☣ Coronavirus ☣

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The hope that at least open-air stuff will be open by April's been knocked back; looks like at best you will be able to meet up with someone in a park and do sod all as nowhere will be open. Will cafe's be able to serve to sit outdide? If so, then why not bars? Although being in such a rubbish weather country, we aren't prepared for that and many bars simply don't have outside room so won't benefit.

Might just take a six-pack and sit on a park bench like a dosser. If it's sunny.
The fact that open air stuff is still closed anywhere in the world is nuts to me.
The fact that open air stuff is still closed anywhere in the world is nuts to me.
In the press they have been saying that it's been proved the beaches being packed caused no/few cases. I really do think we're being locked indoors for the sake of it. We need a test period when outdoor stuff can open, including sports (eg football) with limited crowds...and just see if the rates increase. If they did, then fair enough, but the evidence so far seems to show otherwise.

I notice today some of our (UK) beaches are well populated as it's a mild day dawn sawf, wonder if those pictures will be in the press tomorrow as fear porn? Tut tut, people wanting to get out and ENJOY themselves. They'll ALL DIE. And KILL US AS WELL.
In the press they have been saying that it's been proved the beaches being packed caused no/few cases. I really do think we're being locked indoors for the sake of it. We need a test period when outdoor stuff can open, including sports (eg football) with limited crowds...and just see if the rates increase. If they did, then fair enough, but the evidence so far seems to show otherwise.

I notice today some of our (UK) beaches are well populated as it's a mild day dawn sawf, wonder if those pictures will be in the press tomorrow as fear porn? Tut tut, people wanting to get out and ENJOY themselves. They'll ALL DIE. And KILL US AS WELL.

America already did a lot of that testing for everyone. A lot of fuss about crowded beaches and 30% full football stadiums....all turned out to be nothing. Some states decided to close outside dining while others kept it open, no difference at all. Heck, some states over here kept indoor dining open (with restrictions), no difference at all either.

I get things got sketchy there for awhile, but I can see why people are pissed now that the situation has changed.
I get things got sketchy there for awhile, but I can see why people are pissed now that the situation has changed.

Yeah, my immediate local area has had no cases for over 3 weeks and wider local area (20 mile or so radius) has incidence of under 30 cases per 100,000 for the last week. We are under full stay-at-home orders and it'll be like this with schools shut till 8 March. After that we still won't be allowed out without an essential reason most likely for several more weeks. Objectively, it really isn't justifiable to restrict outdoor mixing now but the Government has given up on the regional approach.

Being Winter right now there's precious little pressure to open up hospitality outdoors. The issue with team sport is the drinking and hugging/bad behaviour that usually comes with that, and that's the fans as well as the players btw !! People don't typically celebrate a win or goal, or commiserate a loss, without using it as an excuse for close physical contact with each other either during or after a game/match ... especially after a tinny. It's something almost impossible to divorce from the culture and can be very hard to manage out in large venues.

Because of this there's little appetite for the rule-makers to encourage return of widespread spectator sport in less-than-tightly controlled venues. Maybe if celebrating and supporting typically involved people keeping their physical distance and soberly clapping politely instead of yelling their encouragement or delight and spluttering spit out of the side of their face masks whilst hanging round each others' necks in the process they would take a different stance :lol:
No idea why 🥸

I see the Irish are being very cautious with their approach, stating they don’t expect much of hospitality to be open until late summer. I’ve spent the weekend eyeing up some very good Ibiza deals for September ahead of Monday’s ‘roadmap’ - but just can’t bring myself to book yet another trip that may be cancelled.
No idea why 🥸

I see the Irish are being very cautious with their approach, stating they don’t expect much of hospitality to be open until late summer. I’ve spent the weekend eyeing up some very good Ibiza deals for September ahead of Monday’s ‘roadmap’ - but just can’t bring myself to book yet another trip that may be cancelled.

Very much doubt there will be any clearer guidance on foreign leisure travel on Monday than there is now .... the one thing we do know is that Boris seems determined the G7 gig will go ahead in Cornwall in June with visitors from all around the world. Can't see that happening with any quarantine or isolation requirements for attendees and press arriving in UK so hard to see how it could still be in place for people returning from Europe in July.
Don't get your hopes up, but an online paper suggests Ibiza and Mallorca want to trial allowing vacxed tourists in with a vax passport. No reason why not to, it makes sense, but the Brits have to let us back in! So glad to read they want us...dontcha just love Ibiza!
No idea why 🥸

I see the Irish are being very cautious with their approach, stating they don’t expect much of hospitality to be open until late summer. I’ve spent the weekend eyeing up some very good Ibiza deals for September ahead of Monday’s ‘roadmap’ - but just can’t bring myself to book yet another trip that may be cancelled.
Received an email from Jet2 yesterday 'Claretclubber, swap Burnley... For Ibiza' summer 2021 😩

This is good as, although he makes many promises, in the vaccine rollout they have been very much specific(And under promised) with targets and they have been achieved. He may have confirmed July but that implies sooner. At the current rate (And the vaccine minister has said that when second jabs properly start the rate of first jabs should stay the same due to increase in capacity) we would have everyone with their first dose by the end of May actually 👍

A lot of countries haven't started yet. Thing is many of those will start with Government ministers, their families and business associates, and their armed forces. How much they are really bothered about the rest of their populations after that remains to be seen - China seems more concerned about their strategic overseas markets and foreign workers servicing their foreign raw material extraction operations than anything else !!

This is good as, although he makes many promises, in the vaccine rollout they have been very much specific(And under promised) with targets and they have been achieved. He may have confirmed July but that implies sooner. At the current rate (And the vaccine minister has said that when second jabs properly start the rate of first jabs should stay the same due to increase in capacity) we would have everyone with their first dose by the end of May actually 👍

It will be well before July on the current rates. They are completely UNDER promising on every new target. If they miss a target, it’s “evil Tory ba-stards miss targets”, so they’ve learnt their lesson. Some local authorities are already jabbing people in their 40s.
Which are those then - are you sure they are not people in Group 6 i.e. those with underlying health conditions ?
I think, but can't confirm, if those on the waiting list don't turn up, they will try to contact anyone lower down on the list to turn up so as not to waste a jab. Also, as alluded to, out of that list they would no doubt prioritise those with conditions.
Getting to see some kind of time-line for the UK; they want all over 50's to be vaxxed by April 15, leaving three weeks for it to kick in, therefore by the start of May conditions should be right to re-start indoor fun again. Hopefully outside fun will have re-started much earlier.

As for air corridors...who knows?
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