Drugs Bust

Britons held after Ibiza drug raids
(UKPA) – 1 hour ago

Twenty-five Britons are being questioned by the Spanish Guardia Civil
after a series of drugs raids on the holiday island of Ibiza,
the Foreign Office has confirmed.

The suspects, most of them believed to be from Liverpool,
were held on Friday as part of Operation Trafalgar,
which targets drugs traffickers in the west end of "party capital" San Antonio.

Reports in the Spanish press said all those arrested were connected
with a single pub in the resort and all hailed from Liverpool.

It was also reported that the Guardia Civil seized 19,000 ecstasy tablets,
3.3lb (1.5kg) of ketamine and 1.1lb (500g) of cocaine and methamphetamine,
thought to be crystal meth.

A Guardia Civil spokesman in Madrid refused to confirm any details
about the operation, saying the investigations remained open.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said:
"We can confirm a number of British nationals have been arrested in Ibiza.

"The Consul in Ibiza was informed of the arrests on September 5 2009."
(The Press Association)
which pub was it?
2 days ago i posted a link to an article in an ibiza-newspaper
but it disappeared (or was deleted ?) ... so i don´t post it again ...

... maybe someone else posts the name or you can do a research
if you read saturday´s ibiza newspapers :-)
2 days ago i posted a link to an article in an ibiza-newspaper
but it disappeared (or was deleted ?) ... so i don´t post it again ...

... maybe someone else posts the name or you can do a research
if you read saturday´s ibiza newspapers :-)

Which letter does the name begin with? ;)
rotten birds :-))
many of the so-called "workers" are rotten trash anyway,
i prefer the lookylookymen :lol:

The 25 youths, all they of British nationality, were persons under arrest
the past Friday as presumed members of an organized group
dedicated for the sale of narcotics above all in the West End of Sant Antoni.

Apparently, they had their base of operations in a bar of this zone ...

According to next sources to the case they had a network of ticketeros
to distribute the narcotics.

In the group there were also several girls that, according to some sources,
worked as maids and go-gos in some establishments
and presumedly they transported and sold also the drugs ...

several sources said that they found:
- 22,000 tablets of ecstacy,
- 450 grams of crystal,
- 600 grams of cocaine,
- more than one liter of GHB and
- 1.5 Kilograms of ketamina
- more than 50.000 euros
i would assume the "crystal" to be mdma crystals , not crystal meth. who the hell does crystal meth in ibiza??