Credit Crunch Thread II - The Sequel

if you want bad luck and a look into the future of travelling to spain next year for me, try this on for size..

Live rates at 2008.10.12 08:21:22 UTC 100.00 AUD


48.3487 EUR

Australia Dollars Euro 1 AUD = 0.483487 EUR 1 EUR = 2.06831 AUD

Theres just no way i attempt to go next year if this happens.
Going on a month now out of work, don't think ill actually bother even looking for anymore work as there is little or nothing out there and i refuse flatly to work for the minimum wage when you get as much on the dole and im sick of spending loads of money on phone calls every day and getting nowhere,fcuk the bills,etc ill declare myself bankrupt if this keeps up,also getting used to daytime TV now:oops::)
i refuse flatly to work for the minimum wage when you get as much on the dole


noun [C]
1 an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds from it.

2 DISAPPROVING: a person who is useless and lives by other people's work:
a prime example of the "minimum wage/benefits system" being so wrong.

plenty of jobs out there that need to be filled (often by the immigrant's who the whingers complain are nicking the jobs, that they're are capable of doing, but wont cos they're scared their mates will take the piss out of them.


make em work for the equivilent of 50% of minimum wage. if you dont, go line up for some soup.
I could never sign on... I would get so bored! When I've been off sick for a few days I almost go stir crazy!
There must be some work out there.... I would work in MacDonalds or Asda's or anywhere! Infact... I worked in MacDonalds as a teenager and had a right good laugh there. Plus they do offer some really good training schemes for it's staff believe it or not!

It's better to have some money coming in, even if it is a minimum wage, than being out of work and doing nothing all day, surely?
I could never sign on... I would get so bored! When I've been off sick for a few days I almost go stir crazy!
There must be some work out there.... I would work in MacDonalds or Asda's or anywhere! Infact... I worked in MacDonalds as a teenager and had a right good laugh there. Plus they do offer some really good training schemes for it's staff believe it or not!

It's better to have some money coming in, even if it is a minimum wage, than being out of work and doing nothing all day, surely?

But the minimum wage can't pay for Jonny's bills. So he can't work somewhere like McDonalds. Getting benefits would pay for mortgage/rent, etc.

I am surprised people are more annoyed with Jonny rather than us now having to pay for the rich eilte's bailout!

What a lovely Country we live in!! :lol::lol::lol:
Getting benefits would pay for mortgage/rent, etc.

ah but having a contingency of 3/4 months of current pay stashed away in savings might have helped. that plus part time work while looking for the job you want + cutting back on expenditure should stretch to about 6 months if you're prudent enough.

we're in the mess cos its all been about lend lend lend, and the fact that many US peeps were sold ridiculous mortgages when the interest rates were low, and now a couple of % higher now has left em right in the brown stuff.
But the minimum wage can't pay for Jonny's bills. So he can't work somewhere like McDonalds. Getting benefits would pay for mortgage/rent, etc.

I am surprised people are more annoyed with Jonny rather than us now having to pay for the rich eilte's bailout!

What a lovely Country we live in!! :lol::lol::lol:

Personally, if I was financially in the exactly same position on the minimum wage as on dole + benefits, I'd go to work, but I can understand the logic in not doing, particularly if it's temporary situation because of an economic downturn and I'd always contributed previously by paying tax.
I would be too ashamed to sign on. I would rather sponge of my family :lol:

I am crapping myself that I am going to be made redundant again! It is too damn quiet here 8O
I would be too ashamed to sign on. I would rather sponge of my family :lol:

I am crapping myself that I am going to be made redundant again! It is too damn quiet here 8O

quiet everywhere. although the business aimed at the "cheaper" end of the market are doing ok.
Going on a month now out of work, don't think ill actually bother even looking for anymore work as there is little or nothing out there and i refuse flatly to work for the minimum wage when you get as much on the dole and im sick of spending loads of money on phone calls every day and getting nowhere,fcuk the bills,etc ill declare myself bankrupt if this keeps up,also getting used to daytime TV now:oops::)

Unbelievable attitude.

Quote Lord Tebbit;
I grew up in the '30s with an unemployed father. He didn't riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking 'til he found it.

Sitting watching daytime tv is not going to find work, imvho of course.
Unbelievable attitude.

Quote Lord Tebbit;
I grew up in the '30s with an unemployed father. He didn't riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking 'til he found it.

Sitting watching daytime tv is not going to find work, imvho of course.

whilst quoting Tebbit the lord of darkness is never my way! i do agree.

Johnny, how much is the minimum wage in Ireland? Say £5? X 40 hr week = £200

Dole is what? £60 a week? Or is the gap rent allowance etc?

Do they not have factory jobs?

Christ, if I get the bullett I'll have to shoe shine - payment protection is for idiots (:?) he says...
whilst quoting Tebbit the lord of darkness is never my way! i do agree.

Johnny, how much is the minimum wage in Ireland? Say £5? X 40 hr week = £200

Dole is what? £60 a week? Or is the gap rent allowance etc?

Do they not have factory jobs?

Christ, if I get the bullett I'll have to shoe shine - payment protection is for idiots (:?) he says...

Minimum wage is €8.65 multiply that by 35 hours you get €302.75 gross, net pay after deductions would be about €260.

Jobsekers benefit pays around €197, so are people seriously suggesting i work in some stinking factory with people who can barely speak English for 35 hours a week for an extra €63 a week (not to menton travel/lunch expenses an extra €30 a week)... I DON'T FCUKING THINK SO8O ill keep on looking for work elsewhere something is bound to give.
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