Then yes I think he is racistWe are all equal. If you don’t believe we are, and think your race is superior you are a racist.
Then yes I think he is racistWe are all equal. If you don’t believe we are, and think your race is superior you are a racist.
Excuse my ignorance then please show me an example of this.Then yes I think he is racist
I DO like him, I just enjoy disagreeing with him. I am not religious at all, but he downplays the unifying and stabilizing aspects of religion (culture). In an attempt to draw a strawman, of religion as this medieval relic that is no longer necessary. In practice, most people are not strict observants and do not believe 100% in the fairytales, but it provides their life with meaning and community. On that front, I am more in line with Jordan Peterson.@CasaNegron ah, you don't like Harris? For me, he occupies the exact right intersection between agnosticism and spirituality
It’s very easy to call out stereotypes i do agree. I don’t see why we shouldThat is a question that deserves a better answer than what I can going to provide here, but:
Yes, he used racist tendencies in the US to his political advantage. Is he personally racist? Maybe, maybe not. He probably cares (much) more about himself than his "race".
However, I think most Americans (including minorities and liberals) hold stereotypes of other races and groups. This happens even within races and ethnic groups. People are tribal, and in other places this is expressed as a class/ culture struggle when everyone looks alike. In the US, our caste system is was race-based from the start with elements of economics thrown in. Its not going away anytime soon.
Not all bad, as most people today do give (individual) others a chance, though. Even if they have pre-conceived notions. Even bigots aren't going out of their way to suppress others... most people are lazy and DGAF.
My humble opinion.
You only need to do a quick Internet search to find multiple examples of his racist and derogatory comments.Excuse my ignorance then please show me an example of this.
if you do I will happily agree with you.
He described African countries as ‘shit hole countries’Excuse my ignorance then please show me an example of this.
if you do I will happily agree with you.
A dick is a dick no matter what color it is...I treat everyone the same,race, religion, gender,if you are a dick your a dick..We are all equal. If you don’t believe we are, and think your race is superior you are a racist.
It'll be because he's been indicted on numerous felony charges.
Agree with this 100Is Trump a racist? I mean, I dunno... Hitler probably never killed anybody himself, but incited a lot of things in his name
You might never explicitly say anything racist though if you're not gonna distance yourself from that ideology, personally I only think you have yourself to blame if people put 2+2 together
Sure, there's an argument "it's tactical", but where do you draw the line?
He has said a lot of things that for must other public figures, and all other politicians, would have spelled game over
In the UK, it would've ended when he openly mocked disabled people.
We have our faults with politics, no doubt. But he wouldn't have survived that here
He is not a nice person. And not a good example of humanity. Maybe it's no more than what the US and the world deserved, but as others have said, history will not remember him fondly
Just a selfish ignorant sexist racist man