
Fronty, also if you go to hers and the bedroom's tidier than the rest of the house, she was always gonna bring you back.......

STILL gets me! Hahahahahahahaha:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Best Buckley Spotlight Post Ever (TM)

Newly single, eh? Shall I get on the blower to Saatchi and Saatchi mate ;)
Easy Fronty, take her for a meal, don't wear socks, slip off a shoe under the table and pretend to play 'footsie'. You should be able to tell with your bare foot whether or not she's shaved her legs. If she has, let her order what what she wants but race her though it - you've scored. If she hasn't, say you have to go to the loo and leg it. In the latter scenario, don't forget your shoe, as returning for it 20 mins later could be mighty embarassing

this has just made me roar with laughter!
the old i havent shaved me legs routine! lol lol
so fronty

hows things for ya now in the romance department?
hope yr still swinging from the hip with some improved confidence
Tell me I'm not right Minxy?:lol:

lol no ya not right !!
i laughed coz it reminded me of one of my best mates cathy (sweet knows her)
we were out one night and she really is one of those girls who every man alive thinks she is out of their league coz she is so stunning, hence nobody ever asks her out, i just dont get it! and so she got lucky one night took a bloke home and hadnt shaved her legs (coz they hadnt seen a bloke in about 3yrs!) so she left him downstairs and went upstairs and shaved them!
ever since then its been a long standing joke that if you dont shave yr legs then you are more likely to pull! as in it was spontaneous! you were out having a laugh and enjoying yaself, as opposed to out and on the look out!
its worked for her, she finally has a fella!