
9 years is a good gap!!

Depends, I met one ex when she was 18 and I was 28. We were together for about 4 years and because she was Dutch and well travelled she didn't seem that young, I fell for her the same as a girl my own age. In hindsight, I could never have worked longterm and mainly because of where we were in the timeline of our lives.....
Depends, I met one ex when she was 18 and I was 28. We were together for about 4 years and because she was Dutch and well travelled she didn't seem that young, I fell for her the same as a girl my own age. In hindsight, I could never have worked longterm and mainly because of where we were in the timeline of our lives.....

This is a sad fact!! I met a guy who I really like (8 years younger) and we get on really well but if it goes anywhere chances are it'll work for about 2 years then i will be thinking about serious stuff likes babies etc and he wont be, waste of a couple of years! Better to stay single, fun while it lasted though ;)
What's the biggest age gaps people have done? I've done 15 years younger (her 19; me 34) and 10 years older (her 38; me 28 ).
What's the biggest age gaps people have done? I've done 15 years younger (her 19; me 34) and 10 years older (her 38; me 28 ).

In my very early 20's I nearly married a guy 11 years older, we broke up 6 weeks before the wedding, we had a great time age played no part.

Thank god we broke up though I felt old enough at the time but would most def have missed out on a lot
What's the biggest age gaps people have done? I've done 15 years younger (her 19; me 34) and 10 years older (her 38; me 28 ).
Seriously relationships or short flings?

In the latter category, my record would be a lady 19 years my senior.

In the former, I've dated 3 women (and married one) who were 3 years older.
The BF is the same age :lol:

Its funny though isnt it, some people really get hung up on ages and stuff dont they....never really thought about it

It becomes more relevant as you get older, doesn't it, if you want or might want kids? Women have to start worrying earlier, and that can lead to a divergence of objectives. Some women go absolutely metal when they start to think time is running out.

However, both men and women after to start considering what age is too old to deal with young kids.

I couldn't think of anything worse than being a pensioner with teenage kids
It becomes more relevant as you get older, doesn't it, if you want or might want kids? Women have to start worrying earlier, and that can lead to a divergence of objectives. Some women go absolutely metal when they start to think time is running out.

However, both men and women after to start considering what age is too old to deal with young kids.

I couldn't think of anything worse than being a pensioner with teenage kids

Yes that is true (the kids side of it) as Blondie said earlier about going out with a younger guy - you would just be at different points in your life wouldnt you.....I went out with someone older who had 2 kids - that was quite hard to deal with - one of the reasons we broke up was because I knew he wanted no more and I knew I would one day and definitely do now
I couldn't think of anything worse than being a pensioner with teenage kids
True... I'd rather drop dead early and leave them to their own devices :lol:

However, both men and women after to start considering what age is too old to deal with young kids.
Dunno... I'm glad I waited. Starting to consider it now as the age-that-shall-not-be-mentioned approaches, but still in no hurry. I figure if I get around to it in the next 5 years that ought to do.

Edit: Just remembered... when I got married 13 years ago, I also promised the missus we'd get around to it in 5 years :lol:
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It becomes more relevant as you get older, doesn't it, if you want or might want kids? Women have to start worrying earlier, and that can lead to a divergence of objectives. Some women go absolutely metal when they start to think time is running out.

However, both men and women after to start considering what age is too old to deal with young kids.

I couldn't think of anything worse than being a pensioner with teenage kids

I had a momentary lapse of sensibility last year and thought - hmmmm maybe having one child would be ok now I have gotten all my debaucherous activities out of my system over the past 20 + years

Then Phil reminded me of how old we would be when the kid hit 18 - just in time to get our pensions... :lol::lol::lol:
Have you though? ;)

I think so yes, I dont really have the urge to party every weekend now - maybe every couple of months if that!

So far this year I have only indulged in


with potentially naughtiness scheduled in for


So not every weekend as in the past - its actually been the last few years where the sleep deprivation is just not fun anymore - and I actually enjoy the weekend mornings when I am dragging myself out of bed rather than dragging myself up the stairs to bed.8)

Otherwise I am going to end up as the female version of Keith Richards :lol::lol::lol: