Donald Trump....

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Ive stopped looking at facebook , because so many friends suddenly feel empowered by memes/articles or petitins that go nowehere.
I dont know anyone that voted trump but i do know ppl who believe , because they have read wikileaks , they know more than anyone , ever...

but they essentially were saying dont vote...... i know american politics isnt perfect but its bit of a sad state of affairs
He just a comedy character like all those jokers..pampers politicians. White,disposable and full of $hit..
can think of many others who have caused more chaos than trump possibly will. I.e. Bush's clinton's blair Cameron. Feel sorry obama never delivered as he could have been the saviour. But trump has been left to pick up the pieces from everyone else's wrong doings. Don't agree everything he says and the way he goes about things. But I think he will make a difference to America for sure.
Aye he'll make a difference. He'll drag them 30 or 40 years backwards. Trump isn't as bad as you'd think judging from the reaction to him online.

No, the real worry is the people he's surrounding himself with. Have a read up on the likes of Pence or even Gannon from Breitbart and you'll get some idea of the people who will be pushing policy forward for the next four years.
Will do. Just reading what Mrs may has been speaking about, No more getting involved in other people's wars and trying to make there country likes our own . Very refreshing to hear.
Aye he'll make a difference. He'll drag them 30 or 40 years backwards. Trump isn't as bad as you'd think judging from the reaction to him online.

No, the real worry is the people he's surrounding himself with. Have a read up on the likes of Pence or even Gannon from Breitbart and you'll get some idea of the people who will be pushing policy forward for the next four years.

Trump is as bad as you think,but the people around him (who he has appointed) and his supporters are worse. Socially he is going to drag the United snakes back 30yrs you're right.

You forgot to mention his C.I.A director,Mike pompeo, another c***!
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Will do. Just reading what Mrs may has been speaking about, No more getting involved in other people's wars and trying to make there country likes our own . Very refreshing to hear.

He's already pissing the Chinese off. And how do you think he is going to bomb isis out of existence?
he's a repulsive rapey slime intent on dragging the world back to the dark ages.

screwing the environment, denying basic rights to women, and leaving the Baltics at the mercy of Putin (just for starters..)

intellectually thick as dogshit

ably assisted at every turn by mendacious media and a galaxy of online freaks, inbreds and neo-nazis

he must be fought every step of the way and everything he represents must be resisted

the Dutch got it spot on:

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