free HAUSKITTEN and OLLY ...

it could be that he was using Spotlight to talk to prominent people like danny w and setting up interviews for his blog via this forum? just a guess
So what? Ffs the lack of a response from anyone at spotlight speaks volumes. Do they think they are the Ibiza Mafia? Lol, it's a blog for goodness sake are they scared of the competition?
Come on spotlight give us a reason it's the least we deserve when a very good member of this forum has been banned!
Whenever I looked at his blog he used to regularly promote IS for bookings: In fact from his blog hotel section this morning I found this:

"Always book with a reputable company a company based on the Island that solely deals with Ibiza Accommodation. They do not sell rooms outside of Ibiza."
I found this:

Always book with a reputable company. They do not sell rooms outside of Ibiza. Travel Republic is one of the cheapest comparison sites to book with and allows you to reserve a room without paying a booking deposit. Update 14/4/13 DO NOT BOOK WITH IBIZA SPOTLIGHT
I found this:

Always book with a reputable company. They do not sell rooms outside of Ibiza. Travel Republic is one of the cheapest comparison sites to book with and allows you to reserve a room without paying a booking deposit. Update 14/4/13 DO NOT BOOK WITH IBIZA SPOTLIGHT

The irony of all this of course is that this has generated quite a good bit of publicity on these forums for said blog :lol:
I found this:

Always book with a reputable company. They do not sell rooms outside of Ibiza. Travel Republic is one of the cheapest comparison sites to book with and allows you to reserve a room without paying a booking deposit. Update 14/4/13 DO NOT BOOK WITH IBIZA SPOTLIGHT

Wow i didnt see that when I looked, nothing like sour grapes!
The thing is people often see a forum like this as their personal home or space and nothing could be further from the reality. Think of a forum as a nightclub: It's up to the owners whether or not to let you in. They can refuse you admission without reason if they so wish. Once you are in the club you have to abide by their rules. If you don't they can issue a warning (but bear in mind they are unlikely to anounce that warning to the whole club/forum, they are likely to do that in private) but if you choose to ignore that warning then they reserve the right to eject you from the club/forum. I wouldn't expect a club owner/manager to explain to every clubber there why they kicked out someone who broke the rules. Why expect it from Spotlight?
The thing is people often see a forum like this as their personal home or space and nothing could be further from the reality. Think of a forum as a nightclub: It's up to the owners whether or not to let you in. They can refuse you admission without reason if they so wish. Once you are in the club you have to abide by their rules. If you don't they can issue a warning (but bear in mind they are unlikely to anounce that warning to the whole club/forum, they are likely to do that in private) but if you choose to ignore that warning then they reserve the right to eject you from the club/forum. I wouldn't expect a club owner/manager to explain to every clubber there why they kicked out someone who broke the rules. Why expect it from Spotlight?

Agreed. Why would spotlight owe us any form of explanation?! Bez posted the screenshot himself, and the reason for him being banned was clear to see: continued self-promotion. No further explanation needed.

I like Bez, and I perhaps had more time for him than others. But his role as devil's advocate was wearing thin, and his persistance to report half-truths did him no favours. A loss to the forums, his character might be. But he was his own worst enemy.

In his departure, his whining and public display of bitterness reeks of sour grapes. Spotlights "silence" has been far more professional & admirable.

I feel for him, but something had to give eventually.
Bez, Hauskitten, Olly and Icey... all spotlight legends in their own way...

A temp ban would have been have been enough. I'm sure the ice would have toned it down after this episode...
Pretty sure Icey already had a ban before, cant recall why. I've called him out on his views on here before but i also valued the contributions he made to the forum. It will certainly be quieter without him particularly over the winter period. I hope he is allowed to return - just cut out the unsavoury stuff - plenty other places on the net to vent those kind of views.
Strange that this kind of attitude that's not at all been missed creeps in after that bird was banned the other day, strange posts to reacquaint himself with the forum after being inactive for so long. Hmmmmm