free HAUSKITTEN and OLLY ...

Heck, he's really riled this time, isn't he. I don't use twitter either so totally unaware he'd been banned until reading this thread. No idea what prompted the button to be pressed but what I will say, given there's probably nowhere else I go online to say it and presumably Spotlight bans are permanent, is if you're reading this, thanks for letting me nip upstairs to use the shower in your room when I had no hotel last Summer on a 3-day batter, was caked in salt from a day in the sea looking and feeling rank and was due to go out clubbing. It definitely sorted me out that night. There are times when one's needs are very simple and yet can wind up so hard to meet, and you never forget it when people help you out in a meaningful way in those circumstances 8).

Good luck Danny - and just try to make sure the dicky birds you listen to know what they're cheeping about ;). It's not worth going to war over an Internet Forum. Everyone takes their stance and sometimes it doesn't seem right to you but in the end everything in life that is wrong comes around so let fate take its course and be the judge - it is not for man to intervene in that process. If I got stuck on everything that happened to me in my life that I felt unjust I would soon eat myself up in negativity, and sometimes I have reflected on things and changed my views after extensive self-examination. Not often :lol:, but sometimes ;).

:rolleyes: omg - you made my day. :rolleyes:
what a great post kimajy :p :D ♥ 8)
Not like we have that many active posters in the post-Facebook era.
Seems like a warning/reminder would have sufficed.
But I guess the decision has been made.
Amusing twitter rants! Bez was a bit tightly wound, as per the "I broke this exclusive story" thread. :lol:

He had a Ibiza blog which he wanted to promote, constantly. So it's not surprising that IS thought there was a conflict of interest.

IS was never the place for self promotion to be fair.
Hello - I havent been banned - just thought I would pop in and say Hi (*waves from windy cold depressing Newcastle :)) xxx
Hello - I havent been banned - just thought I would pop in and say Hi (*waves from windy cold depressing Newcastle :)) xxx

Was wondering what had happened to you - thought you might have been buried under a mountain of snow somewhere up North !
its been tough but we have made it through yet another winter (mainly of discontent) :)

how are you my friend?

Was in London back end of March for a 20year celebration of Clockwork Orange..... it made me feel old and jaded.....

I am having 2 sensible holidays this year - avoiding Ibiza if possible.... but we all know how that one goes :)
It could be just me, but when I first poked my head in the forum circa 01-02 it was like swimming in shark infested waters. The things that got people booted were things that were milder than what happened before IMHO.
What was the conflict of interests? I know he had a blog, was that a commercial venture?

Times must be tough at IS towers if bloggers are being banned!
What was the conflict of interests? I know he had a blog, was that a commercial venture?

Times must be tough at IS towers if bloggers are being banned!

I suppose the fear may be that visitors may come on IS, see Bez' blog, then start using Bez' blog rather than IS for their Ibiza info and not return?

IS have always been clear that it's a business and they need to make money, so they removed the threat?#

I'm just putting 2 and 2 together and probably getting 5.

Or perhaps he called some one's mum a twat? :lol:
As someone who has read Bez's blog i can't see why anyone would go to it for info as opposed to IS.
The majority of it is speculation and opinion from one person.
it could be that he was using Spotlight to talk to prominent people like danny w and setting up interviews for his blog via this forum? just a guess