Credit Crunch Thread II - The Sequel

didn't that happen in the 70's recession?? along with the 3 day week??

yes it did and lights went out and bodies didnt get buried!!!

who was in power back then.................................................???

I hope all you maggie hating lily livered lefties who welcomed blair and the rest of his cohorts to the throngs of peter cunnah's worst moment are happy now!!!!!!! very poignant words..........things can only get better.....I think fecking not!!! I think it's going to get a lot ****tier!!!
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The lack of political choice is the bugger here.

The situation wouldn't be any better under any of the current political parties.

I've always voted Labour, but would love an alternative. But I'd rather eat my arse than vote for Cameron. (who looks remarkably like the lead singer from Keane - who is also a posh slack jaw- hmmm.....)
The lack of political choice is the bugger here.

The situation wouldn't be any better under any of the current political parties.

I've always voted Labour, but would love an alternative. But I'd rather eat my arse than vote for Cameron. (who looks remarkably like the lead singer from Keane - who is also a posh slack jaw- hmmm.....)

bottom line is that whoever is in power will be revered by the masses for a while and then when it goes tits up they will turn on them in a's human nature....we are fickle!!!

You may joke but as resources get scarcer the (foolish) man on the street will be only to suseptible to suggestion that 'immigants'* are too blame.

*Mispelt on purposes - see Simpsons 'Bear Tax' episode
You may joke but as resources get scarcer the (foolish) man on the street will be only to suseptible to suggestion that 'immigants'* are too blame.

*Mispelt on purposes - see Simpsons 'Bear Tax' episode

nah mate...its the peadophiles i tell yer...send em all to africa!!
I've always voted Labour, but would love an alternative. But I'd rather eat my arse than vote for Cameron.

i'll be more than happy to supply silver service and condiments to see this happen.

there is a pattern emerging.

Labour spend spend spend...
Tories will rein back spending to get **** back into a manageable position.
Tories shoot themselves in the foot
Labour has another makeover, more promises of things getting better.
Labour get in (and repeat).

One thing that Cameron says that does strike a cord with me is this thing about being socially responsible.

Its not what the government can do for you, its what you can do for your country.

use ya facking noodle. :lol:
Errm....Don't suppose anybody wants to buy a piece of land and building project in Roca Lisa do they?
All the permits in place etc..

Had someone buying it for 500K 8 weeks ago, having outbid offers from other people 425 and 450.
Then they never showed up for the signing.

390 anybody?

It aint looking good.
How much down? Does the cost include construction? Are you will to finance me? :lol:
How much down? Does the cost include construction? Are you will to finance me? :lol:

I wish.
Construction would be about 550 and 2 years.
But at todays prices it would be worth finished 1.5.

Trouble is nobody can get finance right now...and those with the cash are playing the wait and see game.

Me...I'd already had big plans for the 500. :roll:

That will learn me.....
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I was watching Consipiracy Theories last night and I have come to the conclusion its all the fault of the Illuminati - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
One thing that Cameron says that does strike a cord with me is this thing about being socially responsible.

. :lol:

****ing hell, Chewie you're easily pleased, he says some "thing" about social responsibility and you want him in! Perhaps his Banker friends were having a "Hug a Hoodie" Polo match that week.

- Is this the same Cameron who will phase out national minimum wage as a mark of his social responsibility?

Thing is all the tories policies would benefit me personally to a far greater extent than any of Labours have / will, in fact many of the labour policies have had a significant diverse affect on my business, whereas the opposition stance was against, but i choose to vote Labour as i believe they are fairer to the masses. Thats me being socially responsible.

But let's not let this thread descend into our usual red vs blue loggerheads. As someone said earlier, there are jobs at stake!!!!:lol:
I was watching Consipiracy Theories last night and I have come to the conclusion its all the fault of the Illuminati - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:[/quote

My mate is reading David Icke's book and he reckon Icke is right (don't know about what but he is right!) apart from that the world is run by Shapeshifting Lizards8O:?
I was watching Consipiracy Theories last night and I have come to the conclusion its all the fault of the Illuminati - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Are they working in concert with The Man, the Freemasons, the [FONT=verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Bilderburgers, The Trilateral Commission, and the Council of Foreign Relations???[/FONT][/FONT] 8O