Glastonbury 2011

Having a brief hiatus whilst charging phone and rearranging brain cells...up to eyes in mud.

Feel like a pregnant salmon swimming upstream! :lol:

Having a smashing time of it.


Security wrestling protesters to the ground over tax dodge campaign = sh1te.
U2/Coldplay/Radiodirge = big meh.

It's very white middle class (see Radiodirge)...until you get to the Downlow that is. 8)

Still the best club in the whole world by a country mile. Not sure where they get all the freaks from but a chick with a d1ck turned up and started stripping on the stage to "get your hands offa my man, you hear me girrrrrrl?" (definite highlight) - spoke to the organiser too, she wasn't billed, just a regular punter apparently. :lol:

So being a vampire and am vehemently opposed to wellies.

Robert Owens on Sunday. Whoop.
Having a brief hiatus whilst charging phone and rearranging brain cells...up to eyes in mud.

Feel like a pregnant salmon swimming upstream! :lol:

Having a smashing time of it.


Security wrestling protesters to the ground over tax dodge campaign = sh1te.
U2/Coldplay/Radiodirge = big meh.

It's very white middle class (see Radiodirge)...until you get to the Downlow that is. 8)

Still the best club in the whole world by a country mile. Not sure where they get all the freaks from but a chick with a d1ck turned up and started stripping on the stage to "get your hands offa my man, you hear me girrrrrrl?" (definite highlight) - spoke to the organiser too, she wasn't billed, just a regular punter apparently. :lol:

So being a vampire and am vehemently opposed to wellies.

Robert Owens on Sunday. Whoop.

great update, keep on it!
Right, been flicking the coverage on and off the last two days, by a country mile the best act has been Chemical Brothers.. absolutely rocking yet BBC cut their set short to show some muppets no one has heard off.

Very annoyed.

I know im probably biased but it really does look like dance acts wipe the floor in terms of crowd atmosphere. I was switching between Coldplay and Chems and the coldplay crowd were mostly still or swaying slightly, while the Chems crowd was proper going off. Really good visuals too.

Would be interested to see if any of the spotlighters were there.
The BF had Beyonce on the laptop while we were in bed - I wasnt watching just listening, sounded like she was quite good and did a good variation of songs? (Im not a Beyonce fan I have to say)
Did your boyfriend not say to you 'omfg wake up wake up look at this' at any point when Beyonce performed baby boy? Put it this way, I think Tricky might have been the most mentioned word on the whole of Twitter last night. Definitely worth a visit to youtube. I'm still quite baffled as to wtf was happening.
Did your boyfriend not say to you 'omfg wake up wake up look at this' at any point when Beyonce performed baby boy? Put it this way, I think Tricky might have been the most mentioned word on the whole of Twitter last night. Definitely worth a visit to youtube. I'm still quite baffled as to wtf was happening.

I was trying to sleep :lol:

But it sounded good....liked the Destinys Child medley.....
Beyonce smashed big time....

I couldnt bring myself to turn the telly off, she was that good :D

I got dragged to one of her gigs a couple of years ago by the missus. She very much suprised me TBH, she was fantastic, an amazing all round performer.

so nobody else thought this was a bit weird?

I don't think Beyonce grinding up behind him helped his cause much :D

:eek: Thats what too much coke and stage fright does :eek: I could have done better myself :D
Just got back today, brief review.

Glastonbury is still the daddy! An amazing festival as always. The weather was sh!t all week though, wet and crazy muddy til the weekend, then way, way too hot on Saturday and Sunday. However, I didn't see an unhappy person all week and it certainly didn't in any way ruin it for me or the people I was with. Plus watching very K'd up people falling over in the mud, trying to get up, falling over instantly, and repeat, until someone hauls them up, is one of my favourite new spectator sports.

Favourite act of the week for me were Chemical Brothers at the Other Stage on the Saturday night, they are just so suited to a huge stage like that, their music, visuals and set programming is simply unbelievable. When they played Saturate I actually thought our section of crowd was going to take off! I'd never seen them before and they were everything I had hoped for and more.

The Streets on the Sunday night closing the John Peel stage was absolutely amazing too. Mike Skinner has lost his chavvy edge i feel he used to have, and is nowadays simply a very, very cool guy with charisma and a great stage presence, and his band produce proper, great music which fits very well with the festival vibe. It was also the location of the biggest DC10-esque sit down stand up i've ever witnessed - the place went off!

Really enjoyed the afterhours areas too, had a great rave at Shangri La Friday night into Saturday morning with Rob Da Bank playing a great eclectic mix of tunes from techno to dubstep to disco to drum n bass. Plus i can people watch at that place for ever - lots of 'special' cases about! Slight moan though (and this happened last year too) in that they had to shut the doors on the Saturday night because too many people were trying to get in. It's obvious how popular this bit of the festival is, and how more and more people are wanting to rave the night away, they need to address this for 2013, perhaps considerably increasing the capacity of the afterhours area, or alternatively making more things open late in the Dance Village, with some big names playing late sets - a lot of people would certainly welcome it!

Beats Hotel near the Pyramid stage was (i think) a new addition to the festival and was a cool place for a cocktail and some laid back disco tunes in the day, and at night turned into a proper club which at times was going off. Wow! tent in the Dance Village was sounding great all weekend - the Rebel Rave crew of Seth Troxler, Jamie Jones and Damian Lazurus were high quality late on Sunday night. Cubehenge looks as amazing as it did last year - special mention has to go to whoever created the miniature Cube/Stonhenge with discarded Wellies in the mud in front of it 8)

Once again, The Stone Circle was rammed every night and well into the next morning, I will never tire of seeing the huge crowd up on that hill, with the hundreds of lanterns, the tribal drums going, and every second or two the cchhhhh of the nitrous! I also love it there once the sun has come up, the top of the hill is my favourite chill out spot in the whole world, and is another great spot for people watching :eek::)

Once again the sheer scale and quality of the place never ceases to amaze me, and once again i'm fairly certain i've just had the best weekend of my year again!

Now if you'll excuse me i haven't slept since Sunday morning for a couple of hours so i need to get to bed. For about 20 hours. :)

Not such a brief review:!:
I went to Glasto last year when it was glorious sunshine the entire time and to be honest it was just too much for me, there was no getting away from it, I was actually having 2 freezing cold showers a day to try and freshen up. This year I was there Friday to Sunday night and I much preferred the mud, rain and then sun on Sunday it was awesome although if I had been there the entire time I may not have felt the same. I am so gutted it isn't on next year 
Brilliant, brilliant weekend.

However, the crowd has changed beyond belief, a lot of the acts are really safe (as great as Beyonce was - a pop Glasto? Really?) - nowadays, Glasto kinda has that feel to it. Nowt wrong if you're into it because there's plenty of other stages but I miss seeing all the pierced up, dreaded masses filling the site.

Moan over, it was AMAZE.

Did I mention the Downlow? :eek:
Brilliant, brilliant weekend.

However, the crowd has changed beyond belief, a lot of the acts are really safe (as great as Beyonce was - a pop Glasto? Really?) - nowadays, Glasto kinda has that feel to it. Nowt wrong if you're into it because there's plenty of other stages but I miss seeing all the pierced up, dreaded masses filling the site.

Moan over, it was AMAZE.

Did I mention the Downlow? :eek:

The Downlow was AMAZING we went every night apart from sat when we couldnt get in. YOu know when you get those the moments when you're dancing amongst all your mates and you just think my god i love my life, well i was having those every couple of hours soooo good