☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Green light is still on for me ✈ :D ?

This only affects chain smoking 80 year olds.

I’ll be ingesting worse things than coronavirus when I hit the White Isle this year, and I’ve known lads come back from Ibiza with worse diseases.

I was immunised against Anthrax when I was 19 and took a full course of Nerve Agent Pre Treatment tablets, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Also survived the squalor and disease ridden Central African failed state of South Sudan in wet season.

Highest of all, I’ve battled through a couple of bouts of man flu in my time.

I’ll be damned if a Chinese cold is going to put me out of action in July.

Will have to keep an eye on my lass though, she’s susceptible to drinking from what she always claims is a ‘dirty glass’ making her ill the next day.
Re smoking, there’s some albeit tenuous evidence to suggest that smokers may be less likely to be affected. For example some studies have shown smokers are less likely to contract viruses such as meningitis. A small win for smokers when of course 50% of them will die from smoking related illness.
Re smoking, there’s some albeit tenuous evidence to suggest that smokers may be less likely to be affected. For example some studies have shown smokers are less likely to contract viruses such as meningitis. A small win for smokers when of course 50% of them will die from smoking related illness.

Yeah but it’s an expensive hobby ?
not sure about sticking head in the sand comments. at the moment we are as in the dark as anyone about the possible effects, and are certainly in no position to give out official advice. we sincerely hope that, just as with the flu, the summer season brings relief and with that in mind we are continuing to prep for the summer.

stay safe everyone!! and remember that all our tickets on spotlight have completely free cancellations, so you can still budget for and buy the tickets now, safe in the knowledge that they are 100% refundable (do you like how i slipped that in there ;) )
If we reach the stage of lockdown this is gonna ruin my Ibiza gym schedule :mad:. Probably should just get out and catch it early so i can swan about immune when the country starts to burn
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