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Treated myself to one of these at the weekend.
Pretty strong and pure. Was told they can take a while to come up, as they are very hard pressed (as usual with Q Dance presses).
So started with a half and crunched it up a little bit between my teeth. Sure enough around 40 minutes in my missus started speaking to me 100mph (sure sign lol) and I was beginning to get that warm fuzzy feeling through my body.
Helped along by being in the middle of around 10k people at the Warehouse Project in Manchester and some crazy techno music bouncing through my ears.
After a good 4-5 month break this really started hitting us hard and fast. What a feeling man!
Redosed about an hour in, with a quarter bit. Was really flying now. Holy shit was getting the eye wiggle stuff and all that crazy shenanigans.
Music was pumping. Had me dancing like a robot from nineteen eighty four! FROM NINETEEN EIGHTY FOURRRRR ?
This new Mayfield Depot is a great venue and the crowd were unreal, really up for it. Such a great atmosphere in the place.
Afterwards, it tailed off nice and easy. Quick shower back at the digs and no problems getting some sleep.
Had some light afterglows through the next day, which was just as well as I spent most of the evening building Lego with my 7 year old daughter lol.
Keep your eyes open for the NL stamp, good clean and very strong pills. Also this stuff works a lot better when you have a good break in between.
Happy New Year in advance my pedigree chums ?

Hope you’s all have a good one!