drink prices 2017

If your there for a decent amount of time and plan on having a proper session then budget for spending double that. I've only been once a few years ago spent 200 euro in 3 hours walked out stone cold sober and fuming. Went straight to see a friend spent the same amount on gear, md and pills safe to say the next 3 hours livened up a bit

Make sure you post the vlog up on here. Enjoyed the last one

Glad you enjoyed it - I will do my best

After seeing the above post on prices it doesn't look too bad if there is 700euro to spend!!

Be interested to see the food prices as well otherwise will report back on that in couple of weeks
Just checked 81.50 euro for 5 beers and 5 waters at Amnesia.
This has to be the way forward.
I think (as Ive added them to my cart and got to checkout stage) that you can buy these tokens on a stand alone basis, without ordering the club ticket as well.
This has to be the way forward.
I think (as Ive added them to my cart and got to checkout stage) that you can buy these tokens on a stand alone basis, without ordering the club ticket as well.

cool, I've got my ticket through Spotlight Tickets so good to know I can still get drink vouchers.