drink prices 2023

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Should drink more Hierbas, bro
Btw havent Seen Big talker spotlight from here,while i met lot of quiet spotlight ...dozen of random ravers (lot of italian n french ) showing selfies from past years,all club Sécurity staff saying Hello..even Maceo Plex b4 taking decks AT amnesia opening , walking among crowd that was too f***ed up to spot him,i pat his shoulder Hey !Maceo!
All spotlight people doing balcony sessions AT night?
Some German spotlight even told me that forum getting worse..i will follow their way...+ Fusion..
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Should drink more Hierbas, bro
Btw havent Seen Big talker spotlight from here,while i met lot of quiet spotlight ...dozen of random ravers (lot of italian n french ) showing selfies from past years,all club Sécurity staff saying Hello..
All spotlight people doing balcony sessions AT night?
Some German spotlight even told me that forum getting worse..i will follow their way...+ Fusion..
Should drink more Hierbas, bro
Btw havent Seen Big talker spotlight from here,while i met lot of quiet spotlight ...dozen of random ravers (lot of italian n french ) showing selfies from past years,all club Sécurity staff saying Hello..
All spotlight people doing balcony sessions AT night?
Some German spotlight even told me that forum getting worse..i will follow their way...+ Fusion..

Must be some good gear on the island this year...🙄
A few deaths and maybe every club will get one of these.
i think it poses an interesting proposition: clubs love branded merch. Would offering a ticket bolt-on, lets just say for arguments sake €10 extra, and allowing those with upgrades to get a water bottle they can refill throughout the party and keep afterwards, be a potential way to move forward that doesn't hit club profits too much, reduces plastic waste and has an overall lower carbon footprint? it would probably save on wages too - cleaners and bar staff
i think it poses an interesting proposition: clubs love branded merch. Would offering a ticket bolt-on, lets just say for arguments sake €10 extra, and allowing those with upgrades to get a water bottle they can refill throughout the party and keep afterwards, be a potential way to move forward that doesn't hit club profits too much, reduces plastic waste and has an overall lower carbon footprint? it would probably save on wages too - cleaners and bar staff

Genius idea and if the bottles are handed out empty on entry it avoids the issue of people sneaking their own Vodka in
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