Testing testing, one two testing.
Just writing a short review for some of these Orange Soundclouds and some 2c-b we had a few weeks ago.
Not sure if the mods allow this anymore, so if it gets deleted I apologise in advance and I’ll know the craic and wont complain.
Anyway, got my mits on a small bag of these Orange Soundclouds. Seems to be a popular design over the last few years, although there are slight differences in them each year it seems.
These particular presses appear to have the squarer edges, similar to earlier presses that I saw in 2019 I think. The reverse has a split line and also, interestingly, an NL stamp with a star embossed. Maybe a nod to Dutch Masters of the DNM world.
Quite soft and crumbly, bright orange in colour.
I wouldn’t say they were the strongest pills that I’ve had, but felt pretty good all the same.
We hadn’t had anything since Boxing Day. (we went to see Cristoph & Franky Wah @Digital, was immense). So we’d had a good long break. Additionally, we supplemented with NAC for a good few weeks before the holiday. I think its mainly anecdotal, but it really seams to work for us.
So anyway, around 35-40 minutes after taking one of these I felt the energy blasting through my body! Fcuk me! Amazing! We just happened to be at Ushuaïa and MK was blasting out some absolutely awesome tunes!!!
Felt like the actual floor was bouncing under my feet! Music felt like it was blasting through my body.
By the time Calvin Harris came on we were well on our way. The whole place was pure carnage!
Couple of hours in we decided to add a couple of 2c-b to the mix. These were some kind of picachu type design. Really small pills. I’d estimate about 12mgs per pill. We took two.
Wow!! Was unreal watching planes coming in to land over the crowd. I was getting the classic visuals I normally do. Massive colourful jet streams coming from the planes and stuff like that. Amazing!
Really randomly fancied a pint of shandy afterwards, in one of the bars on the PDB strip. This was the best tasting pint of shandy I have ever had in my whole life! Pretty much necked it and ordered another straight after. The 2c-b really heightens my senses. The bar staff must have thought I was a right party animal drinking shandy on a Friday night in Ibiza
No real comedown the next morning, I felt really smooth actually. Me and the missus blasted out some bedroom athletics lol, the 2c-b seems to enhance this too.
Finished off by popping down the hotel restaurant and stuffed a few pancakes and Nutella down my neck, which also tasted amazing.
I think it’s always worth having a good long break in between doing this stuff. I think the NAC supplement helps too. Also, chilling out by the pool in the sunshine doesn’t do you any harm either.
Until next time

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