Exit Festival

On a lighter note, I have just seen that Paul Weller is playing, which im quite excited about.

I wouldnt worry about Exit being cancelled it started as a protest to out Millsovich (SP) so its used to upheaval

I'm not worried about Exit being cancelled, I'm worried about us being blown up while it's on! :eek:
I'm not worried about Exit being cancelled, I'm worried about us being blown up while it's on! :eek:

It will be fine Becki. There is a large Serbian turn out for Exit, its not just us foreigners.

Its an amazing country considering it was at war not that long ago.
Its not like all Serbian's are rioting . My friends from Belgrade he said its basically a political party has jumped on this patriotic bandwagon and has really struck a chord with the right wing supporters who are all going bananas
How much is everyone paying for apartments?

Unless you're going in a group there are no cheap apartments... trust me I have been looking for two months!

We're getting a hotel for £75 a night.... it is a lot but I was getting quotes for shockingly disgusting apartments for £55 a night - an extra tenner each and you can stay in a much nicer place. IMO it's worth it.
I got quoted 250 euros for 4 nights for 2 people from one place which i don't think is too bad.

Still about £50 a night though isnt it. What place is it, if you don't mind me asking? Just wondering if it's one of the apartments I've seen.
The thing is you've got to also look at location - if it isn't in walking distance to Exit then the taxi's are going to charge you a fortune for driving you to/from Novi Sad centre.
Also whether the apartment has aircon, I have read that it is a necessity in Serbia!
Still about £50 a night though isnt it. What place is it, if you don't mind me asking? Just wondering if it's one of the apartments I've seen.
The thing is you've got to also look at location - if it isn't in walking distance to Exit then the taxi's are going to charge you a fortune for driving you to/from Novi Sad centre.
Also whether the apartment has aircon, I have read that it is a necessity in Serbia!

Taxis (alongside everything else) were dirt cheap when we were out there. The main problem that there wasn't very many of them

I'm not that surprised about them charging through the nose for the hotels really. It will be the busiest weekend in the year for the town, fair play for them milking it. You'll be amazed when you get out there and find that most other things are still very very reasonable.
Right thats it then you've all talked me into it. Exit looks awesome.
BTW Hi everyone I'm Caz, a serial lurker have been for about a year now but it looks like I finally conquered my lurking habit and actually posted something! Hmmm I wonder what your policy on newbie torture is on here.:rolleyes: Excuse me while I limp away to hide in the shadows again.