Drugs Bust

What does that have to do with anything ?
nothing ... absolutely nothing
(= respectively as much as the heartwarming "poorpackhorsespeople"-bull****-story
has to do with anything)
An alternative may be legal highs.

I tried "Happy Popper Beans" the other night, really trippy, giggly, lots of energy, and just one pill lasted about 8 hours, crazy!

They contain BZP but the new ones are BZP-free.
nothing ... absolutely nothing
(= respectively as much as the heartwarming "poorpackhorsespeople"-bull****-story
has to do with anything)

Didn't mean to put you out with that, wasn't supposed to be heartwarming in any way... No doubt this guy was exactly what you labelled him, none of us will know for sure.
My comment was just an aside relating to something that was happening alot when I was living in the States. Quite a few South American kids aged from 8/9 to 16 were caught stuffed full of drugs like that - they were not benefitting from what they were doing, just courriers used by the guys in charge.
Wasnt called Charge at all was it? Decent stuff, but kills yer nose.

Think it was called Dusted. But yes you are right it tore the granny out of my nose.

Looked at the ingredients and if recall had amino acids and creatine amongst many others. I have a tub of creatine at home so perhaps I can just sniff the arse of that and see where I end up?

Nice of them to let me know what is in it though.

Wish my usual contact would be so kind as to tell me what cr@p I am purchasing this week.
yes, it's a drug. however as our language evolves many words take on a different meaning. to be on drugs is commonly accepted as meaning to take illegal substances

I took a herbal pill once that my friend sells in the shop she works in... didn't do anything to me apart from keep me awake for 36 hours and I don't think I yawned once through that whole time.

8O my mate took these in March on a works night out (as you do - :lol: ) by 9.30 she was sitting in the corner of the pub with her Parka zipped up, hood up and basically spazzed out.... She is no amateur either when it comes to taking anything..:lol::lol:

She said she had the worst hangover ever the next day... :spank:

Phil was in London for the semi final last month and he met up with a mate who had that legal herbal Salvea Divenorum (sp?) he was told to expect a really fast quick high, trippy/poppers like - Phil said he had 3 pulls on a pipe and couldnt move for about 10 mins after each one - he said it was really really horrible - he felt very wrong after the effects finished

he is another one who wont be touching these legal highs...

Phil was in London for the semi final last month and he met up with a mate who had that legal herbal Salvea Divenorum (sp?) he was told to expect a really fast quick high, trippy/poppers like - Phil said he had 3 pulls on a pipe and couldnt move for about 10 mins after each one - he said it was really really horrible - he felt very wrong after the effects finished

That Salvia is funked up :spank:

I had a horrendous time on it in the Dam 2 years ago, we all did. It didnt last very long, but we all had out of body experiences, like the top half of your body seperates from the bottom. I floated across the room and could see myself 8O :lol: Very odd stuff :lol:
yes, it's a drug. however as our language evolves many words take on a different meaning. to be on drugs is commonly accepted as meaning to take illegal substances

Hi Stephen - I trust you are well.

Yes, I agree, it just makes me laugh when people end their statements in a drug discussion with a refrence to alcohol, almost like it's mug of herbal tea or something.
I just find that I love the music so much that's what keep me going, I can easily dance for 12-6am without any drugs, Sometimes im just on water.
That Salvia is funked up :spank:

I had a horrendous time on it in the Dam 2 years ago, we all did. It didnt last very long, but we all had out of body experiences, like the top half of your body seperates from the bottom. I floated across the room and could see myself 8O :lol: Very odd stuff :lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sounds very similar to Phils - he said he felt empty the next day..... he said he wouldnt be taking that again.... :spank:

It also sounds like the cough medicine I got in Ibiza for a chest infection - I was spannered for a week - total weird experiences, just couldnt understand how I felt so very very wrong - until I found out from the villa owner that "ah yes - that's what gets used as a Methodone Substitute as its soo cheap....." 8O :lol::lol:

Once I realised what the hell was going on - it wasnt so freaky - still not bad for 2€ a bottle LoL 8O

Very strange that they would sell it tho to unsuspecting tourists without any warning - what if I had been driving back from Ibiza town
Hi Stephen - I trust you are well.

Yes, I agree, it just makes me laugh when people end their statements in a drug discussion with a refrence to alcohol, almost like it's mug of herbal tea or something.

I think you will find that he really wasn't agreeing with you
... it just makes me laugh when people end their statements in a drug discussion
with a refrence to alcohol, almost like it's mug of herbal tea or something.
isnt it ? :lol:

what about ...
It also sounds like the cough medicine I got in Ibiza for a chest infection - I was spannered for a week - total weird experiences, just couldnt understand how I felt so very very wrong - until I found out from the villa owner that "ah yes - that's what gets used as a Methodone Substitute as its soo cheap....." 8O :lol::lol:

Once I realised what the hell was going on - it wasnt so freaky - still not bad for 2€ a bottle LoL 8O

Very strange that they would sell it tho to unsuspecting tourists without any warning - what if I had been driving back from Ibiza town

Some of the over the counter drugs here are 8O I became aware recently (i wont say its name) of a prescription free over the counter drug that is basically like a legal 'E', it is a bronchial stimulator for astmatics and such like. And it is 8O and extremely cheap. I couldnt believe it 8O