☣ Coronavirus ☣

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There was some leaked info here...about talkshows and tv hosts getting influenced by the government to keep inviting virologists and keeping people scared. That was important to keep everyone abiding the rules. If you could understand dutch I could send you the audiofragment. There have also been journalist speaking openly about the fact they are being pushed by the government to keep sending the same message.
That's spreading fear, isn't it?

If people here don't like the word porn I will refrain from using it and just watch it.
"Leaked info" dear god man you get everything you post from Facebook don't you.

That embedded tweet is ridiculous too, this isn't a virus that we need to be wary of just because of kills people, it's also a virus that can permanently damage people, and one that doesn't have clear evidence of long term effects.
"Leaked info" dear god man you get everything you post from Facebook don't you.

That embedded tweet is ridiculous too, this isn't a virus that we need to be wary of just because of kills people, it's also a virus that can permanently damage people, and one that doesn't have clear evidence of long term effects.
The audio file is there and here it was out in the open here that the government tried to influence the media. They even paid some influencers to show up in talkshows and talk about how strongly they supported the measures. Try harder if you want to frame me in the conspiracy theorist corner...and pls spare me the 'long covid' story, the tweet I posted is an important example of people with a different view getting a stage on national television, BBC in this case. I've been seeing it on Dutch television lately too.

The media (and thus the government) have been trying to push this into the 'crazies' corner....but there's lot of smart people with a different take on all of this who are rejected a podium because "we have to keep the people scared".
Maybe the Dutch should stop messing around and start rolling out vaccines. Saw today they are the lowest in Europe for vaccines per 100k people or something
Fully agree.

Our government is in panic mode and just keeps laying measure over measure with no end plan. And indeed our vaccin program is a joke.
That's why the public support for the governmental approach has dropped under 50% right now. People are fed up with getting the blame.
I think they over egged it a little, but if they underplayed it, they'd get ripped to bits in a few weeks if the data confirms it.

Also the public don't seem to be able to do nuance, and so they tend to go with a blunt message to try and keep people compiling with the stay at home message.

Interesting that 20-30 group they think infections are still rising. Guess those who have to go to work to make ends meet.

The fundamental problem it takes time to gather the data in a big enough dataset to have much more confident predictions, but people want to know asap.
They should get you on there with your vast knowledge of virology, epidemiology and social psychology

So virus mutations always become more contagious and less severe? Interesting. You may be mistaken for what mutations generally do over an extended period of time but virology is obviously one of your specialities so I will defer

What's your opinion on Dr Yeadon? Used to be CSO for Pfizer. He's basically said all along Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty are lying. And PCR test is unreliable due to false positive. Today WHO have changed the criteria for a positive PCR test I think. There are other medical experts that have a different opinion to these two. They just don't get to stand next to Boris Johnson. Who before this pandemic was probably ridiculed on this forum. As I've said previously. Professor Neil Ferguson has been woefully wrong with his estimated numbers also.

Going a bit further. It seems on this forum. Anyone who may question the narrative of the government is actually being put down as stupid. A bit like the whole Brexit debate.

People are entitled to their opinions and views. They don't have to necessarily be an expert. They may just have a feeling things aren't quite adding up. For me, I feel every time we approach a period where we might expect a bit of positive news. There's something else they've come out with to extinguish any shread of optimism people might have.

Now I'm no Doctor. But not stupid either and don't believe this Government. Which is ironic as i shamefully voted for them...

I'm not denying the virus exists at all. Me and whole family have had it. However the cure has now become worse than the disease for a significant percentage of the population.

Just my uneducated opinion on things....
How does two scientific advisors explaining what they know in a public briefing constitute 'Fearporn'? What does that even mean anyway ? Is it a 'Sheeple' type phrase?

The study is way undercooked and definitely not ready to be shared on national tv. They even admit that they have no evidence of increased risk of hospitalization, which if the variant is more deadly, you would expect as well.

30-40% sounds like a big number, but we are dealing with very small numbers. Thankfully the one scientist used the example of 10 out of 1000 increasing to 13 out of 1000. Don’t even think that increase would be considered statistically significant.

The news headlines are running with it like it’s fact though. So yeah, fearporn it is.

They should have run with some of the reports starting to surface that shows this variant not being as transmissible as first thought.
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What's your opinion on Dr Yeadon? Used to be CSO for Pfizer. He's basically said all along Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty are lying. And PCR test is unreliable due to false positive. Today WHO have changed the criteria for a positive PCR test I think. There are other medical experts that have a different opinion to these two. They just don't get to stand next to Boris Johnson. Who before this pandemic was probably ridiculed on this forum. As I've said previously. Professor Neil Ferguson has been woefully wrong with his estimated numbers also.

