
@Deco33 It 100% sounds like a reaction to a very nasty and unexpected substance rather than too much MDMA. I've felt very miserable sometimes after taking/mixing drugs like MDMA and mephedrone, but never have I felt like my life could be in serious danger for days afterwards.
I'd love to know what it could be, but i'd also like to just put it behind me and start cleaning up my act. My body deserves a break:spank:
I'd love to know what it could be, but i'd also like to just put it behind me and start cleaning up my act. My body deserves a break:spank:

There are loads of obscure, nasty long-lasting stims. I've never had it, but remember there was a period during an MD shortage where BZP was in most pills? Since then, loads of research chemicals have been invented, tested on dafties and probably mostly discarded as inactive/no-fun/dangerous. One imagines that some of those chems might have been sold under the guise of other stuff, just to minimise financial loss. I reckon the reason you couldn't get good meph for so long was because dealers found it easier to sell off other non-active cathinones as meph instead.
There are loads of obscure, nasty long-lasting stims. I've never had it, but remember there was a period during an MD shortage where BZP was in most pills? Since then, loads of research chemicals have been invented, tested on dafties and probably mostly discarded as inactive/no-fun/dangerous. One imagines that some of those chems might have been sold under the guise of other stuff, just to minimise financial loss. I reckon the reason you couldn't get good meph for so long was because dealers found it easier to sell off other non-active cathinones as meph instead.
Ive been caught with a few research chemicals in the psycedelic world. Thats all different kinds of horror
Ive been caught with a few research chemicals in the psycedelic world. Thats all different kinds of horror

I tried mdpv - horrible stim, pretty long-lasting and tweaky, that I found hard to knock-down no matter how much booze I threw at it. Spent many hours pacing around the flat...

Another time I ordered MDAI? [chemical that should be a gentler version of MDMA] and it turned out to be something totally different, more like shrooms when it kicked in.

Really? In an area perhaps frequented by dealers and buyers? Have you never found a pill on the floor of a pub (never mind a club)?
St E isn’t a place I’d expect to be really rife with dealers. Never been up there but thought it more of a family place than a party place. San an or Bossa perhaps.
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I tried mdpv - horrible stim, pretty long-lasting and tweaky, that I found hard to knock-down no matter how much booze I threw at it. Spent many hours pacing around the flat...

Another time I ordered MDAI? [chemical that should be a gentler version of MDMA] and it turned out to be something totally different, more like shrooms when it kicked in.

Try something from the DOx range, DOM perhaps, or NBOMe.
No actually dont. They are horrible
Glad to hear you are coming to deco. I know people who have had the silver PP from Liverpool and been ok, as we know copycats are easy and problematic.

A friend I went to a festival with at the weekend with is still suffering from the brain zaps and sleep paralysis. Not enough sleep, little food and a stupid amount of drugs is not clever. However yours sound like illness and not a come down.

Hope you continue to feel better.
Try something from the DOx range, DOM perhaps, or NBOMe.
No actually dont. They are horrible
NBOMe was sold as LSD here for a while. Similar but different trips. Very long lasting and dirty feeling. Wouldn't recommend if you're looking for an LSD trip.

A good way to tell it's not LSD is the chemical taste, LSD is flavorless. Remember if it's bitter then it's a spitter.
St E isn’t a place I’d expect to be really rife with dealers. Never been up there but thought it more of a family place than a party place. San an or Bossa perhaps.

My thoughts exactly. Never seen one there and it’s where we stay. Ovbs could be local hush hush ones knocking about but still don’t believe it would just be laying in a park
BZP was legal in NZ years ago, not sure if it is now. You could buy it in news agents. It had a nasty come down but it definitely didn't make you feel like you'd been poisoned, well not in my experience.

Yeah, I know it was legal in NZ - bit of a mystery given how nasty the reported effects are. The high is meant to be pretty unpleasant, as well as the comedown! I got the impression it was far more dangerous than MD...