Glastonbury 2011

Where can I get some decent rainwear?

I need a poncho that's not some re-useable tacky looking carrier bag type thing.

I work on Oxford St - how hard can this be??? (they're all friggin sold out)
Where can I get some decent rainwear?

I need a poncho that's not some re-useable tacky looking carrier bag type thing.

I work on Oxford St - how hard can this be??? (they're all friggin sold out)

Army Surplus mate. I got a Poncho from one a few years ago and they are excellent for Festivals
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Where can I get some decent rainwear?

I need a poncho that's not some re-useable tacky looking carrier bag type thing.

I work on Oxford St - how hard can this be??? (they're all friggin sold out)

I got mine from Poundland in Dalston Rob. It cost, err £1 :lol:

Hope it makes it through til Monday :confused:
Where can I get some decent rainwear?

I need a poncho that's not some re-useable tacky looking carrier bag type thing.

I work on Oxford St - how hard can this be??? (they're all friggin sold out)

You should have grabbed something splashproof at the Vegan Kinky Domination Spiritual Workshop the other week!:p
If you ask nicely Dan might send you his Excel spreadsheet of festival kit and it's 'usefulness to likelihood of necessity ratio'!:lol: *

*While I kid you not, he is the most prepared in the world for festival variable change, no matter how incremental!

I'm usually too preoccupied once I get there to worry about variable change! I'm just bringing my flipflops and my wellies. That's covering all bases IMO 8)
Unbelievably excited now! 8) Unfortunately at work now til midnight and haven't done my festival shop or packed a single thing yet. And my train leaves at 8.30am tomorrow - eek!

Never arrived on a wednesday before, is there much going on musically around the place?
Flying over from Finland tomorrow! Super excited :D especially looking forward to the Rabbit Hole, I've somehow managed to not end up there but I've heard good things about it
Flying over from Finland tomorrow! Super excited :D especially looking forward to the Rabbit Hole, I've somehow managed to not end up there but I've heard good things about it

I've never made it there either, determined to this year. Nick Warren is playing there Thurs night 1-2am, definitely gonna try to get into that one..
Looking grim on the weather front folks :(

I'm sure it will be a blast, envious as hell, whatever the weather. Any in running updates appreciated....

Good. :)
Can you spare a bit of Global and Creamfields?

Doesn't have to be constant sunshine. Just no rain. :)
It'd be nice if we had good weather for festivals

"good" festival weather is a funny one.
For me ideal festival weather is different to ideal weather when you are at home. At home id probably want about 25degrees and sunshine with no clouds or wind.
At a festival you dont have an insulated house that keeps cool during the day or warm at night. A baking hot weekend can be abit of a struggle at a festival as your out all night , maybe grab a couple hours sleep max before blazing sun wakes u up and your tent is an oven.Rain is obviously frowned upon at all times

I reckon ideally you want sunny days 20 -25 becoming abit humid later on so you have a warm evening / night. Bit colder and overcast in the morning so you can get some sleep. Abit of a breeze can be nice too.
Not too much to ask for then eh :lol:

* i think thats why england is suited to festivals actually as in the summer we can have a variety of weather which if your lucky can give good conditions for being in the outdoors. Places on the continent can get unbearably hot for a day/nights boozing and sleep deprivation is horrible
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