drink prices 2017

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When down ur crotch it can barely be felt, even if bouncer touches it I confidently can say they will not notice it. I was worried that the 500ml bags would be too big but they were spot on.

just stocked up on some of these after reading the prices on here! :eek: will have to stump up for soft drinks though, vodka in water doesn't really appeal!
Always take a few miniatures into clubs, and even a bottle of water in the back pocket, worse that can happen is you lose them, best outcome is you save yourself 50 odd euros!

Got caught smuggling 2 miniatures of Vodka into DC10 once, the guard said drink them or lose them before letting me in!
just stocked up on some of these after reading the prices on here! :eek: will have to stump up for soft drinks though, vodka in water doesn't really appeal!

Mate the problem is the mixers are about 10eur each in the clubs.. they're wise to it so will get money from you one way or another. Best to premix
Four of us have a min spend agreed at 700euro
If your there for a decent amount of time and plan on having a proper session then budget for spending double that. I've only been once a few years ago spent 200 euro in 3 hours walked out stone cold sober and fuming. Went straight to see a friend spent the same amount on gear, md and pills safe to say the next 3 hours livened up a bit

Make sure you post the vlog up on here. Enjoyed the last one
Hmm searches have amped up here but they don't check back pocket. Amnesia was barely anything...and in pretty sure bouncer at Ushuaia saw my baggie but let me in and I had guestlist too. Pacha was zilch, Hi is nada.

Can totally see someone bringing in miniatures in the crotch area or back pocket.

Drink prices-
14 beer at Hï
6 for Beer at hosts la Torre
11 beer Destino, 13 in Pacha