☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Nah it’s definitely not that high. Will dig out the latest.


Latest data seems to be from 28/02

“This safety update report is based on detailed analysis of data up to 28 February 2021. At this date, an estimated 10.7 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 9.7 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered”

The above take from https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...irus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting

Thanks - even more surprising they've managed to get as far as they have in terms of numbers in that case !!! Makes the thrombosis figures much more realistic and wholly indicative of the general population without vaccine. Some deep pressure on Johnson & Johnson going on here to counter-balance supply priority in favour of the EU over UK with the "easy" 1-shot vaccine I reckon.
I understand the issue around AZ and clotting may be down to a specific batch or batches.

Given they’re not all manufactured in one location, then I guess it could be likely that doses manufaturered for use in the EU are not made in the same factories as the doses the UK are using.

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
We switch from pfizer to using the AZ vaccine tomorrow.

Couldn't be worse timing woth today's developments with republic of eire suspending its use

Just a thought ... aren't your 2nd dose vaccination appointments going to be starting in the next fortnight or so ? How are they going to handle this when those overlap with people being given appointments for first jabs of AZ ?
Just a thought ... aren't your 2nd dose vaccination appointments going to be starting in the next fortnight or so ? How are they going to handle this when those overlap with people being given appointments for first jabs of AZ ?
The 2nd doses a have started, I mostly done 2nd pfizer doses all day today.
AZ 1st doses start tomorrow and to answer your question we are not sure how it's going to work trying to manage 2 different vaccines (which have different dosages) in the same hall.
Mistakes will be made 😅
The 2nd doses a have started, I mostly done 2nd pfizer doses all day today.
AZ 1st doses start tomorrow and to answer your question we are not sure how it's going to work trying to manage 2 different vaccines (which have different dosages) in the same hall.
Mistakes will be made 😅

That's exactly what I thought .... I bet some people get given the wrong type of vaccine for their second dose :lol:
That's exactly what I thought .... I bet some people get given the wrong type of vaccine for their second dose :lol:
Won’t be so bad.

There’s a pretty large study into heterologous vaccination using a different combinations of AZ/Pfizer along with differing dosing schedules.

The weird thing is that these are younger people, and it’s happening in a small window after the vaccine. I find it hard to believe that’s lower than a natural occurrence in that scenario.

Blood clots don't just happen in older people :lol: It's an intramuscular jab, there's no logic as to why anyone would expect a link between the vaccine and these instances. The cases in UK were evenly split between pfizer and AZ, which are totally different jabs. When you start vaccinating hundreds of thousands of people (and tens of millions in the case of US and UK) there's going to be a handful of coincidental medical conditions presenting within a window of the jab being received.
Blood clots don't just happen in older people :lol: It's an intramuscular jab, there's no logic as to why anyone would expect a link between the vaccine and these instances. The cases in UK were evenly split between pfizer and AZ, which are totally different jabs. When you start vaccinating hundreds of thousands of people (and tens of millions in the case of US and UK) there's going to be a handful of coincidental medical conditions presenting within a window of the jab being received.
Yeah but these are very rare blood clot conditions that are happening in seemingly perfectly healthy people right after vaccination. There is some history with this type side effect from vaccines too, so this wouldn’t be new. Nobody should die of it though, that’s avoidable. So it’s good they are investigating, and if there is something there, everyone needs to be educated on this like we handled the allergic reaction situation.
Minor update ...had my astra zeneca jab on saturday very smooth fast process , felt a little bit euphoric as in , light at the end f the tunnel ...only side effect very very small head ache on sunday , no fortunate side effects like weight loss or penis growth to report as yet......lol:p:p:p
Update 3. Bit of a rough night, body temperature a bit all over the place and couldn’t get comfortable. Feeling a solid 6/10 this morning, a day of rest today (as the good Lord demands) should sort me right out
Update 4:

90% better today, skiving off work because it’s a good excuse to not switch on the computer this morning.

Get jabbed and eat Orange Clubs kids
The Netherlands halted the AZ vaccine for two weeks, based on new insights from Norway and Denmark.
Highly doubt this is based on new insights though...our government is just terribly slowing in making crucial decisions in the vaccin program.
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