Going a bit further. It seems on this forum. Anyone who may question the narrative of the government is actually being put down as stupid. A bit like the whole Brexit debate.

People are entitled to their opinions and views. They don't have to necessarily be an expert. They may just have a feeling things aren't quite adding up. For me, I feel every time we approach a period where we might expect a bit of positive news. There's something else they've come out with to extinguish any shread of optimism people might have.

Now I'm no Doctor. But not stupid either and don't believe this Government. Which is ironic as i shamefully voted for them...

I'm not denying the virus exists at all. Me and whole family have had it. However the cure has now become worse than the disease for a significant percentage of the population.

Just my uneducated opinion on things....
Yeadon is as discredited as elrow
Lots and lots of credible people and publications.

The bloke is a crank and massively conflicted. Here’s a start. But pick any month and you will find different discredited claim from him.

And PCR test is unreliable due to false positive. Today WHO have changed the criteria for a positive PCR test I think.
True. They reduced the cycles. There's so much info to be found about his. However I've stopped posting links, because everyone will come up with contra-articles that fit the narrative or everything I post about this is framed in the crazy corner. It's still surprising to me for an Ibiza forum, where you'd think open minded people would come together and looking at something from different angles should be the greatest good here.
What's your opinion on Dr Yeadon? Used to be CSO for Pfizer. He's basically said all along Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty are lying. And PCR test is unreliable due to false positive. Today WHO have changed the criteria for a positive PCR test I think. There are other medical experts that have a different opinion to these two. They just don't get to stand next to Boris Johnson. Who before this pandemic was probably ridiculed on this forum. As I've said previously. Professor Neil Ferguson has been woefully wrong with his estimated numbers also.

Going a bit further. It seems on this forum. Anyone who may question the narrative of the government is actually being put down as stupid. A bit like the whole Brexit debate.

People are entitled to their opinions and views. They don't have to necessarily be an expert. They may just have a feeling things aren't quite adding up. For me, I feel every time we approach a period where we might expect a bit of positive news. There's something else they've come out with to extinguish any shread of optimism people might have.

Now I'm no Doctor. But not stupid either and don't believe this Government. Which is ironic as i shamefully voted for them...

I'm not denying the virus exists at all. Me and whole family have had it. However the cure has now become worse than the disease for a significant percentage of the population.

Just my uneducated opinion on things....

Pretty much my thoughts entirely on everything you just said. I also voted for this shower of shit and I don’t trust them 1 bit anymore
Pretty much my thoughts entirely on everything you just said. I also voted for this shower of shit and I don’t trust them 1 bit anymore
in which case you need to read the articles above and education yourself too.

Has this forum been invaded by Russian bots or has it just started to attract a lot of people that are trying to find any evidence whatsoever to back up their preconceived view that lockdowns shouldn’t happen, regardless of who wrote it?This thread used to be informative but it’s becoming utterly ridiculous and difficult to justify contributing to anymore.
Lots and lots of credible people and publications.

The bloke is a crank and massively conflicted. Here’s a start. But pick any month and you will find different discredited claim from him.

I didn’t say they were. I’m challenging the statements you make that somehow Yeadon is credible, when he isn’t.
Didn’t he say kids under 11 can’t carry / transmit the disease ? Where’s the evidence supporting that ?

I asked someone's opinion on him as he is one of the most vocal against the Whitty and Vallance and it would appear that what these two say is gospel on this forum. Even though they repeated Professor Neil Ferguson's figure of 4000 deaths a day. Which was put under immediate scrutiny. So if they're wrong with that. Why not other data?

Also I could throw it back that Yeadon is a Qualified expert and unless people here are more qualified than he is?

Anyone else been CSO of Pfizer?

Boris who is now trusted as a beacon of truth has said schools are safe?
in which case you need to read the articles above and education yourself too.

Has this forum been invaded by Russian bots as was mentioned last night, or has it just started to attract a lot of people that are trying to find any evidence whatsoever to back up their preconceived view that lockdowns shouldn’t happen, regardless of who wrote it?This thread used to be informative but it’s becoming utterly ridiculous and difficult to justify contributing to anymore.
As soon as different opinions or criticism grows....it's not informative anymore and becoming ridiculous.
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