Credit Crunch Thread II - The Sequel

Unbelievable attitude.

Quote Lord Tebbit;
I grew up in the '30s with an unemployed father. He didn't riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking 'til he found it.

Sitting watching daytime tv is not going to find work, imvho of course.

care to swap places mate, i said that with a pinch of salt, im constanly looking for work, this "get on your bike and go looking for work" might have been the case decades ago but thesedays it's all about scouring the job wesbites online and making calls, something that is costing me a fcuking packet as well i may add sometines up to €40 a week on calls alone, have you any idea how demoralising this is for me someone who has worked all their life to be in a predicament like this.
i refuse flatly to work for the minimum wage when you get as much on the dole


noun [C]
1 an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds from it.

2 DISAPPROVING: a person who is useless and lives by other people's work:

scumbag of the highest order your time will come.
Minimum wage is €8.65 multiply that by 35 hours you get €302.75 gross, net pay after deductions would be about €260.

Jobsekers benefit pays around €197, so are people seriously suggesting i work in some srinking factory with people who can barely speak English for 35 hours a week for an extra €63 a week... I DON'T FCUKING THINK SO8O ill keep on looking for work elsewhere something is bound to give.

35 hours is not a full week.

Stick in 45 & now you are talking a mans week.

8.65 X 45 hours X 50 weeks = about E20k per year + dignity.

Christ, there are families that feed two kids off that.

197 X 52 weeks = E10k per year

You obviously have my sympathy - it could happen to me tomorrow - however you have revealed your prejudices by the bundle - most Irish people can speak pefectly good English, although it can be difficult to understand when they talk quickly & frankly your preparation to depend on the state makes we want to vote tory.
o are people seriously suggesting i work in some stinking factory with people who can barely speak English for 35 hours a week for an extra €63 a week... I DON'T FCUKING THINK SO8O ill keep on looking for work elsewhere something is bound to give.

if that's your choice. then stop ****ing moaning!

what REALLY is getting your goat is the fact that you cant maintain the lifestyle you've become accustomed to.

Those people who can barely speak english for 35 hours a week, work there because they have to in order to live, and you will probably find that their work ethic and attitude is 1000x better than yours.

if you'd spent the last 10years or so not pickling your liver you might have had a bit stashed away.

Use ya bloody noodle. :lol:
Minimum wage is €8.65 multiply that by 35 hours you get €302.75 gross, net pay after deductions would be about €260.

Jobsekers benefit pays around €197, so are people seriously suggesting i work in some stinking factory with people who can barely speak English for 35 hours a week for an extra €63 a week (not to menton travel/lunch expenses an extra €30 a week)... I DON'T FCUKING THINK SO8O ill keep on looking for work elsewhere something is bound to give.

why do you say things like this? I had sympathy towards you and now :twisted:
If you were any good working in a factory with people who barely speak English, you wouldn't be at the bottom fo the pile for very long.

There is a zillion and one things you could do to make an few extra quid if you wanted to, on and off the books.

Talk about being demoralised, you have only been out of work for one month. Come on man where's your Dunkirk spirit?
if that's your choice. then stop ****ing moaning!

what REALLY is getting your goat is the fact that you cant maintain the lifestyle you've become accustomed to.

Those people who can barely speak english for 35 hours a week, work there because they have to in order to live, and you will probably find that their work ethic and attitude is 1000x better than yours.

if you'd spent the last 10years or so not pickling your liver you might have had a bit stashed away.

Use ya bloody noodle. :lol:

shut the fcuk you you absolute cu*t you haven't a ****ing clue what your on about, this has nothing to do with "maintaining the lifestyle ive become accustomed to" it's about living, foreigners (and some Irish) who earn the minimum wage do so because they haven't got the qualifactions to do anything else, plus it's a lot more than what they earn in their own countries.

It's people like you and others who take pleasure in being smug kicking people when their down, if something like this ever happens to you sunshine then you will know all about it.
35 hours is not a full week.

Stick in 45 & now you are talking a mans week.

8.65 X 45 hours X 50 weeks = about E20k per year + dignity.

Christ, there are families that feed two kids off that.

197 X 52 weeks = E10k per year

You obviously have my sympathy - it could happen to me tomorrow - however you have revealed your prejudices by the bundle - most Irish people can speak pefectly good English, although it can be difficult to understand when they talk quickly & frankly your preparation to depend on the state makes we want to vote tory.

