☣ Coronavirus ☣

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germany, france, italy also stop AZ vaccinations !
Bloody ridiculous. More people will die because of that than because of blood clots (even if they were caused by the vaccine). Especially since the virus spread is about to go out of control here in Germany despite the lockdown.

Anything to divert attention from the vaccine procurement fiasco methinks :mad: The EU paid peanuts, and now it also turns out there are no penalties for late delivery in the contract. Quite surprising AZ is bothering to ship any vaccine to the EU at all instead of selling to the highest bidder first.
Bloody ridiculous. More people will die because of that than because of blood clots (even if they were caused by the vaccine). Especially since the virus spread is about to go out of control here in Germany despite the lockdown.

Anything to divert attention from the vaccine procurement fiasco methinks :mad: The EU paid peanuts, and now it also turns out there are no penalties for late delivery in the contract. Quite surprising AZ is bothering to ship any vaccine to the EU at all instead of selling to the highest bidder first.
There was some speculation that people affected could have been covid positive but asymptomatic, as covid causes thrombosis in a lot of people to some degree.

Definitely interested for them to get to bottom of it all though.

Also, guy on the joint vaccines task force said in the uk there are normally 3000+ cases of thrombosis a year.💁‍♂️
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yep. The Jansen theory holds some water I think

They are going to be in so much trouble with their populations if they have serious supply issues with that one too. It will also massively increase the risk of accelerated mutations and case surges in the Autumn, which will bite the UK too if travel is relaxed.

Poland, Italy, France all in big trouble too - the lockdowns haven't been nearly tough enough and now people are fatigued from restrictions, the vaccine programme is way behind and they really need to slam the whole countries into 6+ weeks of stay at home orders.
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So when delaying the start of the vaccination (and sabotaging the procurement of the Russian vaccine), every European politician involved was claiming it's all about science and all decisions about allowing specific vaccines were up to the EMA.

Now the EMA still considers the AZ vaccine safe, but panicking chickens are no longer willing to listen to science :rolleyes: Meanwhile an average of 200 people per day are dying from Covid in Germany alone.
I can see the situation where the UK will be (as) covid-free (as it gets) over summer, but the situation dire on the continent and even though we want to go, they want us, we simply can't.

C'mon Europe, get your act together.

Edit; nearly 25m vaxxed in the UK - think that's over half the adult population, maybe well over.
I can see the situation where the UK will be (as) covid-free (as it gets) over summer, but the situation dire on the continent and even though we want to go, they want us, we simply can't.
Easy solution: Ship the surplus UK vaccine supplies to Ibiza - vaccinate all residents - have the island to yourselves :cool:
Repeat with other nice islands as needed.
Hope Spain wasn’t too dependent on AZ....really throwing a wrench into things. Hope Moderna is on its way soon.

Most were sadly. Betted heavily on AZ. Doses are down in the millions for smaller nations. In total big numbers for all of EU. 3-5 months is lost maybe more.
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spain has also just temporarily halted AZ vaccine. 😕

Wtf is wrong with them all ? This is the perfect window to really get jabs in arms as Spain's numbers are relatively good. They're easing up on restrictions some places and at the same time pausing vaccinations on completely spurious grounds. Just enough time for transmission to get going again before they restart. You couldn't make up the idiocy. FOR ONCE I am grateful to be in UK and away from the idiocy of EU politics.
Halted for two weeks then will be reviewed hopefully will restart again after that

Halted for two weeks then will be reviewed hopefully will restart again after that

... meanwhile UK hoping to vaccinate between 7 & 14 million people over that timeframe while they're thinking about it and perfectly good vaccine sat in storage whilst third world countries have none. How exactly do they reckon they are going to find evidence to contradict the conclusions of the WHO and the EMA ? Really, I'd love to know ....
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