Donald Trump

@CasaNegron ah, you don't like Harris? For me, he occupies the exact right intersection between agnosticism and spirituality
I DO like him, I just enjoy disagreeing with him. I am not religious at all, but he downplays the unifying and stabilizing aspects of religion (culture). In an attempt to draw a strawman, of religion as this medieval relic that is no longer necessary. In practice, most people are not strict observants and do not believe 100% in the fairytales, but it provides their life with meaning and community. On that front, I am more in line with Jordan Peterson.

I also have a fundamental problem with his view on free will. He believes it does not exist and we are essentially doomed to our genes and pre-programed to respond to out environment. His argument is that is soooo complex that we simply cannot recognize it as a DNA 'program'.

Maybe I am misunderstanding, but its like asking how many angels can dance upon the head of a pin...
That is a question that deserves a better answer than what I can going to provide here, but:

Yes, he used racist tendencies in the US to his political advantage. Is he personally racist? Maybe, maybe not. He probably cares (much) more about himself than his "race".

However, I think most Americans (including minorities and liberals) hold stereotypes of other races and groups. This happens even within races and ethnic groups. People are tribal, and in other places this is expressed as a class/ culture struggle when everyone looks alike. In the US, our caste system is was race-based from the start with elements of economics thrown in. Its not going away anytime soon.

Not all bad, as most people today do give (individual) others a chance, though. Even if they have pre-conceived notions. Even bigots aren't going out of their way to suppress others... most people are lazy and DGAF.

My humble opinion.
It’s very easy to call out stereotypes i do agree. I don’t see why we should
Be offended by a stereotypical view. Hey I’m white, bald, a builder and I voted conservative (although might be regretting it now) and pretty much look like your typical
Knuckle dragging English racist. And I get why I might be judged that way, but I’m not offended by it.

I honestly think the world Is a better place though when it comes to racism than it was 50 years ago. We are Not all fully there yet but going the right way. IMO
Excuse my ignorance then please show me an example of this.
if you do I will happily agree with you.
He described African countries as ‘shit hole countries’

during this campaign called Elizabeth Warren (a Native American) ‘Pocahontas’

refused to distance himself from right right movement & Gangs and even made that comment asking the proud boys (a far right movement) to ‘stand back and stand by’

the whole Mexico thing about the immigrants only being drug dealers and rapists. I’m fairly sure the stats don’t back up that statement
I have heard many black construction workers make the same comment about there own countries in Africa ( does that make them racist?
The pocohantis is a lazy stereotypical comment I agree

proud boys I’m sorry are not far right as they have many black members which has been proven.( unless they are racist)
The Mexican comment I agree was wrong though.
One of the channel 4 news presenters last night was saying at one of his last rallies he was playing variousbits of footage of Biden stammering (Biden had a speech impediment which he had to overcome) and there was also that controversy of him mimicking a disabled reporter. He's a nasty piece of work all round.
Is Trump a racist? I mean, I dunno... Hitler probably never killed anybody himself, but incited a lot of things in his name

You might never explicitly say anything racist though if you're not gonna distance yourself from that ideology, personally I only think you have yourself to blame if people put 2+2 together

Sure, there's an argument "it's tactical", but where do you draw the line?

He has said a lot of things that for must other public figures, and all other politicians, would have spelled game over

In the UK, it would've ended when he openly mocked disabled people.

We have our faults with politics, no doubt. But he wouldn't have survived that here

He is not a nice person. And not a good example of humanity. Maybe it's no more than what the US and the world deserved, but as others have said, history will not remember him fondly
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Is Trump a racist? I mean, I dunno... Hitler probably never killed anybody himself, but incited a lot of things in his name

You might never explicitly say anything racist though if you're not gonna distance yourself from that ideology, personally I only think you have yourself to blame if people put 2+2 together

Sure, there's an argument "it's tactical", but where do you draw the line?

He has said a lot of things that for must other public figures, and all other politicians, would have spelled game over

In the UK, it would've ended when he openly mocked disabled people.

We have our faults with politics, no doubt. But he wouldn't have survived that here

He is not a nice person. And not a good example of humanity. Maybe it's no more than what the US and the world deserved, but as others have said, history will not remember him fondly
Agree with this 100

Just a selfish ignorant sexist racist man

And like Hitler he managed to brainwash a lot of people into supporting him. Even some friends whom I class as rational intelligent people.
Just a selfish ignorant sexist racist man

I think other politicians are just better at hiding it honestly. His open arrogance and lack of filter was part of his appeal. His rise to power was a reaction as much as anything else. Its like one of those old monster movies where the city wakes up Godzilla to combat some equal existential monster threat.

The lack of nuance, in the US at least, pre-dated Trump. I think it really started to get going in the early 90s, politically. Everyone is way into binary thinking. If we dont fix that this will just escalate and get worse.
There was a documentary about trump and how his father got rich after the war building homes and stuff with government grants and so on. It also delves into his white supremacist views and racist actions/beliefs.

"...To allegations of corruption add racism: the Trump Organization would rent you an apartment just as long as you weren’t black. If you were, you got a C on your application, for “colour”, and you didn’t get an apartment. An ideal environment for a future president to be born into, I’m sure everyone will agree..."

Worth a watch if can find it on the interwebs
