first season without after hours

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:arrow: various denouces after the closing party of km5
· one denounce for not respecting the closing time
· some denounces for drug possession to people leaving or heading there
· after party in a private property stopped

(and all the cars parked outside on the road fined with 90€... bastards ! ! )

Now ,they are gonna want to close kilometro 5 ... dear god, who and what is behind all of that ? i can't believe your government is so blind ... They haven't anything else to do?
My god ... you begin to be so pathetic with your " The govenerment is so good,you tourist are always wrong,i live here" ... i'm sick of it, you are always against the clubbing and the tourists, you think that your government is always right ...

Man,there is just black and white in you world?

you could not be so further from the truth if you tried
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Now ,they are gonna want to close kilometro 5 ... dear god, who and what is behind all of that ? i can't believe your government is so blind ... They haven't anything else to do?

so what do you plan to do ?

apart from sit on your arse, moan about it and do **** all ?
in the UK, the club dosnt get the blame if you are on the way to the club and get caught with drugs!

if you believe that then you are living in cloud cuckoo land

I think mr_l_k has been taking far too much acid for these replies to be taken seriously?

Ibiza now has what are probably the strictest club opening, music laws anywhere in the developed world and that makes Ibiza very tolerant (your words)?
what makes me laugh is everyone going on about this yet in the uk if there is a sniff (no pun intended) of drugs in a club it gets shut down immediately

the end, home, hacienda, the cross blah blah

The End and The Cross closing has nothing to do with drugs.
The End and The Cross closing has nothing to do with drugs.

Nor did the closure of the Hacienda for that matter, but why let the truth get in the way of more propaganda & bs from mr_l_k?

How many small businesses and livelihoods have been wrecked by the military junta in Ibiza this year?

The politicians seriously think the rich and famous would rather come to a nazi run island called Ibiza than St Tropez? Yeah right, dream on.
How many small businesses and livelihoods have been wrecked by the military junta in Ibiza this year?

The politicians seriously think the rich and famous would rather come to a nazi run island called Ibiza than St Tropez?


now who's talking hyperbole ?

you all go one about one ****in club that had 400 people in it once a week - everyone knew it only had a licence of 60 odd

on another message board dc10 is described as "its just a crack den with a crap sound system" - "its been over for years"

do you remember when they put in the "phone booths" ?

the closure was inevitable, the restrictions to curb bora bora were inevitable - i dont necessarilly agree with the way they did it but it was inevitable - get over it

now who's talking hyperbole ?

you all go one about one ****in club that had 400 people in it once a week - everyone knew it only had a licence of 60 odd

on another message board dc10 is described as "its just a crack den with a crap sound system" - "its been over for years"

do you remember when they put in the "phone booths" ?

the closure was inevitable, the restrictions to curb bora bora were inevitable - i dont necessarilly agree with the way they did it but it was inevitable - get over it

I never even considered DC10 when posting the above comment. You simply can't help yourself from posting total nonesense in the hope that a few might just believe the propaganda you and others persist with. Farcical.

Dozens of small bars have been hammered with fines that they haven't a hope in hell of ever paying. Their crimes? Staying open beyond the nightime curfew imposed by the military junta. And you have temerity to say Ibiza is tolerant?
I never even considered DC10 when posting the above comment. You simply can't help yourself from posting total nonesense in the hope that a few might just believe the propaganda you and others persist with. Farcical.

Dozens of small bars have been hammered with fines that they haven't a hope in hell of ever paying. Their crimes? Staying open beyond the nightime curfew imposed by the military junta. And you have temerity to say Ibiza is tolerant?

what propaganda ?

is telling it like it is propaganda?

and fines: "they havent a hope in hell of ever paying" ????

and "military junta" - oh please.... do you really honestly believe that ibiza is the only place in the world that enforces laws ?

rightly or wrongly the consell has decided after years of people taking the p1ss that they are going to make examples of some businesses

my point is simply that ibiza tolerates, but its well known here that you can do a lot but if you take the p1ss......
and fines: "they havent a hope in hell of ever paying" ????

Don't you read DDI, or are you suggesting the news published therein is not to be believed?

and "military junta" - oh please.... do you really honestly believe that ibiza is the only place in the world that enforces laws ?

