Facebook - what does the future hold?

I completely deleted my account about 2 months ago now. Spent ages untagging, deleting every bit of info, so that FB did not have this on their servers.

I haven't looked back, and when you aren't involved in peoples facebooks worlds you realise how sad FB can be i.e. people knowing things abou people just through statuses and reading convo's etc. I may have lost a route of contact with some people, but tbh I'd rather talk to people face to face.

The thing that really ticked me off was people tagging where they were and who they were with. All attention I tell ya! And the worst is when I go out with a couple of mates on a night out, they'll be sitting on their phone in a bar/club on twitter or FB!

FB = being nosey, bitchiness, time wasting, attention seekers and trouble.
The only thing i really use it for now is getting quick info on new nights out and releases etc from Djs and organising birthdays / trips with mates. Could quite easily do without it now tbh.
They won't until they go on your profile, and notice they can't see your wall, statues, etc


Here's one fella who sees a statue, he wish he hadn't.
I completely deleted my account about 2 months ago now. Spent ages untagging, deleting every bit of info, so that FB did not have this on their servers.

I haven't looked back, and when you aren't involved in peoples facebooks worlds you realise how sad FB can be i.e. people knowing things abou people just through statuses and reading convo's etc. I may have lost a route of contact with some people, but tbh I'd rather talk to people face to face.

The thing that really ticked me off was people tagging where they were and who they were with. All attention I tell ya! And the worst is when I go out with a couple of mates on a night out, they'll be sitting on their phone in a bar/club on twitter or FB!

FB = being nosey, bitchiness, time wasting, attention seekers and trouble.

You must feel happier now you got that off your chest :D
Good to see I've survived :p
Need to clear out friends... i've got 600 now. like hell to I speak to even 10% of that on my profile.

Hence my clear out - who in gods name, speaks to over the hundreds of friends they actually have on their fb. cant see the point in having them on there if i dont talk to them.
Strict rule of mine on FB, never add anyone unless I've met them.

If you're using Firefox, Safari, Chrome or Opera, install the brilliant FB Purity. Makes Fb much more pleasurable when you can edit all the tat out.
I have turned my facebook off today :eek:
To be honest, im fed up of its crapness and I know its useful for contacting a few folk but I really have had enough of it. Might open a new mystery one :lol: but just for liking music events and artists so I dont have any friends looking at my life etc. And I wont have to read anymore ridiculous status updates like "xxx is so lush mmmmm" or "why me?!?! lol" aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
Wonder how long I last...
The only thing i really use it for now is getting quick info on new nights out and releases etc from Djs and organising birthdays / trips with mates. Could quite easily do without it now tbh.

... presumably that's not just because you're laid up in recovery and not going out :?:;) Reckon it's useful for those annoying venues / DJs etc who won't update their website tour schedules etc or only announce things like set times, cancellations, after-parties etc on facebook/twitter at the last minute (e.g. Sasha ... :spank:) but as for the rest of it .....

I have turned my facebook off today
To be honest, im fed up of its crapness and I know its useful for contacting a few folk but I really have had enough of it. Might open a new mystery one but just for liking music events and artists so I dont have any friends looking at my life etc. And I wont have to read anymore ridiculous status updates like "xxx is so lush mmmmm" or "why me?!?! lol" aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Wonder how long I last...
Turn off, tune out and live again :D !! Nowt wrong with a bit of privacy and discretion 8).
A 'user' ID is best bet, tbh .. though even that's like a junk mail assault - guess it would be easier to 'unlike' a business page than unfriend a person when they won't stop cluttering up your computer with notifications for things you'll never go to or have no interest in.

I have people on FB so as I don't have to talk to them.
:lol: - I just have an answering machine & e-mail for that ;) !!
advice please...

Does anyone know how to close a FB account but ensuring there is none of your data still left on the site - is that even possible?

Thanks xx
Strict rule of mine on FB, never add anyone unless I've met them.

If you're using Firefox, Safari, Chrome or Opera, install the brilliant FB Purity. Makes Fb much more pleasurable when you can edit all the tat out.

^^^ This

I don't get how can add someone who will be looking at their photos, knowing what they're up to, seeing their status' etc - if you've never even met that person? :confused:
i see facebook is still going strong and i haven't heard much from Google+ since their launch.

I've added a few people from here on facebook and then met up with them this year 8)
I don't get how can add someone who will be looking at their photos, knowing what they're up to, seeing their status' etc - if you've never even met that person? :confused:
There are some people I haven't met in person (Puppylover, for example) whom I trust a lot more than a lot of people I've met!

Nevertheless, I have that general rule as well. Of my 1000 or so FB friends, there are only about 5-10 I haven't met.

I've made good use of the recently-enhanced "lists" function. Got my own separate lists for family, Russia friends, UK friends, people from school, university, my time in Almaty, as well as arts people and music people... and those sneaky journalists. That way you can click on the list in the left column and see what any specific group of people are up to. And I created a restricted list of people who won't see most of my content.
(I made my own lists of each, though... don't use that stupid 'smart lists' function)
i see facebook is still going strong and i haven't heard much from Google+ since their launch.

I've added a few people from here on facebook and then met up with them this year 8)

lol, I haven't used google+ much at all since the initial schoolboy giddyness:lol:

My phone was setup to auto upload all photos and videos to google+ (default setting when installing google+ for android). It cost me a fortune not remembering about this on a recent Ibiza trip:oops:
lol, I haven't used google+ much at all since the initial schoolboy giddyness:lol:

My phone was setup to auto upload all photos and videos to google+ (default setting when installing google+ for android). It cost me a fortune not remembering about this on a recent Ibiza trip:oops:

that sounds awful :/

i think I'll stick with facebook and twitter and Ibiza Spotlight of course ;)

I'm not the most technical bloke in the world, i don't have an iphone (i have a Nokia N8 ) i don't have a Macbook and i still spin vinyl (for a month or two anyway)

advice please...

Does anyone know how to close a FB account but ensuring there is none of your data still left on the site - is that even possible?

Thanks xx

it's hard.

i still get some emails and even had a friend request by text the other day. my mobile number has never been on that site.


i would've complained, but it was a nice change to the usual spam text offering compensation for the accident i never had. plus it gave me a warm feeling thinking 'you sad little c*nt' for being that desperate for cyber friends.