Donald Trump....

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He's already pissing the Chinese off. And how do you think he is going to bomb isis out of existence?
Bombing Isis is impossible I totally Agree, just ignore them c***s and stop reporting on them and maybe they might just go away. Don't hear much about al Qaeda these days do you. What did they just disappear off the face of the planet? Not really they're still in existence just are not front page news anymore. Do the same with Isis and it might just gradually stop pissing off all these lone attackers from doing damage with the awful suicide attacks in Europe. ( my theory anyway )
Bombing Isis is impossible I totally Agree, just ignore them c***s and stop reporting on them and maybe they might just go away. Don't hear much about al Qaeda these days do you. What did they just disappear off the face of the planet? Not really they're still in existence just are not front page news anymore. Do the same with Isis and it might just gradually stop pissing off all these lone attackers from doing damage with the awful suicide attacks in Europe. ( my theory anyway )

Trump thinks he can bomb them.

What's headline news is very selective,isis are just the new bogie man on the block.

That's quite a selfish theory really, selfish and stupid.
Isnt it that ISIS claim every time its them but it just serves to spread fear and doubt on their levels / reach. Reality is that top end operatives/fanatics/mentally ill people will do what they are gona do without ever receiving instructions. But by claiming it , ISIS or whoever appear much bigger and scary. Hence why the west will not win a war on terror as its ideology which is governing it
What i find interesting is, to my memory which may not be right :lol: most of terror attacks post london 7/7 around europe, were comitted by home grown citizens who were radicalised and used to carry out these events. Stopping muslims entering any western nation because they are muslim wont make a blind bit of difference to up the level of risk or lessen the risk is a better way to put it.
Maybe i remember wrong, it is late :D
More elitist politics with the intention of creating a divide :rolleyes: trump is a dick head yes, but he's just another puppet and will do as he's told from an invisible 'group' that are using him as a front. Same as barrack bush etc.
Until we as a planet rise up to this group, and stand together the grand plan will just keep on pulling the strings of the so called world leaders.
We all know this wont happen unfortunately :(
There are very dark days ahead, may take decades for it to all make sense but theres genuine deverstation looming and we all just seem to sit back and let it happen :lol::rolleyes:
Im not morbid by the way just expressing my thoughts.
Reality is that top end operatives/fanatics/mentally ill people will do what they are gona do without ever receiving instructions.
White Christian in murica shoots and kills innocent victims he's mentally unwell, arabic looking twat does exactly the same its an act of terror from a muslim :rolleyes::lol:
Selfish, stupid ! Ok I'll take your comments on board Jose:rolleyes:

Yeah,it was late. I should elaborate.

You cant just ignore them and it'll go away we all know its more complicated than that. But you also seemed to suggest that if our media were to stop bigging these groups up,then it would stop the attacks in Europe. So as long as it stops in Europe that's all OK then,we'll it isn't is it? Western governments have destroyed countrys and destabilised a whole region of the world and filled it full of weapons. The people from that region are living with that terror every day,( not forgetting obamas drone attacks ) courtesy of the West. And what does the E.U. do,shut it's borders to them trying escape it.

Try looking beyond the headlines..
More elitist politics with the intention of creating a divide :rolleyes: trump is a dick head yes, but he's just another puppet and will do as he's told from an invisible 'group' that are using him as a front. Same as barrack bush etc.

Yeah. And the funny thing is,a lot of the people who voted for him,think he's anti establishment... :lol: a f***ing billionaire, spoilt brat rich kid.
Trump is as bad as you think,but the people around him (who he has appointed) and his supporters are worse. Socially he is going to drag the United snakes back 30yrs you're right. You forgot to mention his C.I.A director,Mike pompeo, another c***!

As one of the Americans here, I sincerely apologize for all the things I'm afraid our country is going to do in the next four years. :(

I'm afraid before his term is up, I'm going to end up being a refugee myself, living in Ibiza and supporting myself as a looky-looky guy.

Though it seems like most people wouldn't mind if Ibiza was dragged back to what it was like 30 years ago. :D
As one of the Americans here, I sincerely apologize for all the things I'm afraid our country is going to do in the next four years

First of all,you don't have to apologise. ( apologise is spelled with an s.) Just give him and his supporters hell,join up with your local antifascists.

Though it seems like most people wouldn't mind if Ibiza was dragged back to what it was like 30 years ago. :D

Drag back no.halt or at least slow down the commercialisation / Americanisation of the island yes.
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