☣ Coronavirus ☣

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I can explain a lot about why I dont believe the full / extreme lockdowns don't work in our society, but no one is interested anyway so I'll refrain from that. Only talking about the Netherlands now...but what upsets me even more than the Lockdowns itself is the ever-changing indicator or gauge used for them.
  • At first it was about the death toll (feb/march)
  • Then it was about ICU beds (April / may)
  • After summer it was about hospitalizations as whole, relief the pressure on healthcare (September/October)
  • This winter the politicians shifted that again, lockdown-light because of rising positive PCR tests (November / December)
  • Last few days it's becoming clear it is changing again, it will now be all about how much people in the country are vaccinated
The first three of those are completely intertwined. They all are really? Not sure what your point is?

Since March the goal here has been not collapsing the acute healthcare system, that will be the same everywhere I presume. Sadly we are now at breaking point, most likely because of increased transmission from a mutation and winter behaviour combined with usual winter pressures

Regardless lockdown is the only answer here, now, there is no arguement about that. Longer term can be argued but the overwhelming belief is vaccine and continued but reducing social distancing.
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I can explain a lot about why I dont believe the full / extreme lockdowns don't work in our society, but no one is interested anyway so I'll refrain from that. Only talking about the Netherlands now...but what upsets me even more than the Lockdowns itself is the ever-changing indicator or gauge used for them.
  • At first it was about the death toll (feb/march)
  • Then it was about ICU beds (April / may)
  • After summer it was about hospitalizations as whole, relief the pressure on healthcare (September/October)
  • This winter the politicians shifted that again, lockdown-light because of rising positive PCR tests (November / December)
  • Last few days it's becoming clear it is changing again, it will now be all about how much people in the country are vaccinated

It's almost like this novel virus is a new thing and responses to it are changing as we learn more, isn't it?

Admittedly, here in the UK our Government's performance has been woeful, but given the broad consensus of scientific opinion, opposed by frequent and vociferous views from a handful of contrarian scientists amplified by social media led conspiracy theorists, caution is the only sensible option
And I know you and your co-workers are working their asses of. Deserves all my respect.

I'm just really opposed to the lockdowns, like I've been saying for months here... I know it does not make me a popular forum member, but that's fine. There's one thing we can all agree on though, the situation is still f*cked up and I hope things get better soon for everyone.
I do believe that in the summer everything should have been thrown at track and
trace when numbers were low. We could have potentially created an alternative to lockdown. Instead we had Eat Out to Help Out here ?
Vax certificate??
I'm not aware of this, I don't think you will get a certificate after your 2nd dose and I don't think nhs GPs will like getting lots of requests from patients for their vaccination history just so they can fly abroad.
Although as a patient your entitled to your own notes/history but it's not going to be top of the GPs priority list
Vax certificate??
I'm not aware of this, I don't think you will get a certificate after your 2nd dose and I don't think nhs GPs will like getting lots of requests from patients for their vaccination history just so they can fly abroad.
Although as a patient your entitled to your own notes/history but it's not going to be top of the GPs priority list
I've seen them, it's a card with your details on and a sticker with the date/type of first vax. Whether or not that was form an individual surgery or is nationwide I can't confirm; however the vax will be on your NHS record and a doctor (for a fee) can always write a letter confirming the jab. A certificate would be fare less time-consuming than folks mithering the surgery for paperwork!
Vax certificate??
I'm not aware of this, I don't think you will get a certificate after your 2nd dose and I don't think nhs GPs will like getting lots of requests from patients for their vaccination history just so they can fly abroad.
Although as a patient your entitled to your own notes/history but it's not going to be top of the GPs priority list
Correct, no such thing at present. Think I mentioned before that it is theoretically possible to link it to other ID documents, but would be a HUGE data undertaking. As such, I think tests to travel will be a thing for a long time yet
I've got a card, not sure who will accept it?
I will, come and have a beer!! This will eb the thing, people havign the vax and still nowhere to go. Places should start to open - yes there will eb apartheid if they only accept vaxxed people, but we have to start somewhere - and it might be a kick to those who don't want one to get one.
Is that the one that you get for your second appointment details? Looks pretty easily forged if so, wouldn't imagine someone like passport control accepting it!

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You get an official sticker with the details on where the name/batch number is, so it's not written. Yes, I agree it's pretty basic, but better than nothing. It looks the same as my railcard - no photo, nothing!!
Considering how draconian lockdown restrictions were on the islands in March I'm surprised the authorities haven't acted on the current infection numbers / rate per 100,000. Ibiza is currently double the rate my area in UK is right now ...
You get an official sticker with the details on where the name/batch number is, so it's not written. Yes, I agree it's pretty basic, but better than nothing. It looks the same as my railcard - no photo, nothing!!

My Yellow Fever vaccination card doesn't have any photo on it either, and nothing more than what's on that NHS card basically. It's an Internationally recognized standardized format though, like an International Driving Licence. Can't see an internationally acceptable cross-border form of vaccination certificate for Covid coming on stream inside 2 years.
My Yellow Fever vaccination card doesn't have any photo on it either, and nothing more than what's on that NHS card basically. It's an Internationally recognized standardized format though, like an International Driving Licence. Can't see an internationally acceptable cross-border form of vaccination certificate for Covid coming on stream inside 2 years.
If they did, then those with the card effort would require a "better" one. Also, will insurance companies be demanding proof that you've had the jab?
Has anything posted recently been offensive or false? All I've seen is an anti-lockdown opinion which I feel people are well within their rights to hold given the untold socio-economic damage they cause. No evidence they work?...maybe. Nobody likes them...yes. Is it all we have in the UK at the moment?...probably. All valid points.

Not talking about anyone on here, but nowadays society's inability to see anything other than black or white is sad. It's always I'm right and you're wrong and that's that. And the anger felt between the left and right, it's so divisive. I feel like it started with Brexit, US politics, then the general election last year where I felt so under-represented, then more Brexit, and it's gone on throughout the pandemic when nobody knew what was right or wrong from the start.

Anyway on the bright side i'm going to celebrate turning 30 next month by booking Ibiza the first week in October. And my grandma has her 2nd vaccine dose this weekend and she's 81 in 3 weeks so I can give her a birthday hug!

folk have different levels as to what offends them from a building brick to a snowflake! You can block people ifyou don’t like their views!

I personally find it very interesting reading differing options on various matters! It often open my eyes to views that are not my own and helps me better understand the other side of a given argument!
If getting personal and abusive is left out I’m all for hearing what someone has to say.
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