drink prices 2017

I guess we're just gonna see this happening a lot more across the board. Let's face it, it's already pretty much the score at most festivals.

The logic is pretty simple:

- the longer they have your money in advance, the more interest they earn on it.
- the less cash on the premises = better security. Seems every year we read stories of money being taken from inside venues.
- it's simply more manageable. Cashing-up at the end of the night, banking & reconciliation the following day. Anything to reduce the workload in those two areas.

And if punters can save a little, even if it's only a euro here and there, then that's a pro in my book.
Some good info guys - but what about the bars around PDB and SA. Are they as expensive? We are All Inclusive so will be sure to have some drinks before venturing out to warm up for club nights. Cheers
Tip. Pre drink before you go out and if watching the sunset take your own down there. Lidl in San an sell cans of San Miguel for €0.19 a can. Bargain

Great tip, cheers mate! Staying in PDB, doing San An on 1 of the nights so that does sound like a plan! Is PDB ok for drinks? Is it more expensive than San An?
Great tip, cheers mate! Staying in PDB, doing San An on 1 of the nights so that does sound like a plan! Is PDB ok for drinks? Is it more expensive than San An?
Personally I've not done too much drinking in PDB I can only advise San Antonio, however I'm sure most places are pretty standard for Ibiza. I'm sure someone can advise. Don't drink in the clubs unless you're minted. Small bottle of water costs around €10-€12 euros so you can imagine the price of the hard stuff
That is a huge concern. Only signed up for 2 club nights so far, Cream and Guetta, and will be stocking up well in advance with the only a couple drinks each in there. I'm sure Bossa will have the usual offers/reps trying it on. Hope so anyway. Be fun nonetheless!
That is a huge concern. Only signed up for 2 club nights so far, Cream and Guetta, and will be stocking up well in advance with the only a couple drinks each in there. I'm sure Bossa will have the usual offers/reps trying it on. Hope so anyway. Be fun nonetheless!

if you're all inclusive it's not going to be a problem but bossa is a bit more expensive than San an - there are a few cheaper places off the beaten track a bit.
It was his first time here and never knew how expensive the drink are in club.. what im hearing here now about Dc10 from the few that went Would make your hair curl and they didn't even get in:eek: one shat his pants in the queue and had to go home:lol:
It was his first time here and never knew how expensive the drink are in club.. what im hearing here now about Dc10 from the few that went Would make your hair curl and they didn't even get in:eek: one shat his pants in the queue and had to go home:lol:

haha, first rule when in Ibiza, never trust a fart.....

Does anybody can give me the price list for drinks and bottles in Pacha and Hi ?
Also do you know if we can take a bottle without a table ?
