Cream chargers

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Also I’m a sound lad just don’t get why I get the negative comment when I helped someone out that just sets me up to have a go at them. I’ll take your tip too anyway thanks
Yeah I think it's cause one of your replies read differently to perhaps you intended. Like you don't give a shit about the mess.

There's lots of young kids with that attitude ruining the Island (imagine the attached pic x hundreds:eek:). When I've been there on the san an beach in morning with the young ones, I'm usually picking up their shit (or them off the road and back to their hotel lol)

So simply put: what people type != what they meant... Sometimes ;)


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Yeah I think it's cause one of your replies read differently to perhaps you intended. Like you don't give a shit about the mess.

There's lots of young kids with that attitude ruining the Island (imagine the attached pic x hundreds:eek:). When I've been there on the san an beach in morning with the young ones, I'm usually picking up their shit (or them off the road and back to their hotel lol)

So simply put: what people type != what they meant... Sometimes ;)
They shouldn’t be judgemental and could easily ask what I was implying? I don’t litter so it does not concern me but I know what you mean I don’t go round San Antonio anyway and yeah all them chavs shame there are people out there like that but they are! I’m sure their glad you picked them off the road and took them to their hotel ahaha
They shouldn’t be judgemental and could easily ask what I was implying? I don’t litter so it does not concern me but I know what you mean I don’t go round San Antonio anyway and yeah all them chavs shame there are people out there like that but they are! I’m sure their glad you picked them off the road and took them to their hotel ahaha
Was 8am after a heavy night I found his hotel and got him there. He missed his flight home ha!

Young people like everyone want to have fun, but sometimes don't see the consequences of their actions to themselves or the place around them, which us oldies do (cause been there done that!) Which is why it can feel like been told off!

Anyhow cream chargers seems a lot of effort for a short reward. Just hyper-ventilate instead then stand up quick lol
Was 8am after a heavy night I found his hotel and got him there. He missed his flight home ha!

Young people like everyone want to have fun, but sometimes don't see the consequences of their actions to themselves or the place around them, which us oldies do (cause been there done that!) Which is why it can feel like been told off!

Anyhow cream chargers seems a lot of effort for a short reward. Just hyper-ventilate instead then stand up quick lol
Hahahah yeah some bad states round that west end and that I just do the big clubs myself and I’ve been the island 4 years in a row so I know abit and seen a lot of states been there done that myself! Yeah lot of effort for a short buzz but I only do them in the day time along with a few beers just a nice buzz I’ve got other hardcore stuff for the night time which I take repsonsible and test all my stuff so I hope no one comes on at me saying it’s bad your wrong for doing it! I think I’ve made myself clear been doing it for years yeah it all catches up with you in the end so does everything else all additives in the foods we eat people choose to smoke I choose to experiment and enjoy life to the full not every weekend btw haha I’m sesnible!!
Hahahah yeah some bad states round that west end and that I just do the big clubs myself and I’ve been the island 4 years in a row so I know abit and seen a lot of states been there done that myself! Yeah lot of effort for a short buzz but I only do them in the day time along with a few beers just a nice buzz I’ve got other hardcore stuff for the night time which I take repsonsible and test all my stuff so I hope no one comes on at me saying it’s bad your wrong for doing it! I think I’ve made myself clear been doing it for years yeah it all catches up with you in the end so does everything else all additives in the foods we eat people choose to smoke I choose to experiment and enjoy life to the full not every weekend btw haha I’m sesnible!!

There's a thread for other substances lol. Know limits and be safe!

Also pro tip: don't call admins mings. They might be pretentious dick heads who just like techno (I'm joking don't ban me:spank:), but they run the site, and do have good insights to the island;)
all the arsehols in san an can’t find a bin after doing them
this island has always been a magnet for arseholes...

This thread should be in the kids section.. cream chargers go fck
While I agree with some of the sentiment here...regarding the environment and such....
The hate towards the users of the substance is an overreaction. It's a short high, a nice feeling, it does not make people aggresive like alcohol does and for sure it's better for your brains than most other drugs people are using in Ibiza. You cannot blame people for using creamchargers or calling them kids or polluters. Im a adult and I like them. And I do not leave them on the beach or on the street.

But this will be my last comment on the topic because Im on this forum for nice talks and insights about the island and not to argue about stuff.
While I agree with some of the sentiment here...regarding the environment and such....
The hate towards the users of the substance is an overreaction. It's a short high, a nice feeling, it does not make people aggresive like alcohol does and for sure it's better for your brains than most other drugs people are using in Ibiza. You cannot blame people for using creamchargers or calling them kids or polluters. Im a adult and I like them. And I do not leave them on the beach or on the street.

But this will be my last comment on the topic because Im on this forum for nice talks and insights about the island and not to argue about stuff.
Well said they just got a lot of h
While I agree with some of the sentiment here...regarding the environment and such....
The hate towards the users of the substance is an overreaction. It's a short high, a nice feeling, it does not make people aggresive like alcohol does and for sure it's better for your brains than most other drugs people are using in Ibiza. You cannot blame people for using creamchargers or calling them kids or polluters. Im a adult and I like them. And I do not leave them on the beach or on the street.

But this will be my last comment on the topic because Im on this forum for nice talks and insights about the island and not to argue about stuff.
jist tie us up with th same brush because their judgemental idiots same people who think Muslims are all terrorists haven’t got it in their cranium to see that there are users who dispose of them correctly yet jump on the band wanton brandishing us as idiots and kids hahaha they need a reality check themselves
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