Facebook - what does the future hold?

Soz if I'm being thick but how can you tell if its a fake profile?

There are lots of people with the same name as me on there - how can I tell if someone is being a fake me?
Soz if I'm being thick but how can you tell if its a fake profile?

There are lots of people with the same name as me on there - how can I tell if someone is being a fake me?

Same here.....does it mean they are using your photos too as all mine are set to private unless you are my friend? Or is that what you are saying Vic its someone you know that has done it?
Defo can be fake profiles - i had 2 of ME :confused:

My mate Dan asked if i had any other profile, so i said no only the one he was facebook chatting to me on...queried why he asked and he said because he saw some mates of his were friends with a Vicky MeOpham with a pic of me and my mate....:confused:

I then searched it, low and behold a profile with a pic of me....

It then becomes apparent, that another one, with the right spelling of my name was made with yet another pic of me and a friend in, thing is, with this profile, they delved into my albums for the pics, as they are private to any other public user (as i checked with my best mate that she set my album pics to private when she did it for me a fair few months ago) so this profile was made by someone who i am actually friends with on fb :evil:

Both accounts now gone 8)
Same here.....does it mean they are using your photos too as all mine are set to private unless you are my friend? Or is that what you are saying Vic its someone you know that has done it?

Exactly that em's as the second profile i found was pics in my albums :spank:
Who the hell would want to do that? You are right when you say you need a friends clear out!

Some very sad muppet :rolleyes:

Going to the effort of putting status's up aswell is just pure jokes really :confused:

Did a brief clearout last night, got rid of 70 people - alot of old school friends that i never spoke to even in school let alone now so they went first :lol:
Some very sad muppet :rolleyes:

Going to the effort of putting status's up aswell is just pure jokes really :confused:

Did a brief clearout last night, got rid of 70 people - alot of old school friends that i never spoke to even in school let alone now so they went first :lol:

Id call it jealousy - horrible emotion :lol:
Do you not think that FB has the nasty habit of stirring up a whole lot of sh*t that wouldn't necessarily happen in the real world? Or maybe it does happen in the real world but you would sort it out face to face rather then the nasty sniping I've noticed going on between people

Soz if this has already been discussed further back - I haven't read it all :lol:
Oh yeah definately...because people prefer hiding behind a pc and giving it the biggun rather than face to face because they are sad and pathetic :spank:
Do you not think that FB has the nasty habit of stirring up a whole lot of sh*t that wouldn't necessarily happen in the real world? Or maybe it does happen in the real world but you would sort it out face to face rather then the nasty sniping I've noticed going on between people

Soz if this has already been discussed further back - I haven't read it all :lol:

Yep totally agree! It can also cause you unnecessary aggro too!
Looks like we can now group friends and give them "restricted" access.

Question is, will they find out they've been restricted?!!
Looks like we can now group friends and give them "restricted" access.

Question is, will they find out they've been restricted?!!

The war has begun, whatever FB does Google will copy or out do, and vice versa.

I havent even delved into the 'groups' thing TBH, I flit on there regularly during the day, but dont really have the time to be on there for ages sorting out groups and restrictions.. The people Ive got on there are cool...so im not going to start messing about and seperating them.
Do you not think that FB has the nasty habit of stirring up a whole lot of sh*t that wouldn't necessarily happen in the real world? Or maybe it does happen in the real world but you would sort it out face to face rather then the nasty sniping I've noticed going on between people

Soz if this has already been discussed further back - I haven't read it all :lol:

It's a pain in the arse when you break up with someone. My ex had FB friended anyone she could connected to me and was suddenly meeting my mates' girlfriends for drinks/trying to get herself invited to things I'd be at etc

Pre-Facebook, there's no way she would have had contact with anyone to do with me anymore.
Im getting hacked off with the drama of FB tbh :rolleyes: i' ve been fairly ruthless with the chopping of 'friends' from my profile lately :spank:
Im getting hacked off with the drama of FB tbh :rolleyes: i' ve been fairly ruthless with the chopping of 'friends' from my profile lately :spank:

Good to see I've survived :p
Need to clear out friends... i've got 600 now. like hell to I speak to even 10% of that on my profile.