Fortunately most places in the developed world enforce the law sensibly. Do you honestly believe the actions taken with regard to the KM5 incident or any of the small time bars on the island are reasonable?

rightly or wrongly the consell has decided after years of people taking the p1ss that they are going to make examples of some businesses

my point is simply that ibiza tolerates, but its well known here that you can do a lot but if you take the p1ss......

As I have posted on numerous occasions, something needed to be done. It was terrible to hear of people using "I'm in Ibiza, I can do what I want" as a defence to drugs charges in court. But come on, the actions taken this summer hark back to the dark ages akin to those here in the UK when a gathering of more than two people could be considered illegal. Fortunately the country has grown up a lot since then.

Out of interest, what would you consider 'taking the p!ss' as you use the term frequently?
from the ibiza sun:

Party Poopers
On Monday the Town Hall of San Jose revealed it had made a total of 63 denuncias within the municipality, at both private residences and businesses, for playing music too loudly or without the appropriate licenses. However, the problem of unlicensed fiestas remains a delicate issue with sources claiming that of the supposed 70 illegal parties which officers attended this summer, none of the organisers were fined as it was impossible to prove anyone had paid an entrance fee to attend the party, although all were stopped immediately for excessive noise.
The final weekend closing parties all passed without too much incident, officers making a total of 115 denuncias. However, the majority of these were for traffic offences.
what a total bull****!!! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

so he calls us music loving, dedicated clubbers who sometimes like to go further then 6am "hooligans".

we should all leave and watch out for a new place of freedom...(i recommend koh phangan, thailand 8))
Which category does a 42 year old tax-paying mother of 3 with husband, dog, mortgage, (NO Volvo:)) job as charity fundraiser, who also likes to party occasionally during daytime hours or beyond 6am, fit into ?? Please can I be a hooligan, pretty please...?
what a total bull****!!! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

so he calls us music loving, dedicated clubbers who sometimes like to go further then 6am "hooligans".

we should all leave and watch out for a new place of freedom...(i recommend koh phangan, thailand 8))

Yes Thailand is quality and they love dance music! problem is flights cost a fortune! I thtought 2008 was good in Ibiza, if they are happy with it and think they have achieved something good on them! this time last year there was a lot more fuss about opeing hours and rumours / uncertainty....hopefully the 6am closing is the last of the bad news for a while :)
I thtought 2008 was good in Ibiza, if they are happy with it and think they have achieved something good on them! this time last year there was a lot more fuss about opeing hours and rumours / uncertainty....hopefully the 6am closing is the last of the bad news for a while :)

I'll second that! It is good when you think about it that the authorities are satisfied with what they have achieved in 2008 regarding the afterhours. After-all if they weren't they'd probably impose even tighter restrictions for '09!

Hopefully things will smooth out a bit and the numbers will pick up again for a great season next year...
from the ibiza sun:

WTM Kicks Off
The secretary of state for tourism, Joan Mesquida, declared, whilst at the World Travel Market in London, that the image of Ibiza within the UK was slowly improving. He said the British no longer associated the island with "lager louts" and "hooligans", adding that the exposure given to Ibiza by celebrities such as Jade Jagger, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, amongst others, had helped to give Ibiza a more exclusive image. He added that he thought the control of opening times of the clubs and a banning of after-hour bars had had a positive effect, although he recognised the clubs would always play an important part in the island's make-up.
The contractor for Tui-Travel in Ibiza and Formentera, Karen Fisher, (.....) continued that the main problem for tour operators working with the family market was that Ibiza was becoming more and more a young persons' destination, which was guided by the opening of the discos, and that the only way to regain a six-month season would be to promote family tourism once again.
from the ibiza sun:

WTM Kicks Off
The secretary of state for tourism, Joan Mesquida, declared, whilst at the World Travel Market in London, that the image of Ibiza within the UK was slowly improving. He said the British no longer associated the island with "lager louts" and "hooligans", adding that the exposure given to Ibiza by celebrities such as Jade Jagger, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, amongst others, had helped to give Ibiza a more exclusive image. He added that he thought the control of opening times of the clubs and a banning of after-hour bars had had a positive effect, although he recognised the clubs would always play an important part in the island's make-up.
The contractor for Tui-Travel in Ibiza and Formentera, Karen Fisher, (.....) continued that the main problem for tour operators working with the family market was that Ibiza was becoming more and more a young persons' destination, which was guided by the opening of the discos, and that the only way to regain a six-month season would be to promote family tourism once again.

Wow... because Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell don't want to party all hours! :lol: :lol:
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