Facebook - what does the future hold?

UK users of facebook are bound to;
Facebook Ireland Limited
Hanover Reach, 5-7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2 Ireland according to the t&c's.

It should therefore be possible to do a subject access request to determine what information they hold on file for your account. Costs around £10 to get such information. Not sure what the legal situation would be thereafter, but would be interesting to know what they do hold.
it's hard.

i still get some emails and even had a friend request by text the other day. my mobile number has never been on that site.


i would've complained, but it was a nice change to the usual spam text offering compensation for the accident i never had. plus it gave me a warm feeling thinking 'you sad little c*nt' for being that desperate for cyber friends.

Any of the phones that can 'facebook sync' send contact numbers to facebook (it doesn't display them, thankfully) when you sync your phone contact with a facebook friend.
It's doing my head in how a lot of Dj's are getting fully involved with facebook.

I wish they'd all go back to just have a decent up to date website.
Agree completely. Tho' some don't seem to manage either - Maceo Plex being case in point. Try getting any reliable steer on where he's playing lately !

Was reported earlier this month to be doing a gig in Sicily tonight - then I stumble across a report 3rd hand via Dixon's website that they're playing together at a club near Venice. Have been wanting to see him at a small gig for ages but communications about his full gig schedule are worse than poor ! Maybe he just gets booked at very short notice or something.
Although I do spend alot of time on FB, I hate what they have done to it. Bring back the newsfeed of old, sorted by date. Not what is most popular!