☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Considering how draconian lockdown restrictions were on the islands in March I'm surprised the authorities haven't acted on the current infection numbers / rate per 100,000. Ibiza is currently double the rate my area in UK is right now ...

I think some places have learned to live with a greater tolerance for spikes in covid cases... here the numbers that we have today dwarf the those proceeding the mini-lockdown we had in April/May too, but now we have far fewer restrictions and are still allowing tourism. ?‍♂️
folk have different levels as to what offends them from a building brick to a snowflake! You can block people ifyou don’t like their views!

I personally find it very interesting reading differing options on various matters! It often open my eyes to views that are not my own and helps me better understand the other side of a given argument!
If getting personal and abusive is left out I’m all for hearing what someone has to say.
How dare you read different views!

?. I just get triggered when they are based on "alternate facts". #wakeUpSheeple! ?
I notice the figures for Spain as a whole have shot up again.

of course. christmas, new years and 'reyes' (6th january, when the 3 kings bring presents)...boom. I'd said it before, I think the next few months will still be very complicated before it then hopefully gets better in springtime. in mallorca they have just decided to completely close hospitality and malls, I guess it might come here too. some areas of the mainland also look very bad again.
1325 deaths reported today ?

I know there is reporting lag and not same as day of actual death, but the direction of travel is worrying. Esp if deaths got another week or so before peaking. (Never mind if NHS in places collapses under the demands on it).

Jesus. And back in Sept we was hoping it wouldn't be too bad ?
That must be the highest since the start in March. Not good.
Yup, previous was 1200 ish.

Lack of staff and them been stretched is probably a factor. Esp considering they have drugs to help reduce death rates and better understanding of the disease.

f*** sake boris. Don't dither and give the support London mayor is asking for. He's declared a major emergency.
I listened to an ICU doctor on the radio last week and he said the Date that him and all his work mate are dreading was around the 10th onwards as numbers go big from then- The lag from NY
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