35 hours is more or less the normal working week here not 45.

most Irish people can speak pefectly good English, although it can be difficult to understand when they talk quickly

Your having a laugh right, English people asides from the middle classes probably speak the worst English for an English speaking country, talk too quick, wanna look a bit closer to home first before you start accuse us of talking too quick.
If you were any good working in a factory with people who barely speak English, you wouldn't be at the bottom fo the pile for very long.

There is a zillion and one things you could do to make an few extra quid if you wanted to, on and off the books.

Talk about being demoralised, you have only been out of work for one month. Come on man where's your Dunkirk spirit?

rent boy?
Talk about being demoralised, you have only been out of work for one month. Come on man where's your Dunkirk spirit?

some people just give up.

Heres my personal experience...

i got made redundant 5yrs ago, 1st job, loved it, bolt out of the blue too.

got the min redundancy package (about £1200) which at the time, and with my ever so increasing personal debt prob, pretty much covered me with one months worth outgoings.

anyway, did the usual Job Centre stuff, more in hope of than expecting to, getting any state assistance, got **** all (no surprise there then).

in the mean time between interviews, writing letters, visiting recruitment consultants and all that, did a spot of freelancing for another design company, mainly just trapsing round london doing some research, tiring not really what i wanted to do, but money none the less... 2 weeks later, got a job, which ive been in for last 5yrs, and am now making plans to get my own benefits fund topped up just in case...

better to be prepared than having to rush around like a blue arsed fly.
If you were any good working in a factory with people who barely speak English, you wouldn't be at the bottom fo the pile for very long.

There is a zillion and one things you could do to make an few extra quid if you wanted to, on and off the books.

Talk about being demoralised, you have only been out of work for one month. Come on man where's your Dunkirk spirit?

Dunkirk spirit, im Irish not English why would i have "Dunkirk spirit"

There is a zillion and one things you could do to make an few extra quid if you wanted to, on and off the books.
such as what, im all ears mate because i can't think of anything, id sooner channel my energy into actually looking for work.

It's very easy for people to stand on the sidelines and snipe but if they were in that situation i think they would find it's a different story,whereas others take pleasure in kicking someone when they are down on their luck (their time will come)im not suggesting your one of them but others are.
shut the fcuk you you absolute cu*t you haven't a ****ing clue what your on about, this has nothing to do with "maintaining the lifestyle ive become accustomed to" it's about living, foreigners (and some Irish) who earn the minimum wage do so because they haven't got the qualifactions to do anything else, plus it's a lot more than what they earn in their own countries.

It's people like you and others who take pleasure in being smug kicking people when their down, if something like this ever happens to you sunshine then you will know all about it.

errr, see ABOVE!! ;)

if its all about living, then you wont mind rolling your sleeves up and working more than the 35 hours you've stipulated, and doing a job which means working being knee deep in pig **** then will ya.
errr, see ABOVE!! ;)

if its all about living, then you wont mind rolling your sleeves up and working more than the 35 hours you've stipulated, and doing a job which means working being knee deep in pig **** then will ya.

your time will come....karma and all that....
Dunkirk spirit, im Irish not English why would i have "Dunkirk spirit"

That would explain it ;)

such as what, im all ears mate because i can't think of anything, id sooner channel my energy into actually looking for work.

Have a look around the net for business ideas.

Things I have done in the past to make a few spare quid when needed.

Got lists of garden items from wholesale place, printed price list with my cut added. Knocked on doors handed leaflets, went back to collect orders and delivered items.
(not very applicable in winter!)

Bought £100 worth of xmas tut from wholesalers and sold at car boots etc and bought more each time knowing what sold well.

Cleaned windows.

Knocked on doors offering to clear gardens.

Get shut of surplus items that will raise a few quid at car boot sales etc.

Have a look on barter / swap sites that are becoming very popular with the tightening of finance. I will post some links from the Sunday Telegraph later. Basically you can swap / barter what you are good at for services / money from others.
I've read they were going to introduce a scheme whereby people who are signing on (long term, I recall) will have to go and effectively earn their dole money by doing 'community service' type work (e.g: scrubbing graffiti off walls / clearing up dog turds in the park / mopping the chunder off pavements on Sunday mornings etc).

I don't know how far progressed this is or when / if it is due to become effective but this seems way worse than working minimum wage jobs.