films that took my by surprise lately are the mist which is no way you're typical horror film and the pursuit of happyness the ending gets me everytime:cry:

And will ferell is way overarted, anchorman is ok but why does no one realise it's the exact same film as dodgeball:twisted:
Wild at Heart.. Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern and Harry Dean Stanton is the best film EVER.

True Romance
Blood Simple (original Coen Bros)
Layer Cake
Fight Club
Talented Mr Ripley
Natural Born Killers
Sexy Beast

More to come
OK here goes, i have to list all of these and there are many im not even lisitng as ill be here all nite:lol: ill only list mostly 1980's films for now, will list the others again,what the 80.s lacked in style it was without doubt the best for films.8)

Star Wars (the whole spectrum)

Basic Instinct

Top Gun


New Jack City


Beverly Hills Cop 1 & 2

Back To The Future 1 & 2

A Nightmare on Elm Street

The Exorcist

Salems Lot

An American Werewolf In London


The Howling

The Evil Dead

Blade Runner

Mad Max 1 & 2

Wall Street

Alien (The Trilogy)

Naked Gun

St Elmos Fire

Ferris Buellers Day Off

State Of Grace

Rivers Edge

To Live and Die in LA


Crocidile Dundee


Fatal Attraction

Die Hard

The Fly


First Blood


The Gremlins

The Goonies

Good Morning Vietnam

The Commitments

Rocky (the whole spectrum)


Risky Business


48 Hours


Raising Arizona


Trading Places

When Harry Met Sally

The Lost Boys

The Killing Fields

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