☣ Coronavirus ☣

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What about the health of the wider community? (I'm sure you said, in your world, masks are optional.)
I don't feel responsible for the health of other people. I'm responsible for my health and you are responsible for yours. This was common sense until the mass emotional blackmailing began: "we are in this together" I will keep a distance from people if they want me to. Lots of people just wanna shake your hand and cuddle to feel human again. Masks are definitely optional for me and not something I'm getting used to. I'm not wearing them where I dont have to.

Once you let go of the fear and don't let anyone talk you into a guilt feeling, you will feel much better.
has this thread broken any world records yet?

ElRow's persistence is remarkable.. I used to flog dead horses arguing about deep house or whatever but this is next level
You know why? Cause I feel this view needs to be heard.
And you all would be surprised if you saw my DM. Lots of people feel the same away, but need their energy elsewhere or are tired of the pro-lockdown mob here.
another gold medal for you for finding the best alternative facts written by the world's most reliable and renowned people.
Looked the guy up...he doesn't seem to do that bad in journalism.
And right wing people are not popular here I get it...but it's kinda logical the critical sound comes from the misfits, cause it's way more comfortable for the mass to just go with the crowd.
So you don't think people should have to wear a mask to the supermarket?View attachment 11454
If.. A. The mask would be a proven way to protect me and others from getting infected with B. a deadly virus ...then yes I think we should wear them forever.

However, their is little evidence the masks work. Even if they work, the added value is very small. Also, Coronavirus is not a deadly virus for 99% of the people. It's that 1% that we should protect, so let's do the groceries for them. And luckily the vaccin is here, so they can take that too.

So in general, no I don't think people should wear masks in a supermarket and I hope it's a sight that we get rid of asap. The headlight comparisation goes lost because of what I said above.
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Looked the guy up...he doesn't seem to do that bad in journalism.
And right wing people are not popular here I get it...but it's kinda logical the critical sound comes from the misfits, cause it's way more comfortable for the mass to just go with the crowd.
Or the mass are right. One of the two
Or the mass are right. One of the two
Or the mass was trapped in a mass tunnel vision event. History will tell.

I can only speak for the Netherlands...but the mass is changing direction. Including the non-controversial journalists, columnists, newspapers, talkshows, even left-wing politicians are now questioning if this was all the right choice and if we should continue on this path.
Healthy development.
Looked the guy up...he doesn't seem to do that bad in journalism

Apart from recently being pulled up by the press watchdog 😂

I’ve never known someone to constantly be so wrong and still continue posting bollocks 😂
So two misleading aspects about Herd Immunity? Wow.....this has just convinced me that all journalism work this guy has done is now worthless.
Curious on how many misleading aspect our governments are creating their measures on for over a year now.

Like I said previously, it doesn't matter what I post, whatever source material comes with it...the narrative here is that you have to be pro-lockdown, pro masks, pro measures, pro social distancing and believe everything your government tells you. You should be afraid and you should take responsibility.

If I post articles from Dutch ICU bosses....they must be crazy too or probably run a hospital in small dead town.
A scientific research in 10 countries on why lockdowns have no added value? Ignore it and attack him on choice of words.
Award winning documentary on Sweden approach? No one's watching and just keep saying Sweden has done a bad job.
Anti-lockdown article? Right-wing bastard who is not worthy to listen to.

A small group of people here aside, most of you are just stuck in that narrative and are not willing to take a look at the other side of the story.
I've accepted that. I don't feel offended.
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And right wing people are not popular here I get it...but it's kinda logical the critical sound comes from the misfits, cause it's way more comfortable for the mass to just go with the crowd.

Right wing views shouldn’t be popular anywhere. Look at history or even recent events / history and that will tell us the ‘right wing’ very rarely end up coming out of any situation well.
Or the mass was trapped in a mass tunnel vision event. History will tell.

I can only speak for the Netherlands...but the mass is changing direction. Including the non-controversial journalists, columnists, newspapers, talkshows, even left-wing politicians are now questioning if this was all the right choice and if we should continue on this path.
Healthy development.
It certainly will
So two misleading aspects about Herd Immunity? Wow.....this has just convinced me that all journalism work this guy has done is now worthless.
Curious on how many misleading aspect our governments are creating their measures on for over a year now.

Like I said previously, it doesn't matter what I post, whatever source material comes with it...the narrative here is that you have to be pro-lockdown, pro masks, pro measures, pro social distancing and believe everything your government tells you. You should be afraid and you should take responsibility.

If I post articles from Dutch ICU bosses....they must be crazy too or probably run a hospital in small dead town.
A scientific research in 10 countries on why lockdowns have no added value? Ignore it and attack him on choice of words.
Award winning documentary on Sweden approach? No one's watching and just keep saying Sweden has done a bad job.
Anti-lockdown article? Right-wing bastard who is not worthy to listen to.

A small group of people here aside, most of you are just stuck in that narrative and are not willing to take a look at the other side of the story.
I've accepted that. I don't feel offended.
Damn those mobs and their narratives
So two misleading aspects about Herd Immunity? Wow.....this has just convinced me that all journalism work this guy has done is now worthless.
And losing a government role because he ‘overstated’ (lied) about jobs he had on a CV.

And had to step down from multiple jobs / positions because of social media comments about women, homosexuals and other minorities. If this is the kind of person you align with then that says it all
By the way I don’t mind alternative views and have many close friends with their own that are different to mine on many subjects. My main objection is around passing things off as ‘fact’ or ‘credible’ to justify a point when they are not.
And losing a government role because he ‘overstated’ (lied) about jobs he had on a CV.

And had to step down from multiple jobs / positions because of social media comments about women, homosexuals and other minorities. If this is the kind of person you align with then that says it all
If posting an article from someone is the same as aligning with for you. Fine then. :)
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