☣ Coronavirus ☣

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My sons last day of nursery/pre school tomorrow and its incredible it will be his last interaction with anybody else other than his Mum and Dad for months potentially.

Wont get to play or interact with another child for a long time, wont see his Grandparents other than through a screen for god knows how long.

Its truly mental what is going on and hard to comprehend the level of stress its creating for all.

Have to take a day at a time and hope we all find some normality and develop systems and new routines for how we cope.

I've never had such a stressful day in work as I did yesterday, felt like it was coming from every angle. Can understand now why the UK government has changed things day by day rather than big bang all be it they were over all too slow.

I keep thinking the first session out with friends is going to be amazing :lol:
All the govt have dragged their feet for some reason that's why Italy and Spain cases are so high

Seems like their lockdown for old people only hasn't worked and trying to make people immune to it hasn't worked so now it's going to be lock down for every one
When the panic is over we'll still have the same resources and pretty much the same number of people - just depends how fair we want to be to those whose income has taken a hit. The money bit can be sorted out; those that die can't be brought back to life. People don't need to be broke or forced out of a house or a job. If that happens, it's because as a society, we've let it happen.

Its not that easy on the jobs front.

Many businesses that close will not reopen, it will take years to get employment levels back. You need demand to stimulate the need of business formation, but if you have high unemployment levels, there is no demand. It takes time (years). The last financial crisis we had in 2008/9 was global, but fairly limited to the bank and real estate sectors. It took 3-4 years in most places. Some places, even in the EU (Greece) never really recovered.

If you expect the government to foot the bill (even if just for food and shelter) you will need to expect the funds to come from someplace. It costs for materials, energy and labor to grow food. If we just decide to monetize (print money), then you will enter an inflation spiral. Plenty of examples out there...

Sorry to be so dark, but there are no 'easy outs' in this scenario.
Its not that easy on the jobs front.

Many businesses that close will not reopen, it will take years to get employment levels back. You need demand to stimulate the need of business formation, but if you have high unemployment levels, there is no demand. It takes time (years). The last financial crisis we had in 2008/9 was global, but fairly limited to the bank and real estate sectors. It took 3-4 years in most places. Some places, even in the EU (Greece) never really recovered.

If you expect the government to foot the bill (even if just for food and shelter) you will need to expect the funds to come from someplace. It costs for materials, energy and labor to grow food. If we just decide to monetize (print money), then you will enter an inflation spiral. Plenty of examples out there...

Sorry to be so dark, but there are no 'easy outs' in this scenario.

Greece is not the best example. They borrowed way too much. Debt to Gdp is around 180%.
Many countries are putting up funds for small/medium companies.
Massive help for the economy
A priority is to ensure that employees continue to receive their wages. The government is making available a CHF10 billion ($10.6 billion) aid package aimed at helping companies survive the economic downturn caused by coronavirus.

Most of the money (CHF8 billion) is earmarked to fund the imposition of short-time work at firms while other tranches have been set aside for hardship loans and to support specific sectors such as event management.

This is all short-term help, which is fine for a natural disaster in a specific region. Its a tall order for an undisclosed amount of time. Extended acts like this nationally is how economies can end up with debts at 180% of GDP.

@Moha I hope you are right. I just feel we are in a situation where we are given a hammer and must decide which testicle is our favorite.
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